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Nebraska vs Colorado (9/7/19)

Thoughts: Mills runs straight into people, no moves. Washington: Runs outside only, doesn't take on contact (is effective, though). Martinez: Looks good one minute and horrible the next. Not sure what happened to him. Thought he would improve more over the off-season. Play calling could use more Robinson, Spielman. Get the ball to those playmakers more and then Adrian and the backs might be able run more effectively when they do run. Defense looked like they have potential to be pretty good. Overall it looked like they freaked out in the 2nd half when the offense started sputtering. Hope they can keep focused better when games get tight. We continue to see the little things like bad use of timeouts and penalties add up. To me that stuff comes down to focus and preparation. Shouldn't be as tough as the team makes it. Bottom line: This was a game most of us (I think) had chalked up as a W. Gotta stop having losses like this. Tired of the talk, want to see results.

Yeah, I hate being this negative. But it really isn't as emotional as it sounds. In actuality, I was expected it the entire second half--after the sleepwalking timeout on the very first play.

Sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders and except the fact that there is a serious psychological issue with our program.

I said in another post, Frost is new to this. Remember he has been gone. He has been lied to by folks in the North Stadium that this all started because of that bad ole Riley guy--that Pelini had the program knocking on the door. Those are lies. We've been struggling for a long time. The decent wasn't as obvious because of how high we once were and because we do have some advantages.

But you can't deny that this game felt like countless others in the past 15 years. I'm tired of people blaming Riley, Callahan, Pelini, and so on. The players need to keep working and keep playing for each other. Telling themselves that the second half was just silly mistakes or some dumb nonsense just isn't going to cut it.

To me it's not a matter of blaming past coaches. Just the reality of where constant turmoil has left us. Pelini was expected to be fired a year before he was. Tough to recruit under those circumstances. Then a coaching change. Then Riley struggled and got canned three short years later. Another transition class. Twice we've gone through radical scheme changes and the transition classes are tough. You don't get to know kids that well. Look how many we've already lost from this staff's first class. Look what happened to the 2017 class after the staff change. Essentially disintegrated. We've got some good players. Some holes too. Sure Colorado does too. And less talent on paper. But until this roster matures and get several classes in under this staff, we're going to play a lot of close games. We've got to do a better job of winning those. But we'll lose our share of them too.
Thoughts: Mills runs straight into people, no moves. Washington: Runs outside only, doesn't take on contact (is effective, though). Martinez: Looks good one minute and horrible the next. Not sure what happened to him. Thought he would improve more over the off-season. Play calling could use more Robinson, Spielman. Get the ball to those playmakers more and then Adrian and the backs might be able run more effectively when they do run. Defense looked like they have potential to be pretty good. Overall it looked like they freaked out in the 2nd half when the offense started sputtering. Hope they can keep focused better when games get tight. We continue to see the little things like bad use of timeouts and penalties add up. To me that stuff comes down to focus and preparation. Shouldn't be as tough as the team makes it. Bottom line: This was a game most of us (I think) had chalked up as a W. Gotta stop having losses like this. Tired of the talk, want to see results.
Except for that first TD to Speilman, didnt go downfield except for that Int to Noa. Would have preferred a Hail Mary vs. that FG attempt.
Except for that first TD to Speilman, didnt go downfield except for that Int to Noa. Would have preferred a Hail Mary vs. that FG attempt.

Agree, no downfield attempts. Odd for a coach that says his team relies on big plays.

As for the Hail Mary over the kick, not with this team -- I'd kick every time.

To me it's not a matter of blaming past coaches. Just the reality of where constant turmoil has left us. Pelini was expected to be fired a year before he was. Tough to recruit under those circumstances. Then a coaching change. Then Riley struggled and got canned three short years later. Another transition class. Twice we've gone through radical scheme changes and the transition classes are tough. You don't get to know kids that well. Look how many we've already lost from this staff's first class. Look what happened to the 2017 class after the staff change. Essentially disintegrated. We've got some good players. Some holes too. Sure Colorado does too. And less talent on paper. But until this roster matures and get several classes in under this staff, we're going to play a lot of close games. We've got to do a better job of winning those. But we'll lose our share of them too.
Wow. That is a lot of excuses.

This team has talent but you have to step on a team's throat when you have them down. Having to call a timeout before running a play in the second half shouldn't happen and was indicative of a loss of focus. You can't let momentum swing on you by relaxing. Good teams know that and come out with an even more focused effort

This team has a long way to go to learn how to win and Frost has some growing to do, too. The season will hinge on how we respond. The first job is to not let one loss become two.

As great a Head Coach as Tom Osborne was, he had to do some learning too. I hope the fans will allow Coach Frost that courtesy. I also hope HCSF will allow himself time to do that. SF has been in some very successful programs and he has experienced very quick success everywhere he’s been. This program is going to take several years to rebuild I think and he wants to do rebuild the Huskers so badly he is likely his most severe critic. Hopefully the expectations he has for himself and his teams at Nebraska will weather that criticism. He has the potential to be highly successful at Nebraska if he and Husker fans fans can be patient with Scott Frost.
Unbelievable. How do you lose that game when you're up 17 - 0 and you packed their stadium with your fans?? Inexcusable.
very inexcusable! worse than any loss last year!! year two under Duvall and all the Ninja military stuff!! come on coaches???
Playing with the “Colorado’s of the world” is evidence of progress? That’s a program with a new coaching staff and one winning season in the past 13 years. Losing to them in what was essentially a home game is evidence of regression.
Better than being blown out by the “Colorado’s of the world” except emotionally. Narrow losses are, in some ways, harder to take emotionally than blowouts. But in my opinion the answer is yes it shows progress,
To me it's not a matter of blaming past coaches. Just the reality of where constant turmoil has left us. Pelini was expected to be fired a year before he was. Tough to recruit under those circumstances. Then a coaching change. Then Riley struggled and got canned three short years later. Another transition class. Twice we've gone through radical scheme changes and the transition classes are tough. You don't get to know kids that well. Look how many we've already lost from this staff's first class. Look what happened to the 2017 class after the staff change. Essentially disintegrated. We've got some good players. Some holes too. Sure Colorado does too. And less talent on paper. But until this roster matures and get several classes in under this staff, we're going to play a lot of close games. We've got to do a better job of winning those. But we'll lose our share of them too.
This happens to a lot of teams and they return to playing better football so much quicker. Been hearing a long time that we are a few classes away, or previous coaches didnt know how to win. These kids know how to win they come from schools that were very very good. It's just another excuse waiting on the next excuse. The hype for this year outmatched many previous years and here we are...using tired and broke excuses. This team could go 9-0 the rest of the way if people would stop allowing excuses to rule the day..


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