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Nebraska vs Minnesota Game Thread

If nothing else, try to do something positive for the rest of this season...prepare him for next season. Wonder how that's gonna' be!!
There is a better chance of Smothers and Haarberg both transferring than either one seeing the field the rest of this season or next. Only way I see it happening (besides an injury) is if Frost gets fired this season, and I think we all know that is incredibly unlikely.
It’s not out of the realm that Nebraska may never be relevant again- there are many teams that haven’t been relevant in DECADES. The fan arrogance is comical at times, as if a program like NU can’t possibly slip into irrelevancy. I bet they said the same thing at all the other places that haven’t done Sh$@ in 60 years.
I agree, if someone like Frost can’t turn things around, get ready for the abyss.
Why someone like Frost? I love the U but it doesn’t mean I would make a good coach.
He sounds pretty in over his head. I don't think he has a single clue how to get over the hump in spite of some very obvious things to the rest of us. The comments on the goal line play really stood out to me. Did he not consider exactly what had happened? If you go out of the shotgun you have X% of things that can go bad before you even reach the line of scrimmage. That's one reason why you still QB sneak. Another is you have a large QB in AM and a large RB in Yant to push him in the back. And lastly it doesn't matter how well Minnesota has defended it what is the sample size on that? Can't be that big. I think Scott misses those things a lot. I don't know why. I suspect he's very biased in his thinking towards his impulses and tends to rationalize bad decisions but that's just sepculation.
I’m not defending the play caller but I will defend the call- running the sneak is a great way to get the QB injured- it happens a LOT more than people realize. I get it, it’s a rough sport, blah blah blah, but there is a very good reason you never see it much anymore in the NFL- Brady is an anomaly. Carr and his backup both got smashed last week running sneaks and both were lucky to stay upright. As much as everyone wants Smothers (or Haarberg?) to get more reps I doubt they are ready for prime time or we’d have seen more of them by now. Even though AM takes some big shots running the ball (and sacks) I believe Frost doesn’t want to risk running him into a pile, but who knows. And Yant seemed to stumble- I think he would have scored on that play if he didn’t trip over a blade of grass. He reminds me of Dan Alexander- biggest badass on the field but a slight wind gust knocks him down.

Why someone like Frost? I love the U but it doesn’t mean I would make a good coach.
Meaning his lineage and connections, as well as his success at UCF and as a coordinator at Oregon and the fact his is the “prodigal son”. Like it or not, he is. And remember, he was HIGHLY sought after not just by Nebraska.
Meaning his lineage and connections, as well as his success at UCF and as a coordinator at Oregon and the fact his is the “prodigal son”. Like it or not, he is. And remember, he was HIGHLY sought after not just by Nebraska.
And he has proved he wasn’t ready. No shame in it. We all thought we hired a can’t miss coach.
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Could a mid level guy do what AM did against OU, MSU and MU?

Lose? Yes . . . pretty confident a mid level guy could also lose those games.

But a QB with less athletic upside, better passing instincts/skills and better game awareness might very well have beaten IL and MN.

Martinez, for all his faults in year four, is probably the best we have by a wide margin though. If he doesn't come back and Frost doesn't try to land a portal guy (and I don't think he will because he doesnt like to rock his QB room boat), I just don't think Smothers has anywhere near the arm to be an improvement. Haarberg has the tools, but is raw. So you either get Martinez in year five probably being the same guy he is today (which might get you a bowl if Frost replaces Austin with someone who can fix the line and gets a ST coach) or you're rolling out a first year starter with very little game experience and hoping it's not another dumpster fire.
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There is a better chance of Smothers and Haarberg both transferring than either one seeing the field the rest of this season or next. Only way I see it happening (besides an injury) is if Frost gets fired this season, and I think we all know that is incredibly unlikely.
This got me thinking: If the kids just took care of business, as Scott and the other coaches are trying to put into their skulls, we would have a much, better record. Do we punish Scott because some of the kids continue to make mistakes in crucial moments? What is on Trev's mind about all this? What is your take on that>? Anyone wish to add to this, please? GBR

This got me thinking: If the kids just took care of business, as Scott and the other coaches are trying to put into their skulls, we would have a much, better record. Do we punish Scott because some of the kids continue to make mistakes in crucial moments? What is on Trev's mind about all this? What is your take on that>? Anyone wish to add to this, please? GBR
That seems to be the $64,000 question these day doesn't it? Folks could go back and forth all day (and many do lol) about if the coaching is to blame for the mistakes, or is it just the player. I'm not sure there is a definitive answer to that. I doubt anyone on here is at the practices, so we can only assume at this high of a level, the coaches know what to practice (tackling, not fumbling, etc.) but who knows how they actually structure that. I think some players, and this is strictly my own opinion, have a tendency to turn the ball over for a variety of reasons most people don't even think about. For instance, AM might have small hands and isn't able to hold the ball as well as someone with bigger hands. Who knows. Coaches are certainly to blame for play calling and game decisions, but when guys conitnually fumble, throw picks, hold, interfere, etc, I tend to believe it's more the player's "fault" than anything. Some players also don't rise to the occasion under pressure as well as others, and we've seen quite a few mistakes from that as well. These kids are under a tremendous amount of pressure playing a "game".


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