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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Barfknechtl: Ok to fire a 9 win coach

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Lady: It's so fun to be out on a date with you, my last husband was such a loser.
Date: Really? Did he hit you?
Lady: No.
Date: Cheat on you?
Lady: No. That's not it. It's just....he didn't make enough money. I know this makes me sound like a bad person, but...
Date: Oh no, I understand. Financial problems can ruin a marriage. Did he lose his job?
Lady: It's not that, he worked. But...he only only made $250,000 a year.
Date: Uhh....


I am sure this has been brought up but the Solich/Pelini comparrison is so different as far as national perception at this point. Tape gate is the biggest difference. When that came out, many around the country thought Bo's days were numbered. I think most people including other coaches see this relationship as strained for more reasons that 9 wins not being good enough. I think S.E could sell plenty of coaches on why it was necessary to move on from a coach with a 9 win record. The other thing alot of people discount is the amount of "EGO" most coaches have. There are plenty of coaches that thrive on fan expectations and doing what people say can't be done. Calipari said that one of the biggest reasons that he took the Kentucky job is because the expectation is that they win the NC every year. I understand Kentucky is at the top of the food chain when it comes to basketball and their ability to recruit but the principal is the same. I have a hard time believing that there are not really good coaches out there that believe that they can win Big 10 titles at Nebraska.
Oh please. NEITHER one of those guys was coming here. Spurrier for obvious reasons. Meyer was the hottest name in the game. He was going to have his pick of the Notre Dames, Florida's etc. He wouldn't have come to NU.

What obvious reasons? He didn't like the cold, preferred the advantages of recruiting and coaching in the south? Oh... The things that would apply to almost all candidates?

If we couldn't land a hot coach then, do we want to make a change today that will be at best lateral on a resume to resume basis?

Who argues we can't do better than our current level of performance?

Personally, my argument for keeping him is that we have a better chance of succeeding by let this play out than by starting over.

I generally agree that if the performance from '11 to now continues to 2015, a change is warranted, provided we have some legit candidates identified up front.

in any event, if Bo is as bad as some say, November will be a 1-4 type campaign and the issue likely sorts itself out.

Crap. Now I have to reply.

On, "Who argues we can't do better than current performance?", I don't know if you were following the board before you returned, but there is a sizable contingent who were seriously arguing that Bo is as good as Osborne was and that Nebraska can't do better than Bo, and that anyway, 9 wins a season is enough. They've mostly been silent since the Northwestern game though, mercifully.

When you came back it looked to me like you were making the same argument. But now I think you and I are actually not that far apart, as has come out in other threads, I think. We both agree we need to show better performance. You say by 2015. I say 2014, with a possible option for 2015 if we clearly trend up.

But I am trying to kill the notion that Nebraska should be content with 9 wins forever, and its corollaries: we can't find a better coach, and we're spoiled. That argument is still out there, waiting, like a vampire, to come back. So I am bringing it up a lot.
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I am sure this has been brought up but the Solich/Pelini comparrison is so different as far as national perception at this point. Tape gate is the biggest difference. When that came out, many around the country thought Bo's days were numbered. I think most people including other coaches see this relationship as strained for more reasons that 9 wins not being good enough. I think S.E could sell plenty of coaches on why it was necessary to move on from a coach with a 9 win record. The other thing alot of people discount is the amount of "EGO" most coaches have. There are plenty of coaches that thrive on fan expectations and doing what people say can't be done. Calipari said that one of the biggest reasons that he took the Kentucky job is because the expectation is that they win the NC every year. I understand Kentucky is at the top of the food chain when it comes to basketball and their ability to recruit but the principal is the same. I have a hard time believing that there are not really good coaches out there that believe that they can win Big 10 titles at Nebraska.

If anything, coaches probably heard that tape and though, hell yeah.

And of course they want to join a program where a coach gets hamstrung two years after the fact by some disgruntled fan.

The calipari principle (wow, those two words are rarely in a sentence that doesn't contain "lacking") is definitely not analogous to NU.
Who argues we can't do better than our current level of performance? .

Well, you for one. You started a whole thread, the premise of which was to argue that the chances of finding a coach who can do better than Pelini are not just slim, they are overwhelmingly slim.
It wasnt all that long ago that nebraska was THE best program in college football. Not one of the top 20, the very best year after year. People like CM are perfectly content sitting back and watching it slide backwards year after year hoping by some miracle it turns itself around. Big things in this world are achieved by people and groups who go get it, people who take risks. They are not achieved by people that say "this isnt a great situation but maybe if we sit here and keep doing what we are things will change in a few years. That is a crappy defeatist (sp) attitude and I refuse to accept it. If there is one thing that Peterson did get right is that we shouldnt accept mediocrity, and I wish some husker fans would realize that would be a step up from some of our performances as of late.

Yes in this day and age teams throw out a crappy game or get blown out here and there, but we are talking about giving up more then 60 points multiple times. We dont even score 60 pts on teams anymore unless they are lower division teams. Nebraska doesnt do to inferior teams defenses what Wyoming, UCLA, South Dakota State, and Minnesota did to them. Gashing us for 10 yards a pop over and over, no answer for it.

This product is crap!

The only time we get press anymore is when bad things happen. Yes, the Jack thing was awesome and i applaud the entire program for that. But it does not overcome the reoccuring blowouts nore the blowups on the sidelines that is all the press ever talks about with us anymore. When was the last time we got significant headlines for something good that happened on the field? It has been years with no sign of it changing.

If this is the Football you want then cheer for Iowa State, cheer for Kansas, hell cheer for a local college like Kearney or Wayne State. But i want my Nebraska back. Doesnt have to be mid 90s nebraska, ill take 70's or 80's nebraska. I just want to have fun watching them again and for several years it hasnt been fun.

For everyone who seems to believe Nebraska isnt a top coaching job you may want to take a look. Some of these are a couple years old but all put Nebraska in the top 20 and when the national media starts talking about a coach potentially being replaced at a program of this level.......and the national media is talking.....interested parties are already making inquiries.





:clap::clap::clap::clap:............. finally someone puts down all these ridiculous claims how Nebraska isn't an attractive job! Bo's the 13th highest paid coach in college ball! He'd be even higher HAD he managed to win a couple conference championships he bungled away! Yes... bungled away! Go watch the film again of TM limping around in the OU game and ask yourself could we have won with a different QB in there?

Lincoln is a very nice city, excellent schools, low crime and the HC is star everywhere he goes. The press is mostly homers, the stadium is packed every game, the fans travel well and our faculties are top 10! So yea yea yea.. so folks keep claiming we need to keep Bo because no one would interested in the job? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE What bunch of BS imo. BTW.... as for recruiting. How come we can get some world class athletes for skill positions like QB, RB, DB's, WR's..... but can't get lineman? Hummm doesn't that seem a bit strange? So lineman and LB's don't like Lincoln but other positions do? What those lineman don't like is our defensive scheme imo. It does little to prepare them for the NFL or highlight their skills!

Bottom line is Bo's had 6 years and we've almost regressed back to 2008! Why is that something to be proud of? We have one of the worst defenses in the B10 now! Who's fault is that????????? I do not want to see 10 years of uninspired football being playing at Nebraska. Fans are already becoming disenchanted and apathy is setting in.. So to those that want Bo around for another 2 years start thinking.. EMPTY SEATS!! Start thinking about how important it is to WIN something other then 9 uninspired games! We had one of the easier schedules in years and yet we might well finish 6-6 or 7-5.......... Is that why we're paying 3 million a year? I'm sick of hearing the same old same old at Bo's pressers. If he stays another couple years we are not going to be any further along then we are now imo...........

OK stay course if you must and see what happens. I'm convinced it's time to chart a new course which doesn't include Bo Pelini.......
I wonder if anyone actually read those links....

Some were in reference to the history of the program. The one that puts us at #7 is because the coach is revered ("can't buy a meal in the state)... yeah, I'd say that's dated. Although it did mention how tough recruiting.

Let's put it this way: we ain't attract a coach of the caliber we want with free meals.

Also, it's quite debatable whether our facilities are top 10. I'd say there are 5 or 6 echelon 1 facilities (the OSUs and Oregons of the world) and a whole bunch tied for 6 through 30 or so. In other words, not a lot of separation in terms of recruiting advantages. Even historically poor facilitied programs are improving at a rapid clip (e.g., UCLA).

Finally, to the issue of linemen, it's tougher to recruit them because (a) they are a more rare athlete and (b) each team needs more of them.
What obvious reasons? He didn't like the cold, preferred the advantages of recruiting and coaching in the south? Oh... The things that would apply to almost all candidates?

If we couldn't land a hot coach then, do we want to make a change today that will be at best lateral on a resume to resume basis?

Spurrier is a golf nut. An SEC guy. And I imagine even he knows he wouldn't be a fit at Nebraska. End of story.

Define "hot coach". Meyer was white hot. He and the whole world knew that he was going to have his pick of TIP TOP jobs soon enough. I'm under no illusions that NU is on par with USC, UF, ND, Texas, etc. when it comes to top jobs for HCs. That sure as hell doesn't mean we have to settle for Pelini. There are great coaches out there that just haven't made the move from "mid major" ranks yet...and no, I don't know who they are. Eichorst better though. And there are probably some guys at programs like Miami, Georgia, etc. that may be willing to get out of their current situation for whatever reason.

:clap::clap::clap::clap:............. finally someone puts down all these ridiculous claims how Nebraska isn't an attractive job! Bo's the 13th highest paid coach in college ball! He'd be even higher HAD he managed to win a couple conference championships he bungled away! Yes... bungled away! Go watch the film again of TM limping around in the OU game and ask yourself could we have won with a different QB in there?

Lincoln is a very nice city, excellent schools, low crime and the HC is star everywhere he goes. The press is mostly homers, the stadium is packed every game, the fans travel well and our faculties are top 10! So yea yea yea.. so folks keep claiming we need to keep Bo because no one would interested in the job? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE What bunch of BS imo. BTW.... as for recruiting. How come we can get some world class athletes for skill positions like QB, RB, DB's, WR's..... but can't get lineman? Hummm doesn't that seem a bit strange? So lineman and LB's don't like Lincoln but other positions do? What those lineman don't like is our defensive scheme imo. It does little to prepare them for the NFL or highlight their skills!

Bottom line is Bo's had 6 years and we've almost regressed back to 2008! Why is that something to be proud of? We have one of the worst defenses in the B10 now! Who's fault is that????????? I do not want to see 10 years of uninspired football being playing at Nebraska. Fans are already becoming disenchanted and apathy is setting in.. So to those that want Bo around for another 2 years start thinking.. EMPTY SEATS!! Start thinking about how important it is to WIN something other then 9 uninspired games! We had one of the easier schedules in years and yet we might well finish 6-6 or 7-5.......... Is that why we're paying 3 million a year? I'm sick of hearing the same old same old at Bo's pressers. If he stays another couple years we are not going to be any further along then we are now imo...........

OK stay course if you must and see what happens. I'm convinced it's time to chart a new course which doesn't include Bo Pelini.......

Not sure how much football IQ you have, we are NOT close to '08. If Bo ends up losing 7 games you may see a change, this isnt going to happen.
I get a chuckle at all of these threads wanting Bo gone , guess they cant remember callahan and company.
A question for you then. Are you saying that you don't think be can or should strive for better than what Bo has produced? Are you stating that you have been perfectly happy with 9 wins and a blowout loss or two in marquee games? Are you fine that it keeps on happening or do you see progress that many of us are failing to notice? I agree that the state of the program is better than Callahan but that certainly can't be the bar we are going to use.

I guess I'm a doom and gloomer, but I think the "sophisticated coaches who know the difference in 9 win seasons" also recognize that Nebraska, despite ardent fans and top 25 facilities is not well situated for building and sustaining a program.

Like I said, doom and gloom, but I doubt if we had been .500 for 4 years leading up to '03 we would have had Meyer looking to move to Lincoln.

Objectively, Nebraska is not a top 10 job, and it wasn't even when Tom was here (at least after 1990 when everyone started playing on TV and investing in facilities). Tom just performed at a top 10 level consistently. That overachievement is what made him the best, in my opinion.

Ok, I call total BS on the bold. History doesn't agree with you, you are a history type guy, right? That is what you are using to base your claims NU would do worse getting rid of BO, correct?
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