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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Mich or Ohio St

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I don't care what "they" think. They aren't going to Indy.

Just like '97...we have the hardware, I don't care what "they" think.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I just want the big trophy! Then go see the boyz out here in So Cal!

I will be pulling for Michigan. Meyers has no class. Consider how the OSU - Nebraska game ended vs. how Neb and Iowa ended yesterday. Inside the 10 Nebr.
took a knee rather then scoring a another td. I know others think we simply needed to stop(OSU) them however we had already given them 2 or three cheap tds. on
turnovers. The classy thing to do would have been for them to have take a knee and sent a thank you card for the points we have them.
Tie (I know they can't) Michigan has one loss and one tie and Ohio St. is not perfect.:Biggrin:

Otherwise I hope Michigan scores more points.

A Michigan win makes us look better I think. Michigan all the way. Can't stand Ohio State...
Michigan. Really can't stand Urban Pope Meyer. Maybe he will get a stomach ache again and have to take some time off.
Can't cheer for the cheaters at OSU.

Do we really think we are 'sharing' a division title with Michigan when we move on to Indy and they don't? Or, if we win in Indy, we are in the Rose Bowl and they are not?
This. Same reason I never root for Oklahoma, Alabama or USC, though OU seems clean under Stoops.

This. Same reason I never root for Oklahoma, Alabama or USC, though OU seems clean under Stoops.

I am hoping for a Georgia SEC championship - I think I've read that Richt does not do the oversigning thing.

Florida and Auburn are giving out 4 year schollies already; not sure I can cheer for either of those teams, though.
I am having the same diliema with the USC-Notre Dame game. I don't like Notre Dame, but I don't want an all SEC championship game...
I am pulling for Michigan, don't want to hear Ohio State crow about an undefeated season and being the best team in the conference.

I am having the same diliema with the USC-Notre Dame game. I don't like Notre Dame, but I don't want an all SEC championship game...

I know where you are coming fron BRL though I am going to pull for USC and hope FSU beats Florida. I still think Oregon has a chance to make the BCS title game but they need some help to get there.

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