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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Farniok is N/ Update: Video Farniok talks about his recruiment and commitment to NU

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Sioux Falls Washington Alumni :

- Nathan Gerry
- Matt Farniok
- Me (1972 grad)

:hooray: :hooray: :hooray:
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Still so excited about last night's BIG news in the Rushmore State I'm gonna walk into work like... <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BigRedFam16?src=hash">#BigRedFam16</a> <a href="https://t.co/c1E4DAk3MY">pic.twitter.com/c1E4DAk3MY</a></p>&mdash; Andy Vaughn - Juice (@Andy_Vaughn) <a href="https://twitter.com/Andy_Vaughn/status/692689177607929856">January 28, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Well that news beats the hell out of a stiff cup of coffee on this fine morning. :N::bow:

I just knew it in my heart and had followed his recruitment so close and everything pointed to Lincoln. Hell 9 visits in the past year or so.

EXACTLY! I made a comment in another thread about that and how if he did NOT pick NU, it would be like drooling for a long time over a pickup but once you had the $$, you bought the sedan next to it and how mind boggling that would be! I mean, he basically was in Lincoln so much, he will probably get sent W-2's and be expected to pay Nebraska income tax!! hahahahaha:Biggrin::Biggrin:
What makes this recruiting effort so amazing is that it comes on the heels of a 6-7 season. Iowa coming off their BEST season in their history. They were ranked 4th in the nation at one point. Michigan is on the rise with a wired but incredibly successful coaching record. This staff has been together less than one year. Nebraska has not been a top 25 school in years and a top 10 school in more than a decade.
They have proven over the last four games they can coach ( easily could have tanked after a 3-6 start ) and now are proving they are great recruiters. They have bought into the outstanding tradition and more importantly they've embraced the outstanding Nebraska fan base. The people living in Nebraska and their friendly and fantastic passion for their team certainly deserve a good deal of credit for this class and the coaches as well for embracing them.

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