Saw these quotes on TWITTER:
"It's now fashionable to be publicly mentally incapable of doing your job....
--Olympic tennis star
--Olympic gymnast
--President of the United States"
"Focus on mental health? What does that even mean? Seriously. Take any athlete in ANY sport, put them on the biggest stage, and they walk off to "focus on their mental health". What do you think the media response would be? The media is fawning over Biles is ridiculous. Somehow they spin this as her greatest triumph, and her most courageous moment. And instead of letting the team down, she saved the team? Really?" How? If Tom Brady walked off in the Super Bowl, and the Patriots lost, how did he save the team? So does this mean every time an MLB player commits an error in the field or strikes out, they should quit the game, focus on their mental health, and "save" their team? And can you even imagine if this had been Tim Tebow? Do you think the media may have treated him a bit differently?
Sorry, but Biles spit the bit on the biggest stage. Choked. It happens. It was not her greatest moment, it was her worst. The courageous thing would have been to hang in and complete the competition. Nobody likes a quitter. And quitting is quitting. Call it what it is. Tell it like it is."
"Fearing defeat, Simone has opted out of competition. Hardly the actions of a true champion. The quitter tag will overshadow her earlier accomplishments."
"Stop it. This hyperbolic nonsense is what led to this problem to begin with. Biles believed her own hype.
This is not bravery or courage. She quit and screwed over her team. She also took a spot away from some other deserving young woman. Instead of being in Tokyo, that woman (whoever she is) is sitting at home because of Biles."