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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Maryland and Rutgers to join the B1G?

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they'll have to redo the logos...and for a conference that is high on academics, Big 10 looks stupid when there's 14 teams in the conference.
I wonder if this will speed up our "Full Compensation" package in the B1G. Right now we are on a graduated scale correct?

I'm finding this development to be unbelievably quick. Usually these realignments have been leaked out months in advance. Just amazing. I'm still a little bit in shock. Maryland!? Then likely Rutgers!?

I'm finding this development to be unbelievably quick. Usually these realignments have been leaked out months in advance. Just amazing. I'm still a little bit in shock. Maryland!? Then likely Rutgers!?

Great point. Makes you wonder if any other schools are already involved in talks.
I'm finding this development to be unbelievably quick. Usually these realignments have been leaked out months in advance. Just amazing. I'm still a little bit in shock. Maryland!? Then likely Rutgers!?

I'm a bit shocked by Rutgers but not Maryland. I thought back when Nebraska joined the conference that Maryland might get an invitation in order to create an eastern division and reduce travel costs for Penn State. As somebody who lives just outside DC I am very happy about this move. I'll be at every football game in College Park. Given the amount of "support" Maryland football currently gets from their own fans I have no doubt that every game in College Park will look more like a Husker home game than the invasion of Evanston did a few weeks ago.
Great point. Makes you wonder if any other schools are already involved in talks.


Delaney doesn't strike me as the type of guy to go to 14 just to keep up with the SEC. If the Big Ten is going to 16 eventually, which I think it is, he seems like a guy who will go there in one dramatic stroke. Just speculating, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised to see four schools coming in.
I gotta tell you, I like the Northeast expansion.

I said it before, a conference will ALWAYS be relevant if the East Coast media is involved. And last I checked, the East Coast isn't going anywhere.

Two years ago who would have thought that Maryland would have been in the B1G before Missouri?

Or that Nebraska would be in the same conference as Rutgers.

It's topsy turvy, I tell ya! Did the Mayans know about this too!!!!!
I'm a bit shocked by Rutgers but not Maryland. I thought back when Nebraska joined the conference that Maryland might get an invitation in order to create an eastern division and reduce travel costs for Penn State. As somebody who lives just outside DC I am very happy about this move. I'll be at every football game in College Park. Given the amount of "support" Maryland football currently gets from their own fans I have no doubt that every game in College Park will look more like a Husker home game than the invasion of Evanston did a few weeks ago.

Rutgers is the New Jersey state university, I believe.

I like both adds, I think, provided the Big Ten does the divisions and scheduling correctly. They did well with the divisions this last time, in my opinion. Well, except for the division names.

Road games in the outskirts of DC and NYC will be off the charts.

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