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Trojan Husker

Junior Varsity
10 Year Member
That was ridiculous. Three weeks in a row we've had bad officiating. This game was mostly fine, but that no call at the end is inexcusable. Just horrible. I am furious.

Pretty ridiculous for sure. Great effort. I'm dissapointed as I'm sure most are. Nice to feel that hole in your heart again after a loss, even if it does sting. Haven't felt that after a loss in a while.
Honestly, that was maybe the worst no call I've ever seen. All of my friends who aren't Nebraska fans are texting me right now to say we got jobbed. Ugggggggggggh.
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I am guessing the only possible feeling by the refs was the pass was not catchable?:Confused:
That was the worst call! We were the better team! Need to win next week!

To me it looked like Watt just stood there and didn't put out his arms to grab, but I thought the whole crew let both sides play. To my mind the officiating was pretty good

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