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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Martinez and pressure.

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Well what is being said .. A person love interest was only good until the first fight and then they turned their back on him like 5 dollar crack ho. So they called up the classiest escort service in town and were delivered a 9 star beauty that they cant help to fall in love with. Now you can say what you want about the crack ho...but you better not say a word about the.....date for the evening.

glad I could help

Thanks Pops. I had to speak in code because, at the time, I was about to get vacationed...
Turf toe's one of those things that may linger all season. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see him sit at least 1 and maybe 2 more games, then come in and re-injure it. Can't say I would be too sad to see TA take over. I would feel bad for Taylor though, to come all this way and lose playing time as a SR.
The backup QB is every ones favorite until he has to play. I have been a TM doubter/lover for 4 years. My unsolicited opinion is that we need to prepare for the future by giving TA playing time in meaningful situations, but TM is the starter when he is healthy enough (90% or better) to be the "man". Beck needs to play call accordingly.

Yeah yeah, the backup QB is the most popular player on the team. Only problem is we saw this backup QB in more than mop up duty and you know what? His skill set seems better than TM's. JMO.
Yeah yeah, the backup QB is the most popular player on the team. Only problem is we saw this backup QB in more than mop up duty and you know what? His skill set seems better than TM's. JMO.

Not really gonna disagree with you just saying that you don't lose a job do to injury (but I love TA's skill set).
Not really gonna disagree with you just saying that you don't lose a job do to injury (but I love TA's skill set).

Yeah, Taylor won't. Some have (Drew Bledsoe being a prime example). I know this won't happen here but, IMO, if TA is that much better he should get the nod.

Love the sigline btw.
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T-M has been a fumble machine for over 3 years! Read the stats and weep......... I don't believe there was much chance after 2010 he was going to be set down for poor play and/or decisions on the field. Sorry but AB gets plenty of criticism blown his way for fumbling and rightly so! How many fumbles has T-M had the past 3+ years? I remember him being pulled in the Texas game in 2010.. but other then a HUGE lead or injury I do not remember him being set down for lousy play? Perhaps there are more examples of such but I just don't remember any.

If there are no consequences for poor play then what's the incentive to get things improved? There are times the BEST thing that could happen to a starter is to hit the pine imo. It even happens in the NFL when there is a adequate back up available. No real competition breeds complacency in sports and business! It's not even a conscience decision.... folks get complacent when they aren't being challenged... period! I honestly DO NOT believe T-M has been really challenged until now as it pertains to losing his starting position.

Bo ought to say absolutely nothing regarding who the starter will be EVEN when T-M is healthy. I somewhat subscribe to not losing your job via injury. However... let T-M come out and "PROVE" he's better at leading this team once he's a 100%. Let him feel there is someone ready to step in if he makes bad decisions and keeps on fumbling! Why not??

This is about the TEAM not about T-M imo..... If he can get it done, lead the team and get us to the Big CCG more power to him. If however he stumbles, can't get it done then we have absolutely nothing to lose putting in TA or RKGIII imo................

T-M has been a fumble machine for over 3 years! Read the stats and weep......... I don't believe there was much chance after 2010 he was going to be set down for poor play and/or decisions on the field. Sorry but AB gets plenty of criticism blown his way for fumbling and rightly so! How many fumbles has T-M had the past 3+ years? I remember him being pulled in the Texas game in 2010.. but other then a HUGE lead or injury I do not remember him being set down for lousy play? Perhaps there are more examples of such but I just don't remember any.

If there are no consequences for poor play then what's the incentive to get things improved? There are times the BEST thing that could happen to a starter is to hit the pine imo. It even happens in the NFL when there is a adequate back up available. No real competition breeds complacency in sports and business! It's not even a conscience decision.... folks get complacent when they aren't being challenged... period! I honestly DO NOT believe T-M has been really challenged until now as it pertains to losing his starting position.

Bo ought to say absolutely nothing regarding who the starter will be EVEN when T-M is healthy. I somewhat subscribe to not losing your job via injury. However... let T-M come out and "PROVE" he's better at leading this team once he's a 100%. Let him feel there is someone ready to step in if he makes bad decisions and keeps on fumbling! Why not??

This is about the TEAM not about T-M imo..... If he can get it done, lead the team and get us to the Big CCG more power to him. If however he stumbles, can't get it done then we have absolutely nothing to lose putting in TA or RKGIII imo................

Like he did last year?
Yeah yeah, the backup QB is the most popular player on the team. Only problem is we saw this backup QB in more than mop up duty and you know what? His skill set seems better than TM's. JMO.
Yes, "seems". In action against an FCS defense, and the other back-up did just as well.

Yes, "seems". In action against an FCS defense, and the other back-up did just as well.

No matter the opponent. Things that I saw out of TA that had little to do with WHO he was playing.

  • Poise in the pocket when pressure came
  • Nice touch on passes
  • Nice touch on deep passes
  • Runs with authority
  • Nice throwing motion
  • Runs the option better than TM

Decision making against better opponents is still in question of course, simply cuz he hasn't played better opponents. But isn't this still in question for Taylor as well? It certainly looks adequate at times, but at other times not so much. Not too mention his lack of ball security.
The only game we have is the 2010 SDSU game to make a comparison. Taylor was a RS/F and it was his fourth game. The comparison shows Taylor finished third.

But it is a little unfair as RKIII was a fifth year senior saturday. Still Taylor loses this comparison.

I didn't get to see the game Saturday, but it just baffles me that a lot of people are basically proclaiming the second coming of Frazier here.
I have no idea if TA is better than TM. But to hear the stuff on this board after one game against an FCS opponent is amusing. I hope he is that much better, because I love my Huskers, and want them to win. But I just can't see how all the proclaimations that have been made coming from one game can be so conclusive.

It reminds me of "Cody Green, Cody Green"--whoops!
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