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Nebraska vs Northwestern Game Thread (8/27/22)

I'm sure there was some reasoning behind it. But realistically -- you gamble when you've proven you can gamble wisely. You gamble when you've proven to be a mentally tough team that can get over it if it doesn't work. You gamble when you aren't risking another nail put into your coffin, and there's not a lot of nails left.

I'm 54 years old and have watched thousands of pro and college football games in my lifetime. I can count on probably 2 fingers the number of times I have seen an onside kick with a lead turn out well. The odds of that working to NU's advantage were spectacularly low to begin with. I still can't believe I watched that happen live.

You just padded the lead with a big play. Get NW doubting themselves a little. Kick the damn ball and at least make them go the whole length of the field to score rather than giving them a short field with instant momentum back from your own stupidity and grab 7 quick points back.

Galactically stupid football decision there. But Frost has a history of being too-clever-by half. I'm sure he thought "they won't expect it and we could demoralize them with a recovery and another score." When your margin of error has been so small--especially with special teams--you just can't take that gamble there.
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Final game notes.

Nothing ever changes. Early in the game, the going is easy and we make it look easy.

Then we get a two-score lead . . . and one bad thing happens . . . and the urine starts flowing.

Up 14-3 in the first half, our defense gives up an easy peezy TD.

Okay, 14-10 . . . we mount a drive. We turn it over at the 11 on a questionable call.

All downhill for the rest of the half. We actually trail at halftime.

Once again, we can’t finish (halves or games).

Second half. The offense clicks, we get a turnover, and the offense clicks again.


Okay, feeling good. We survived the storm.

Then our brilliant coach pulls his gun out of his holster, and blasts the teams’ foot off with a moronic on-side kick call.

It is so moronic that it defies description.


I HATE the call even if it might have worked. We already had ALL the momentum. Don’t let an undermanned team—and yes they were undermanned—back into the game.

Scott Frost talks all year about decision making. Controlling turnovers. Trusting the system. Blah, blah, blah.

But on the big stage, once again . . . he just . . . HAD TO GET CUTE.

It was itching at him. What cute thing can I do to convince the college football world . . . THAT I AM A GENIUS? That I am the world’s smartest man? That I am God’s gift to coaching?

This is all on you coach. All on you. I’m not defending you anymore.

I still can’t believe he did it. Twenty years from now, I still won’t believe he did it.

Just like I STILL can’t believe LeKevin Smith fumbled the ball back to Texas Tech. I still can’t believe Tommy Armstrong threw that pass against Illinois. That Kunalic missed the football with his foot kicking off to Texas.

Surely, Scott Frost didn’t do that. Aliens must have landed and used a time distortion ray gun to make us all think that Scott Frost did that. But surely our 50 million dollar coach wouldn’t have done something that inexplicably STUPID.

Our season is over even before the season starts.

Can we please stop trying to play in foreign countries and JUST PLAY FOOTBALL? Stop with the gimmicks. Stop with exploiting Nebraska fans. Just STOP.

Of course, after the on-side debacle . . . our entire team shuts down.

No more points. We were lucky to get any first downs at all.

Dropped passes. Our QB suddenly can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Our LT stares inside and allows a pass rusher to run right by him untouched. The announcer asked, “why should he look outside?”

Seriously? Oh how about . . . “because as a tackle . . . it is his JOB!”

Our punter actually gave us one last hope with a great kick in the end.

Here is how the script goes if you are a Nebraska fan. There is about 5 minutes or so and we have all our timeouts. A good defensive stop gives us one last chance to regain our composure (which has completely evaporated) and perhaps our new QB can lead us to victory.

Or . . .

Our defense can give up first down after first down after first down and the other team salts the clock in spite of the fact that our defense KNOWS exactly what they are doing.

Or . . .

“What would Nebraska do?” a fan outside of Nebraska might ask.

Well, given that we play JUST WELL ENOUGH TO LOSE . . .

So, how about we give up first down after first down after first down and THEN . . . when one more easy peezy cake-walk first down will seal the deal . . . then and only then does our defense step up.

And we get the ball with no timeouts on the 3 . . . not near the 50 . . . but at our 3 friggin’ yard line.

Good luck kid (Thompson). The defense really had your back there.

Tremendous effort by Palmer on first down and hey, maybe . . . maybe . . .

But then a laser pass over the middle hits one of our receivers in the vulnerable spot—his hands—and the ball flips up in the air where the entire defense is waiting for the ball to come down. They actually had time to flip a coin to decide who wanted it.

The ugly truth for Nebraska fans isn’t rather we had more talent or they had more talent—that debate I’m sure will range far and wide.

Who cares?

Who wanted it more?


That wasn’t even close.

Who could close and who couldn’t.


Once again, not even close.

Some people ask how you can go 3-9 last year looking at the numbers?

When you can’t finish the first half and follow that up with falling apart late in the second half . . . you won’t win many games.

Our three wins last year were all but over by halftime.

So . . . where do we go from here? I actually like our staff. It is our Head Coach I have problems with.

Now our guys get on an airplane.

Did I mention how much I love gimmicks?

They get to board an airplane and think about what they left on the field in Ireland for 8 hours or so. Then they get to fight more jetlag to try and beat an uninspiring opponent next week.

I love gimmicks. Did I mention that?

Can Frost save his job?

Sure, anything is possible.

Will he?

Stay tuned. The wolves are howling louder than ever.

Maybe next week, we can practice our on-side kicks. It was such a brilliant strategy, I’m sure will want to do it again and again and again.

It’s gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnggggggg season.

Take care all.
I’m happy we could help you with your venting. :).

Team is not mentally weak this yeat far from it

As friend just said we have a selfish narcissist coach who tried to get cute to put his stamp on the game and he cost us yet again

Arguably the worst decision he has made at Nebraska

You know what he has the talent and leadership this year if he would go park his butt on the bench these kids might actually save his job for him along with the coaches

The only one who lacks trust and belief is him

That is it in a nutshell
So all of these close games that we've lost are all Scott's fault? Just getting some clarification.
Takeaways from the game:

1. Offense can't run block. NW is mediocre defense. Good defenses will destroy us.
2. Casey Thompson is great, until he starts taking hits. Then, he is sloppy and inaccurate. Not unusual, just not what you need from D1 starter. Also, not a clutch player, just like AM.
3. Defense can't generate pass rush. Transfer portal additions did nothing for pass rush. Defense gassed and gashed by run late. Again, NW offense is mediocre. Good offenses will torch us.
4. Monumentally dumb game time decisions destroy hope of winning. Another game we gave away that we should have won by four touchdowns.
5. We lost this game because we were stupid. Nobodys fault but our own. Still that supposed "fumble" was worst call since they missed facemask by KSU (Crouch?). Replay angle clearly showed knee was down, don't care what anyone else says. Refs should be fired for that.
I don't

I think it's head coach issue who can't get out of his own way

That's an easy excuse (culture) for him to fall back on

I know what culture and leadership are trust me

I think it was an issue for awhile without a doubt

Like you said just my opinion

Good discussion
It’s both. I’ve never seen a good culture with a bad coach or a bad culture with a good coach. Nothing that extends over two years let alone into the 5th.

These next two games are the most disinteresting I can remember. Nothing to gain, plenty to lose. No chance at redemption until OU -- and that game has potential to put Frost's job in serious jeopardy.

No more of the "close losses" mantra. We lose close games to good teams, bad teams, mediocre teams. It's because we are the mentally weakest team on the field.

I truly didn't see this coming. Shame on me.

Tremendously bad loss.
You will most likely see holes in the seats from no shows the next two weeks.


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