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Trev Alberts to Texas A&M

That's where I started. The bio's don't really do much to paint a picture, other than they spent a lot of time in college.

Aside from Stark, they all appear to be 100% academics. Not that being an academic is an immediate negative, but in general their world views don't align with athletics. It really should be a healthy mix of backgrounds and/or opinions, especially at a school like Nebraska where athletics plays such a big role.
I see two former academics.

Timothy Clare
District 1

Jack Stark
District 2
Doctor/Athletic Medicine

Jim Scheer
District 3

Elizabeth O'Connor
District 4

Robert Schafer

Paul Kenney
Vice Chair

Kathy Wilmot
District 7
Government Employee/Political Appointee

Barbara Weitz
District 8
College Instructor/Non-Profit Director

I see two former academics.

Timothy Clare
District 1

Jack Stark
District 2
Doctor/Athletic Medicine

Jim Scheer
District 3

Elizabeth O'Connor
District 4

Robert Schafer

Paul Kenney
Vice Chair

Kathy Wilmot
District 7
Government Employee/Political Appointee

Barbara Weitz
District 8
College Instructor/Non-Profit Director


Scheer spent time on the Board of Education. Kenney was a School Board member. Wilmot also a Board of Education member. They're not teachers, but being involved with the State Board of Education or a School Board typically indicates a lean toward academia.

All that aside, they obviously didn't do their jobs with Carter's replacement and appear to be the source of the problem.
District 8
Barbara Weitz

I have known her all my life.

She has no interest in UNL or sports and is a far, far left liberal.
Districts vote for the candidate they prefer.

The Board of Regents—the governing body for the University of Nebraska—consists of eight voting members elected by district for six-year terms. The Board also includes four non-voting student Regents, one from each NU campus, that serve during their tenure as student body president. BoR

By who? Please find me this because after I watched the investigation I tried to look into it myself. It seemed more like he had enough pull to keep people's mouths closed. Can you link me a source of at least find me anything. I could not find anyone supporting TA when I looked into it. At least not anyone who was close to the situation.
All I can tell you is it was a topic discussed on hmax in depth

Scheer spent time on the Board of Education. Kenney was a School Board member. Wilmot also a Board of Education member. They're not teachers, but being involved with the State Board of Education or a School Board typically indicates a lean toward academia.

All that aside, they obviously didn't do their jobs with Carter's replacement and appear to be the source of the problem.
You said "100% academics", which is an inaccurate description. Most have served on boards, but the majority have careers outside of teaching and academic research. [NU_Alum: The distinction is important. These aren't a bunch of "ivory tower" dwellers. Most of the regents are people that have been successful in the private sector and then volunteered to serve on various non-profit and government advisory boards. Unlike in some states, the residents of Nebraska actually get a vote for their regents.]
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I think leadership is very important in a program. That said, people who talk about leadership generally don't know anything about being a good leader. A good leader does not just quit and run. TA is not a good leader.
Or maybe he is a great leader but things are so bad at Nebraska that he decided to leave. If it was just Trev leaving, one could more easily believe that it’s only a Trev problem. But when it’s also Carter, you have to start to wonder if there are other bigger problems percolating within the hallowed halls.
That doesn't mean anything, really. We already know he was looking at A&M, so it really isn't a big deal he was looking at those job. The REAL issue is what drove him to look around.
To me this says it's not about money or the job at A&M, it's more about something is wrong here, he sees it, and figures if he can find a good gig somewhere else he better grab it.

Some might say that is Trev looking out for Trev, and maybe it is. But when you look around and see the only one that may have been looking out for you grabbed another job when he could get it, you have to figure it's probably a good idea to do the same.

Frankly, I think we're living in a world right now where circumstances are increasingly taking precedence over people. Truth be told there are powerful cross currents at all levels of decision making and control is being lost. Most of us consider ourselves to be pretty common folk, "just give me the enjoyment of my sport, I want to escape all the crap around me. BTW, a few wins would be nice." We're in a new world and we're feeling the effects of it more and more. There are no "simple" answers. There is no greener grass anywhere, anymore. Just momentary rest until the next conflict. Trev isn't moving to anything better and may well have given up a huge part of his life's legacy. For what? Every one of us is faced with that choice daily. For what?
Texas A&M Board of Regents
In TX, the governor appoints the regents.

Bill Mahomes, Chairman

Robert L. Albritton, Vice Chairman
Business Exec

David C. Baggett
Business Exec

John W. Bellinger
Business Exec (professional associtations)

James R. “Randy” Brooks
Business Exec

Jay Graham
Business Exec

Michael A. “Mike” Hernandez III
Business Exec

Michael J. Plank
Business Exec

Sam Torn
Lawyer/Non-Profit Director

Elizabeth “Annie” Valicek
College Student (Student Regent)
Agree here, the University's primary function is Academic. I get so tired of the labelling our society has become. "Liberal" "Conservative" "Academic" "Jock". None of this serves ANYONE well, it only divides. The primary mission of the University is to educate. Period. With that said, people in charge need to understand the advertising that a strong athletic program does for the university. They really can have their cake and eat it too.

I dont disagree. The academic side needs to understand that they didn't get where they are today just based on academics. By itself, the college is just a college. It's the athletic programs that have put them on the map.

It's the athletics that have become a lifeblood to the city and the state. Lincoln businesses thrive during football season. People across the state and the country travel to see the games drawing revenue to towns along the path.

Even the academic people benefit with higher enrollments and higher wages. By itself, the college would be an afterthought for most people.

These egg heads may find out the hard way that they NEED a strong football program for their own survival.
Alberts is probably gone because someone wanted him gone, it's unfortunate in my opinion because he was (is) driven and pragmatic in his approach to directing the athletic dept. I feel the sordid details will come out sooner than later. I'd reserve judgement on this development until the facts are in fact, facts. I fear it won't be pretty as the fanbase becomes familiar with the players in the drama and the roles they played. Alberts has never appeared to me to be disingenuous during the time he has been an athletic director in Nebraska, rather an honest, open leader who wasn't afraid to address the failings in the department , the University and State in regard to Nebraska athletics. I can see how his vision and his straight to sack the QB approach may have offset former and current leadership both in the U. and the state, seemingly whether directly implied or not, for failures in those areas and lack of direction or desire to address them. The ship was steadying then someone decided too many passengers onboard.
Ship's still afloat, but those Big Red Lifeboats are on standby.



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