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Frost to Iowa!

There are probably 100 plus threads on this subject. None of the threads solved for this.
If I was Trev, I'd want to see what my coach has got. Bring in a qualified OC, the right talent, and then HC a winner.
Seeing the difference MJ and BB did vs SF was evident, and it should have been better under SF than under MJ and BB, all due respect intended, none of them had the experience SF had and their respective positions, or Chins to a point.
That was the path taken, SF failed the test, well due, workable with the fan base and seen as fair.
If SF had worked out, he could then later direct his offense as seen fit, as I don't believe his OC cred was ever in question, though he was allowed full time to be a HC

So if Frost is such a OC prize, why did he give up play calling duties and hire a WCO coordinator his last season at NU?

As I've heard it described, Alberts discussed with him the importance of being more of a complete head coach and not focusing on the coordinator duties and how that related to the failures of Frost's first teams in Lincoln.
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As I've heard it described, Alberts discussed with him the importance of being more of a complete head coach and not focusing on the coordinator duties and how that related to the failures of Frost's first teams in Lincoln.

So that's why he junked his entire offensive philosophy for the WCO?
So that's why he junked his entire offensive philosophy for the WCO?

I'm not defending his choice and that wasn't really the question. His high water mark was 5 wins his second year in Lincoln. Something had to change.

If he's going to step down as OC, if I'm him I'm hiring someone who shares the Oregon mindset. He didn't do that, the offense struggled early and it got him fired. It struggled even more with just Whipple driving the bus, but that's another conversation.
So that's why he junked his entire offensive philosophy for the WCO?
He was given a close proximity of pass heavy to balanced offense. He was then to oversee it. A new coach often will switch out coordinators for various reasons.
SF brought his guys with him, little chance of improving after several OC hires himself.
They kept Chins too, a likely mistake, no complimentary football there.
But likely wholesale changes not happening were kept for for many reasons.
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So that's why he junked his entire offensive philosophy for the WCO?
No, that's not what was said. What was said is that SF was counseled by TA that he was too focused on a small portion of the coaching job (OC) and needed to learn to be a head coach, which is a different skill set. So, he hired someone they thought could step in and take over OC without missing a beat so Scott could focus on the HC job.

I'm not sure where the claim comes from that Whipple scrapped the offense and converted it to the WCO offense while here at Nebraska. That certainly wasn't SF's intention, nor did it occur, though there was apparently some disagreement as the season went on between SF and Whipple about play calling strategy.

Back to some semblance of the thread topic, there is a difference between the skill set of an OC and one of a HC. SF has shown the ability to succeed as a play caller in multiple programs. So, it wouldn't be farfetched to believe that he would be sought after for that skill set. Having said that, given his family situation, I wonder how realistic it is that he would move his family to Iowa. I'm not believing the story for one minute, any more than I believed Jeff Simms was committing to Miami before he even entered the portal.


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