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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Looks like these are the alt unis and they are for the Whisky game...

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Great. No self-respecting football program should do without emulating the Texas Tech look. Not sure what's the worst thing you can say: That they remind of that storied program from Lubbock, or at least they're not as bad as Oregon's or Maryland's.

Oh, well, it's probably having the desired effect. They say that art becomes great not when it's good or bad, but when it cannot be ignored.

If all that people can see is TTech, then there are worse problems that need to be looked at ;)

Exactly, now the top recruits might mistake us for T.Tech and we can land them. We want the best recruits to come to UNL because the team wore ugly, hip, uniforms for one game. Now, our chances of landing some 5 stars has finally arrived. We now have a chance to win our first recruiting championship.

Glory Day Are Here at Last!!!!!

What was it the scarecrow said he needed? You seem to be on top of all things strawman related.
I am not sure I understand the 'WHITE' comment. Are you implying sometype of racism? I assume Addidas would care, because I assume they feel they will make money on selling replicas of this particular uniform.

Simply referring to the racial percentage of this board versus the Huskers recruiting board ... As far as Adidas goes, I suspect they will sell plenty of these jerseys.

Simply referring to the racial percentage of this board versus the Huskers recruiting board ...

Looks fine to me....its still Nebraska football....I like traditon...but I also like progress and if we do this once or twice a year in the future then I'm good with it....not a big deal at all in my mind....but thats just me...:)

And yeah I might even buy a jersey...to go with my traditonal one...:) :)

This is what I was afraid of--No creativity! All RED with a Black helmet, that's what separates Adidas from Nike. My hope this is a one and burn em!
Nice try, now lets move on!
I like the idea of alternate uniforms. However, this particular design, in my opinion, is pretty drab. Fortunately, I doubt the uniforms will have any affect on whether or not we win the game.

I don't like how the N on the front looks like an inverted pyramid, when stretched out across the shoulders.

I like the idea of the N on the front. Agree that there seems to be too much red, not enough (or any) cream. Agree that a white belt seems in order to break up the polyester Sansabelt jumpsuit look.

That's what we can call these, the Husker Sansabelt uniforms!

I think straight black socks would have been better. Those fine stripes are indistinguishable. Shoes are OK.

Overall, I'd give this a B-

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