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Hey, the buddy hire argument returns! With Riley, it's ok to hire people you know, trust, and respect. With Bo, it's not ok.
How about this? We wait until Riley has his entire staff in place, and then we compare their credentials to the staff that Bo first hired. Your straw man is likely to burst into flames quickly.

This point has been beaten down in numerous threads by NFL, SOS and Goaline. Experience. When one of Riley's Coordinators when from GA to DC or OC in less than 4 years or has never called plays at a P5 level then you can have the buddy argument. I have not seen any rumors of GA's being hired. Bo picked some good veteran coaches but many bad ones. You can never be the boss to a best friends. It does not work.

Absolutely agree! Some time, sooner or later, as a Head Coach, when your buddy is not doing his job or preforming poorly, you will have to tell them they are fired. Not good to hire untested and unproven friends to be on your staff.
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I would also like to add that I have several sources, players and staff working with the football program, that have told me, repeatedly, all players were not necessarily in Pelini's camp. Most complained of coaches, but not all loved Pelini.

Hey, the buddy hire argument returns!

With Riley, it's ok to hire people you know, trust, and respect. With Bo, it's not ok.

Lets compare the talent when riley has his hires. And compare them to this staff that just was fired. Imagine HCMR will hire a more qualified staff. I always thought Beck was a terrible hire.
Hey, the buddy hire argument returns!

With Riley, it's ok to hire people you know, trust, and respect. With Bo, it's not ok.

Bo hired a number of guys with limited experience coaching at the Power-5 level. Papuchis and Ekeler in particular, who had been GAs and made the move from GA to Power-5 position coaches. Ross Els had no experience at the Power-5 level when he was hired. Carl Pelini had no experience at the Power-5 level when he was hired. Rich Fisher had very little Power-5 level experience, all of it as a GA (2 years at Colorado, 2 years at Oklahoma State). John Garrison became offensive line coach after having experience coaching in college only as a coaching intern, and only at Nebraska under Pelini.

Compare this to Banker (nearly 20 years at Power-5 or NFL jobs), Read (17 years at Power-5 or NFL level), Cavanaugh (10 years of Power-5 level experience), and Bray (5 years at Power-5 level). Clearly, the experience level of Riley's buddies is a world apart from the experience level of Pelini's.

Now I get it. You were invested in Bo as a coach, and you're upset that he was fired. In a sense, I see how it must be galling to have him replaced by a coach who just completed a 5-7 record at a PAC-12 outpost. Furthermore, you are probably reacting, in kind, to the acrimonious and bitter verbiage that the anti-Bo contingent spewed on all of us on this forum, over and over again. It grew tiresome and tedious for me, too.

But to make a comparison between Bo's hires and Riley's and trying to group them as much the same, ignores the vast difference in experience. Frankly, trying to compare them as the same makes you look bad. You're a more knowledgable poster and a better person than that. In my opinion, the most telling flaw in Pelini's program was the inexperience of much of his staff and his own inexperience as a head coach. Coaching up the players while coaching up his assistants to be FBS/Power-5 level assistants was just too much for him. Between that and his attitude toward authority and bunker-mentality coaching, along with the Wisconsin game, there was just enough rationale for an athletic director who was not invested in him to fire him.

Regardless, comparing Bo's staff to Riley's (so far) and trying to make them seem the same (in order to take Riley to task) is a flawed argument. It truly is "apples to oranges".
He said his son and the team loved Bo but a lot of them thought the majority of the assistant coaches were a joke.

I am bothered a little that the players think they are great judges of coaching talent. I am curious as to why they thought the assistants were a joke.

Just because you have a lot of experience does not make you a good coach. They were pretty par at OSU

There is that. Lots of experience being a mediocre coach just makes you an older mediocre coach. But I was never comfortable with Pelini's inexperienced hires. I think it hurt him. His later hires (Warren and Kaz) showed that he was learning. Probably one or two outstanding catches in the end zone (Moore vs. MSU or Westerkamp vs. Minnesota) and we'd be talking about who from his staff should not be back in 2015, instead of discussing the relative merits of Mike Riley's staff.
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I am bothered a little that the players think they are great judges of coaching talent. I am curious as to why they thought the assistants were a joke.

I don't have an answer to that. I can only guess after the newest Pelini tapes were released they were tired of childish immature behavior. (See Kaz's behavior at the end of the first qtr. Also see the numerous instances of complete unorganized play at times.). Just a guess on my part.
I'm sure some of the kids played pee-wee football. They are probably comparing that coach to their most current coach. :)
I don't think it's a no-no from the board's perspective, but the player's Dad may not have wanted to see his kid's name semi-published is my point. The kid could get some blow back from other, like fellow team mates who may have seen it differently, that's all.

edited to add: Ah, never mind. I forgot he's not there anymore. Probably doesn't matter.
That might damage the source's credibility, especially if the player is Greg Hart. I ran into his dad at the Northwestern game, and it took all of 30 seconds for him to start badmouthing the coaches to a complete stranger.

Bo hired a number of guys with limited experience coaching at the Power-5 level. Papuchis and Ekeler in particular, who had been GAs and made the move from GA to Power-5 position coaches. Ross Els had no experience at the Power-5 level when he was hired. Carl Pelini had no experience at the Power-5 level when he was hired. Rich Fisher had very little Power-5 level experience, all of it as a GA (2 years at Colorado, 2 years at Oklahoma State). John Garrison became offensive line coach after having experience coaching in college only as a coaching intern, and only at Nebraska under Pelini.

Compare this to Banker (nearly 20 years at Power-5 or NFL jobs), Read (17 years at Power-5 or NFL level), Cavanaugh (10 years of Power-5 level experience), and Bray (5 years at Power-5 level). Clearly, the experience level of Riley's buddies is a world apart from the experience level of Pelini's.

Now I get it. You were invested in Bo as a coach, and you're upset that he was fired. In a sense, I see how it must be galling to have him replaced by a coach who just completed a 5-7 record at a PAC-12 outpost. Furthermore, you are probably reacting, in kind, to the acrimonious and bitter verbiage that the anti-Bo contingent spewed on all of us on this forum, over and over again. It grew tiresome and tedious for me, too.

But to make a comparison between Bo's hires and Riley's and trying to group them as much the same, ignores the vast difference in experience. Frankly, trying to compare them as the same makes you look bad. You're a more knowledgable poster and a better person than that. In my opinion, the most telling flaw in Pelini's program was the inexperience of much of his staff and his own inexperience as a head coach. Coaching up the players while coaching up his assistants to be FBS/Power-5 level assistants was just too much for him. Between that and his attitude toward authority and bunker-mentality coaching, along with the Wisconsin game, there was just enough rationale for an athletic director who was not invested in him to fire him.

Regardless, comparing Bo's staff to Riley's (so far) and trying to make them seem the same (in order to take Riley to task) is a flawed argument. It truly is "apples to oranges".
I don't know if Riley's assistants to date are better than the coaches they are replacing, nor do I consider myself competent to judge them. But while experience is useful, it doesn't trump talent. We'll see next year if they are an obvious upgrade.
And even talent and experience can degrade if a person's desire to learn and grow dissipates. If you'll forgive a literary example, the great Romantic poet Wordsworth lived to 80. He didn't write anything worth reading after age 30.
That might damage the source's credibility, especially if the player is Greg Hart. I ran into his dad at the Northwestern game, and it took all of 30 seconds for him to start badmouthing the coaches to a complete stranger.

That's interesting. The reason he talked to me at the gym was that I had a Husker shirt on. Other then that he didn't know me from Adam.

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