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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Why Is Our Student Section Lacking?

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I agree with overselling to fill the section. It's simplistic to suggest moving them to a better section. Who wants to be the one to tell those fans they are moving? Plus, I'm sure on a per seat basis those other fans are paying more. It's a tricky problem, and it's certainly not one of NU's most pressing issues in the athletic department.

BS...I'm sure you won't mind the next time some lard butt takes half your seat then?

The students should have great seating...only then can they be as enthusiastic and a force as some other student sections are across the country. Kick out anyone who screams "down in front" and give his seats to a student.
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The quality of the opponent has a lot to do with it. I have been a season ticket holder since 1967 and this year’s Wisconsin game was the loudest I have ever heard Memorial Stadium. My ears were still ringing the next day.

Agree. That was the loudest I've ever heard the stadium, and the student section totally rocked that game!
I was so embarrassed Saturday at the game with our student section. Sitting next to some Gopher fans they asked me "I thought you guys sell out all your games...so why is that section over there empty towards the top?" Yep, it was our student section. There was about 10 rows that were empty. It looked like the bands section at halftime.

I really don't notice them much during the games and many of the threads I have read from visiting teams say the same thing. I really think this needs to be addressed.

This topic gets discussed several times a year and my answer is I don't know. Sorry best I could come up with.

There are a lot of people who give a lot of money to the University Athletics. You can't shaft these people either. The donors are what keep the athletic department running and prevent the University from having to use their money for athletics. The students are future alumni that will donate (hopefully).

My stupid suggestion would be to move the Band (which apparently isn't very involved in the game anyway according to Minnesota fans) to the South Endzone in the upper sections and move the students down to the lower sections in the South endzone in front of the band and then use what is left for regular fans. This would also free up more space on the east side. Just an idea. Not ideal for the band I know but something to look at.

This topic gets discussed several times a year and my answer is I don't know. Sorry best I could come up with.

There are a lot of people who give a lot of money to the University Athletics. You can't shaft these people either. The donors are what keep the athletic department running and prevent the University from having to use their money for athletics. The students are future alumni that will donate (hopefully).

My stupid suggestion would be to move the Band (which apparently isn't very involved in the game anyway according to Minnesota fans) to the South Endzone in the upper sections and move the students down to the lower sections in the South endzone in front of the band and then use what is left for regular fans. This would also free up more space on the east side. Just an idea. Not ideal for the band I know but something to look at.

I think Luth hit it on the head:

I'm pretty sure that would be against the law. (fire code)

Maybe an engineer could go in and say that endzone can allow more people. They are young college kids they don't need 18.8 inches of butt space, they may only need 18.4 inches so that has to increase the capacity by at least 250 people.:Biggrin:

I keep seeing people saying move the students to better seats. Have you people not looked at Memorial's configuration? There aren't many good seats. It's was a poorly put together facility, and because of that students are the odd ones out. I guess you could put students all along the East Stadium, but expect your ticket prices and donor requirements to increase, because they would be taking some high dollar spots. I wonder how many people who think the students deserve a better location would be willing to spend more money on their tickets, or would be willing to move up to the top rows of the North Stadium.
I'm pretty sure that would be against the law. (fire code)

Even if they sold the tickets as straight GA? I guess they would have to cut entrants off at a certain point. In that case if a student bought a ticket, but was kept from entering, than that student would get a refund. It would be no different than what's been done at the CWS for years. Only difference would be those left out get their money back. I'm not saying it's THE solution, but it is a solution.
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speaking of the student seating...will the students be on the courtside or end sections for basketball in the new arena? anyone know?

...they dont have assigned seats, its GA. Simply put, they cram an extra 5-10 bodies per row. There is your empty seats towards the top

This is the answer to this thread. My seats are pretty close to the student section and you can watch this happen. The students are constantly pushing together and moving down. If you are on the other side of the stadium it can look like 4 or 5 empty rows at the top, but it is a packed mosh pit at the bottom.
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