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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Barfknechtl: Ok to fire a 9 win coach

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Let's put this in terms of the "battered wife" you guys keep bringing up.

Lady: It's so fun to be out on a date with you, my last husband was such a loser.
Date: Really? Did he hit you?
Lady: No.
Date: Cheat on you?
Lady: No. That's not it. It's just....he didn't make enough money. I know this makes me sound like a bad person, but...
Date: Oh no, I understand. Financial problems can ruin a marriage. Did he lose his job?
Lady: It's not that, he worked. But...he only only made $250,000 a year.
Date: Uhh....

To run with the "husband analogy," Pelini is NOT a nice husband who makes a quarter million a year. He makes $65,000 and acts like he makes, $75,000, and it's not looking like his prospects are improving. He acts like a jackass in front of our proverbial mother. He constantly brings up politics at thanksgiving dinner and embarrasses the hell out of us. He's unreliable and sometimes emotionally abusive.

Ultimately, the gravity of this analogy is entirely inappropriate for the subject matter at hand. If Bo ever reads this I hope he realizes that I don't think any of those things about him. Domestic violence and even the kind of marital relationship that I described is far more serious than anything he might have done wrong as our coach.

Bo is not the end all be all, he's not a terrible coach either. But we do appear to be spinning our wheels and the nation knows it.

Another thing people are forgetting, is that Bo and company are not 2 years removed from a National Title appearance. They did not make a staff overhaul, with marked improvement, only to have the coach and staff fired anyway. Meyer and Spurrier weren't going to work for THAT GUY. The situation is different and everyone should acknowledge that.

Ultimately though, if Bo gets 4 wins out of the next 5 I do NOT think he should be fired. Changes might need to be directed, outside consultants brought. But he shouldn't be fired.

To run with the "husband analogy," Pelini is NOT a nice husband who makes a quarter million a year. He makes $65,000 and acts like he makes, $75,000, and it's not looking like his prospects are improving. He acts like a jackass in front of our proverbial mother. He constantly brings up politics at thanksgiving dinner and embarrasses the hell out of us. He's unreliable and sometimes emotionally abusive.

Ultimately, the gravity of this analogy is entirely inappropriate for the subject matter at hand. If Bo ever reads this I hope he realizes that I don't think any of those things about him. Domestic violence and even the kind of marital relationship that I described is far more serious than anything he might have done wrong as our coach.

Bo is not the end all be all, he's not a terrible coach either. But we do appear to be spinning our wheels and the nation knows it.

Another thing people are forgetting, is that Bo and company are not 2 years removed from a National Title appearance. They did not make a staff overhaul, with marked improvement, only to have the coach and staff fired anyway. Meyer and Spurrier weren't going to work for THAT GUY. The situation is different and everyone should acknowledge that.

Ultimately though, if Bo gets 4 wins out of the next 5 I do NOT think he should be fired. Changes might need to be directed, outside consultants brought. But he shouldn't be fired.

I agree that the analogy is fairly offensive. Good post overall. I personally think 8 wins or better and he should get another year or two.
I guess I'm a doom and gloomer, but I think the "sophisticated coaches who know the difference in 9 win seasons" also recognize that Nebraska, despite ardent fans and top 25 facilities is not well situated for building and sustaining a program.

Like I said, doom and gloom, but I doubt if we had been .500 for 4 years leading up to '03 we would have had Meyer looking to move to Lincoln.

Objectively, Nebraska is not a top 10 job, and it wasn't even when Tom was here (at least after 1990 when everyone started playing on TV and investing in facilities). Tom just performed at a top 10 level consistently. That overachievement is what made him the best, in my opinion.

Whats a newspaper, lol?

Actually I've been a hard copy subscriber to the OWH for 22+ years...

Yeah. I'm the same guy that got called out for saying, college "correspondence courses" instead of online courses in an earlier thread. I'm seriously showing my age. :Biggrin:
The writer has never competed at a high-level so he lacks the proper perspective to even think about discussing something as complex as this

Hey, more power to you for trusting Barfknecht's judgment.

For the record, my statement was in reference to those who didn't understand how bo could have said the comments in tape gate after that game. And I stand by my assessment. Those who are butt hurt by them either don't understand the heat of competition or feel the words strike close to home (subject to the couple of exceptions discussed further in that other thread)
I guess I'm a doom and gloomer, but I think the "sophisticated coaches who know the difference in 9 win seasons" also recognize that Nebraska, despite ardent fans and top 25 facilities is not well situated for building and sustaining a program.

Like I said, doom and gloom, but I doubt if we had been .500 for 4 years leading up to '03 we would have had Meyer looking to move to Lincoln.

Objectively, Nebraska is not a top 10 job, and it wasn't even when Tom was here (at least after 1990 when everyone started playing on TV and investing in facilities). Tom just performed at a top 10 level consistently. That overachievement is what made him the best, in my opinion.

Maybe not top 10, but better than the performance Bo has achieved so far and is definitely trending to stay at. As I've said elsewhere, I don't want to fire him now, but I am very concerned about the argument that we can't do better than his current level of performance. Next year or at latest the year after, he needs to break through or we need to look for a better coach.
Anyway, I'm done with the Bo threads for this week. I've made my points. Looking forward to winning the game this Saturday and finishing the year strong on the uptick.

Go Big Red!!!

Maybe not top 10, but better than the performance Bo has achieved so far and is definitely trending to stay at. As I've said elsewhere, I don't want to fire him now, but I am very concerned about the argument that we can't do better than his current level of performance. Next year or at latest the year after, he needs to break through or we need to look for a better coach.

Who argues we can't do better than our current level of performance?

Personally, my argument for keeping him is that we have a better chance of succeeding by let this play out than by starting over.

I generally agree that if the performance from '11 to now continues to 2015, a change is warranted, provided we have some legit candidates identified up front.

in any event, if Bo is as bad as some say, November will be a 1-4 type campaign and the issue likely sorts itself out.
It is okay to fire a coach who, through 6 years, continues to struggle greatly with having Nebraska be a Top20 team.
For everyone who seems to believe Nebraska isnt a top coaching job you may want to take a look. Some of these are a couple years old but all put Nebraska in the top 20 and when the national media starts talking about a coach potentially being replaced at a program of this level.......and the national media is talking.....interested parties are already making inquiries.





You may be right, I just dont see any scenerio where things get better. The relationship is shattered, the play on the field is bad, recruiting is slow, and the national image goes farther and farther in the crapper. I have seen many people in bad marriages stick around and waste their life hoping things will get better and things rarely do, they only waste their life and time. I think this is the same.

The way Spurrier and Meyer laughingly took their names out of the running in 2003 is still very clear in my mind. It appears our esteemed sportswriters have forgotten that, though.

If we fire Bo, we do have a chance to win the lottery with an up-and-comer and then we can hope he stays. But there's no reason to believe we'll lure a proven blue chip HC here.

Oh please. NEITHER one of those guys was coming here. Spurrier for obvious reasons. Meyer was the hottest name in the game. He was going to have his pick of the Notre Dames, Florida's etc. He wouldn't have come to NU.

Let's put this in terms of the "battered wife" you guys keep bringing up.

Lady: It's so fun to be out on a date with you, my last husband was such a loser.
Date: Really? Did he hit you?
Lady: No.
Date: Cheat on you?
Lady: No. That's not it. It's just....he didn't make enough money. I know this makes me sound like a bad person, but...
Date: Oh no, I understand. Financial problems can ruin a marriage. Did he lose his job?
Lady: It's not that, he worked. But...he only only made $250,000 a year.
Date: Uhh....

What the....

this make NO SENSE.
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