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Eichorst Gone

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Just first reactions.

Alberts. Hell no.
Hocutt...interesting...not a husker so won't be accepted. Out.
del Conte...see hocutt
Parker...no. I will concede that if he's not Rimmington that he needs to have a P5 pedigree.

You are being unfair to Trev. There had to be a monetary reason he had to cancel the wrestling program. Now, I feel bad about that, but there had to be a legitimate reason. After all, he has a job to do, no matter what he felt about wrestling, or anything else.
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I've never seen a shred of evidence that Eichorst did not act like a professional in how he went about his job. He made a number of mistakes, and making this change was probably for the best, but Eichorst is by all accounts a class act and a gentleman. As evidenced by his gracious statement after being fired today -- pretty much the opposite of how Bo behaved when he was fired.

In any event, even if you were right, and Eichorst behaved inappropriately (again, no evidence to support this accusation), that does not support or justify Bo's inappropriate, childish, disgusting behavior on his way out the door. It's always better to take the high road.

I take solace from the fact that Bo's attempt at sabotaging the program on his way out the door also sabotaged his own career.
Nice post Chi. :thumbsup:
I don't usually do this but, what the hell: LOL

Look at the history and compare Nebraska way to other ways and tell me what you find.

BD, TO, FS, BP and assistants. They get it. They knew/know how to win.

Why are we embarrassed to be unique???

Last I checked BD was not a Nebraska guy and Bo was DC for one year. Are you trying to say that an AD at a winning program should be passed over for "Nebraska guy" with lesser qualifications? WTH indeed.

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He has a strong record at TCU with transitioning to conferences and making big hires. He's also overseen a large renovation of Amon Carter Stadium and has significantly increased the revenue of the athletic department.

Other then that?

If cm husker doesn't want Chris Del Conte, then that is good enough for me. Chris del Conte for UNL AD!!!

That 2010 team was not "beat anyone in the country" talent - at least not on a consistent basis. I agree they could have pulled upsets.

I disagree that recruiting dropped in an appreciable way from the running historic average.

Did the 2010 team always play up to the level of their talent? No. But we had the talent to beat anyone in my opinion. And we were close to winning all our games that year.

My main point is... We SHOULD HAVE won all our games that year. I can't really say that for any season since then. There's always a game or two where we don't have the athletes to compete with the other team (like Ohio State last year).
It's a known fact that eich was a stoolie for Perlman and was brought in for one purpose. To take out TO'd HC pick. He did that and along they way acted with no true integrity or genuineness.
Oh good god man, just stop. As Chi said, quite nicely in fact, SE was professional from day one, until today, so please, just stop.
Now that I can type on something other than my phone.

I hate hate hate hate the natural distrust, dislike and skepticism that greats any "outsider" when it comes to NU. People can claim until they are blue in the face that "it's not that" but with many it IS that. Eichorst wasn't ever given a chance by many because a) Perlman hired him and b) he wasn't hired by TO. And then to fire TO's boy...that was the eternal end of it for many.

Was he perfect? Nope. He sure as heck doesn't seem like a guy I want to have a beer with....not that that matters. I've done that with a few on here that I agree on NOTHING with. :) (Right HIO?) Hell, he dropped the basketball COMPLETELY in keeping Miles around (Bad bad hire by TO but nobody says BOO about that). Is he a douche? I have no idea. But, save for Alberts, I'll give any AD the benefit of the doubt just as I will with any coach.

At the end of the day I don't give a hoot about SE as the AD. One thing matters at NU and that's football and football isn't going well right now. BUT I think this move at THIS time is seriously flawed unless they already have their AD and HC lined up. I keep hearing that Riley has a chance. Yeah...if he goes 8-1. That's not happening. I do believe this cuts him off at the knees but IF they already have their man then fine....let's get rid of him now too. The phrase "dead man walking" has been used already and it's going to get used again. That is exactly what he is and it kinda pisses me off that many of you never gave him a chance either but whatever. 8-4 only makes it really difficult to cap him. 7-5 or worse and you have to fire him. You do NOT fire the AD over football and NOT expect him to axe the HC. That's just not realistic. And make no mistake...this IS about football. If NU beats NIU Eichorst isn't fired today.

Kyle Bolin, qb for Rutgers, seems to believe they have a definite chance against Nebraska on Saturday.

Here are the reasons:

We have a chip on our shoulder.
Being overlooked.
Great, great players on both sides.
We will be very dangerous.

That's it! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!:Taunt:

Great breakdown on how to defeat us, Kyle! :Hooray:

We have no room to talk.

Rutgers may very well come in here and get their first conference road win in years.
Riley PC . . .

- Jaimes will start at RT
- Decker has been going all week at C . . . Conrad fighting a knee/ankle
- Bryant out
- Morgan hasn't been practicing . . . neck issues, but may play.
My take:

I am not necessarily against firing Eichorst. But ... I do have some major concerns with firing him today. September 21. With the entire conference schedule ahead of us.

Because it's very reasonable to assume, Riley is now a lame duck head coach. In September. With all of our realistic goals still ahead of us. Or at least they were. But what's really the motivation for the players now? You can't tell me the players haven't discussed the very real possibility they are now playing for a lame duck head coach.

I could easily see this entire season go down the tubes now. Obviously, the recruiting class is going to suffer. But I'm most concerned with the current players. A team that was on fragile ground before today is going to have a huge challenge not mentally collapsing from this point forward. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the 2017 season is done. In September. Especially a shame for the seniors. Heck, even as a fan, I was still looking forward to seeing how this season played out. Not so much any longer.

Why fire Eichorst today? Was there something else going on that we don't know about? Or at least I don't know about? It darn well better be worth sacrificing this season for the future of this program.

Again, I'm not going to cry over Eichorst being gone. But I am truly questioning the date of firing.
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