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Gebbia did not attend Practice this morning.

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Did Gebbia play most of last season at Safety? Thats really the only way the situations will be exactly the same. As I have said. Numerous times. They are not.
Literally no one has said they are exactly the same. Your argument started off on a faulty premise and instead of admitting to your mistake, you tried shifting the goalposts.

No two situations are identical. Frost left on a Tuesday and Gebbia left on a Monday...TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

I honestly don't think TG is going to the league if that's what this is all about. If he's trying to salvage his college career...great, but this seems far from a business decision. It smacks of an emotional reaction (maybe the writer was spot on when he said he took it hard). I hope he has success (I guess) but in reality he put this team in a bad spot. But hey, its not his team anyway right? Because he's not the starter right?
You do realize that Scott Frost started at QB the final two games of the 1994 season, right? He was moved to safety earlier in the season temporarily to get his athleticism on the field, just as Crouch was used as a WR but ultimately was a QB.
You do realize that Scott Frost left at the end of the season, not 5 days before the start of a new season, right?

Guys give him a minute to breathe. He has got to be hugely disappointed. Let it play out.

I couldn't agree more. The QB announcement was a significant personal disappointment & reminds me of a personal disappointment coming out of HS ... fortunately, my fall back plan to attend NU worked out pretty well.

I wish him the best in whatever he decides, but lamenting his 'initial' response is selfish on my part knowing we had QB depth that really was 1 & 1A in abilities.


Then he should have left already. At least keep your mouth shut and don’t say how much you love it here and wouldn’t quit on your teammates. It’s weak. He’s one play away from being the guy. One. Such a damn coddled society we live in.
This is a load of b.s. QB's transfer all the time. Frost did. Many do. Gebbia wasn't looking to be coddled. If he wanted the easy path he could have quit in May and started somewhere fresh in August. Instead he CHOSE the more difficult path...beating out the coach's "chosen one". He didn't ask for anything to be given to him as far as any of us know. All we know is what we've been told by teammates and Frost...that he's a "great kid". Why do you think Frost is a liar?

How does Gebbia leaving in May help the Nebraska football team in 2018? Martinez is handed the job instead of earning it (not good) and Bunch is the back up either way (not good). So really...helping Martinez become a better QB, if only a little, helped NU more than leaving would. So you should thank him.
This is disappointing to hear, though I’m sure he’s heavily disappointed too, especially after he worked so hard the past 8 months. Can’t blame him for wanting to go somewhere else for a chance to be #1 either.

Also... TG is what, 20? Maybe this is a knee-jerk reaction, and the coaches can convince him to stay. Otherwise, if (please say no) AM gets injured, we’re in some trouble.
This is disappointing to hear, though I’m sure he’s heavily disappointed too, especially after he worked so hard the past 8 months. Can’t blame him for wanting to go somewhere else for a chance to be #1 either.

Also... TG is what, 20? Maybe this is a knee-jerk reaction, and the coaches can convince him to stay. Otherwise, if (please say no) AM gets injured, we’re in some trouble.
He's already withdrawn from classes. I suppose he could re-enroll???

I honestly don't think TG is going to the league if that's what this is all about. If he's trying to salvage his college career...great, but this seems far from a business decision. It smacks of an emotional reaction (maybe the writer was spot on when he said he took it hard). I hope he has success (I guess) but in reality he put this team in a bad spot. But hey, its not his team anyway right? Because he's not the starter right?
Do you have a crystal ball? Gebbia was recruited by Bama, Miami, Louisville and others. He damn near beat out the "chosen one" at NU in an offense that isn't even his strong suit. He believes in his abilities as do a BUNCH of people who make millions judging said abilities. So yeah...he thinks he has a shot at the NFL. Even if he doesn't what does that matter. He has 4 years left in his life to play football. Why wouldn't he try to get on the field somewhere? He'd be an iditio not to.
Literally no one has said they are exactly the same. Your argument started off on a faulty premise and instead of admitting to your mistake, you tried shifting the goalposts.

No two situations are identical. Frost left on a Tuesday and Gebbia left on a Monday...TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

Its funny you chose to go on this long in reply to my initial comment that the situations are not exactly the same then. I'm glad you finally came around.

Literally no one has said they are exactly the same. Your argument started off on a faulty premise and instead of admitting to your mistake, you tried shifting the goalposts.

No two situations are identical. Frost left on a Tuesday and Gebbia left on a Monday...TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

Its funny you chose to go on this long in reply to my initial comment that the situations are not exactly the same then. I'm glad you finally came around.

Frost left for the opportunity to play his position of choice. Again, a little different.

I’m not knocking Gebbia for leaving, just pointing out that the comparisons to Frost leaving Stanford are a stretch at best.
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