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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Martinez and pressure.

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I don't think having a bona fide back-up will impact Taylor much if at all. If anything, I think the impact will be positive. You don't get to this level without being competitive.

The larger issue is still his health. I really don't think the guy has been 100% since he was a freshman. From what I understand, he's still bothered by his ankle injury in 2010 and now has turf toe and a sore shoulder to boot. I'm not sure the guy can get to 100% again this year.

The question becomes does Taylor do enough in the passing game and in terms of intangibles to make up for the fact that he may no longer present much of a threat in the running game?
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I don't think having a bona fide back-up will impact Taylor much if at all. If anything, I think the impact will be positive. You don't get to this level without being competitive.

The larger issue is still his health. I really don't think the guy has been 100% since he was a freshman. From what I understand, he's still bothered by his ankle injury in 2010 and now has turf toe and a sore shoulder to boot. I'm not sure the guy can get to 100% again this year.

The question becomes does Taylor do enough in the passing game and in terms of intangibles to make up for the fact the he may no longer present much of a threat in the running game?

I have a mixed opinion of TM and pressure. Typically when he's playing poorly it seems it's when the pressure is getting/has gotten to him. On the other hand, in several of the comebacks last year he excelled under pressure.

In any case, I'm not sure it's just Taylor who is inconsistent under pressure. The O-line, at times, has seemed give in, and if the defense has any identity at all right now and over the past year, it's an identity of folding under pressure.

It will be interesting to see how Martinez handles the emergence of TA and RK3. I hope the competition, as well as seeing things from the sideline a little bit and gaining some perspective, helps Martinez settle down and become a better QB.

I don't even have to think of how to write my response now. I pretty much agree with this post all the way through.

Its not really attacking Martinez as much as asking a legitimate question.

Do you think Martinez handles pressure well most of the time?

Two different types of pressure. Beating out other players for QB pressure he handled well. Performing under game pressure he has not handled well. For the second pressure I thought he had improved last year but so far would have to say he has regressed this year. His injury (ies) might have something to do with that.
I have a mixed opinion of TM and pressure. Typically when he's playing poorly it seems it's when the pressure is getting/has gotten to him. On the other hand, in several of the comebacks last year he excelled under pressure.

In any case, I'm not sure it's just Taylor who is inconsistent under pressure. The O-line, at times, has seemed give in, and if the defense has any identity at all right now and over the past year, it's an identity of folding under pressure.

It will be interesting to see how Martinez handles the emergence of TA and RK3. I hope the competition, as well as seeing things from the sideline a little bit and gaining some perspective, helps Martinez settle down and become a better QB.
It think I agree with this. It almost seems that he is either playing good or he is playing bad and the pressure of the moment has nothing to do with either. I can cite many times where he thrived on pressure situations and other times where he just didnt play well.

As far as the original question posed by REDO, its a legit question. This is absolutely the first time in his career that he had to look over his shoulder. I do agree that when healthy, he will start and take the majority of snaps. Obviously, if he has to sit next week, it with either muddy the water more or put a hush on those wanting to see TA play more. I would like to see Beck work TA in the rest of the season in both 1st and 2nd half play. I would let Taylor start but I would give TA at least 2 series in the first half the rest of the season if his play dictates that.
I don't think having a bona fide back-up will impact Taylor much if at all. If anything, I think the impact will be positive. You don't get to this level without being competitive.

The larger issue is still his health. I really don't think the guy has been 100% since he was a freshman. From what I understand, he's still bothered by his ankle injury in 2010 and now has turf toe and a sore shoulder to boot. I'm not sure the guy can get to 100% again this year.

The question becomes does Taylor do enough in the passing game and in terms of intangibles to make up for the fact that he may no longer present much of a threat in the running game?

I agree with this. I re watched several games before Martinez got hurt as a Freshman and he was amazingly good. I just don't think he has ever fully recovered, and may never.

As to the premise of the thread, he often times reacts poorly to pocket pressure, but I can't see that he has ever reacted poorly to competition type pressure.

Competition might raise Martinez' game, but I don't think so. He has always looked self motivated to me and a tough fighter. Whether he can keep the job or not in open competition is an unsettled question I think, but more based on ability than effort.
Not sure if I remember correctly but isn't the clip that shows up every time they do a piece on Bo the one where TM and Bo are screaming at each other, I thought it was after Bo pulled TM and he did not take it well. I think this was the game where the rumor was TM was texting his dad in the locker room to let them know he was ok. I believe this was the last time Bo pulled TM because he was struggling or injured.
It showed TM was a tough kid but it also came across as he was just out for himself in my opinion... Once again I have NO personal knowledge of what really happened just stating what it looked like to me. It looked like a player throwing a tantrum when he did not agree with the coach and the pressure was getting to TM and Bo.
I am not bashing TM as I think his play speaks for its self.... But I'm just a truck driver and what do I know :2cents:
Not sure if I remember correctly but isn't the clip that shows up every time they do a piece on Bo the one where TM and Bo are screaming at each other, I thought it was after Bo pulled TM and he did not take it well. I think this was the game where the rumor was TM was texting his dad in the locker room to let them know he was ok. I believe this was the last time Bo pulled TM because he was struggling or injured.
It showed TM was a tough kid but it also came across as he was just out for himself in my opinion... Once again I have NO personal knowledge of what really happened just stating what it looked like to me. It looked like a player throwing a tantrum when he did not agree with the coach and the pressure was getting to TM and Bo.
I am not bashing TM as I think his play speaks for its self.... But I'm just a truck driver and what do I know :2cents:

Didn't he pull Taylor in the Championship game?

One last thing... Why does it seem that some posters would take it better if you were to ask a question about their spouse's actions but if you ask ANY honest question about TM and they blow their top and start the name calling.
I just do not understand blind loyalty and NO one player or coach is above the team!!!
once again just my :2cents:

One last thing... Why does it seem that some posters would take it better if you were to ask a question about their spouse's actions but if you ask ANY honest question about TM and they blow their top and start the name calling.
I just do not understand blind loyalty and NO one player or coach is above the team!!!
once again just my :2cents:

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