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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Looks like these are the alt unis and they are for the Whisky game...

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About time Nebraska came into the 2010s!! Great idea and new look. Hopefully they wear a new look for at least one game Every season.

People can't have it both ways...you say in one thread that college football is about the players and when it is a uniform tweak that players like it becomes about the fan who spazzes out because they feel "tradition" is mocked.

What tradition, UNL has not won a conference championship in 13 years? That spells "has been" in most dictionaries.

So I guess forgetting the fact that we are the Scarlet and Cream should come as no surprise;)

I understand them trying to pay tribute to the simple N, but not sure if that would have been my choice. Never been a fan of same colored pants and jerseys, I think black would have been a better choice.

I would have liked to have seen them with the black helmets and black pants. The all red looks like pajamas I had when I was 3 years old.
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I'm a traditionalist and I like them. The N on the chest could be a little wider, but it gives it a more of an "old school" look.
I do think there needs to be black belt added just to break up all the red, but over all I think they are pretty cool.
I would be willing to buy one, something different to add to my collection.

I'm not sure where some of you are getting the Texas Tech comparison because it's obviously a scarlet red color in dark lighting and the black stripes, helmet etc. are different from Techs color scheme.

My main issue is the socks.

I can try it for one game.
I'm all for tradition, but part of tradition is making new traditions and revitalizing them for the next generation. Our uniforms may be old school, but things like the Tunnel Walk and releasing red balloons after the first score are pretty recent inventions.

There's nothing wrong with wearing an alternate uniform because, as the name implies, it is an alternate not a primary.

The near single color, N on the front, striped socks seems kind of old school to me. I was hoping for something new and fresh. ;)

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Primary objection against the uni's is not TRADITION it is that they are just UGLY, just plain UGLY.
I'm not sure where some of you are getting the Texas Tech comparison because it's obviously a scarlet red color in dark lighting and the black stripes, helmet etc. are different from Techs color scheme.

My main issue is the socks.

I can try it for one game.

Black and Red

(Hard to claim the little white border on "N" is the scarlet)

Color and fashion is so subjective to each indivdual. I've seen what some people in Nebraska pass off as fashion or lack of and I'm not impressed with what some of our fan base wears but who cares, to each his own. I like the uni's for something as an alternative, wearing once. Agian, if the palyers like them, then it's cool with me. Just beat the Badgers!

I certainly couldn't make the fashion police force but I know what I like and don't like. The N on the front looks like it belongs on a cheerleader, not a player, and the red on red looks like a onesie. Put footies on them and you'd have sleepwear. But it's not about me. If the players like them and if it has any impact on getting recruits then I can adjust. Frankly I don't really care as long as they WIN!

(Now where did I put my black knee socks and sandals?)
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