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LOL...Only in Nebraska...The OWH editorial board chimes in

Loved it when someone asked Cally whether he'd fire himself. Would be an apt question for Scott.
I loved Callahan's answer even more, "I have done an excellent job in all departments." Like I keep saying if had had gotten rid of his DC he might still be at Nebraska.
With all due respect, the OWH carry as much weight as their fictitious sports writer colleague Ray Barone.

So while they always have something to say and yearn for relevance and credibility, they exist mainly (or possibly only) for entertainment purposes.

And with that said, in this case (at least from me) OWH’s “lines” regarding leadership decisions…

… get equal amounts of laughs and “spit takes” that their brother Ray gets.

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Where else but Nebraska does the paper-of-record for the state print an editorial in support of keeping the football coach?
This is remarkable.
Exactly my first thought! I have been tempted to pay the $1.00 to read their articles. They will never see my dollar now...lol.
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A lot of know it alls up in here man. What do any of you know about coaching big time college football? Just curious. A lot of you talk like you’ve walked those sidelines with big games on the line. Let’s be honest you haven’t and high school coaching don’t count. Get over yourselves. A bunch of grown men crying about a coach who bleeds Scarlet and Cream more than any of us. Yea I’m pissed off too about the results but am impressed by the fight. I’ve watched teams quit on the last three coaches, these boys don’t. That’s because of Scott. I’d rather have a coach who hurts just as much as me when we lose and is as jovial as me by a win than some dude who just came for the check. Who do you get anyway? What big time coach is coming here after our track record with coaches? Don’t give me the crap about money talks. Yea, sometimes that’s true but in our case with the way it’s gone down and firing another coach after 4 years it’s highly unlikely. I heard hire Luke Fickell. Yea that’s not happening. He’s not leaving a good team he’s built in a mediocre conference to come take over another big rebuilding project. Nah he will wait for a real big fish to open up, where it’s easier to recruit and competition isn’t as tough. Get real people. Look at it this way. If Scott turns it around next year it’s a win for everybody. If it’s the same song and dance you get to say I told you so! As someone who has read the boards for years and has recently joined I can see there’s a lot of I told you so types. So again calm down let Trev do his damn job. And as always GO BIG RED!

I listened to the Big Red Overreaction on the radio after the game and it seemed the general consensus among the callers was that they wanted to keep Frost which I thought was interesting after reading all the people on here with the opposite opinion.

I'm not saying either side is right or wrong. I just thought it was interesting to hear the opinions from outside this echo chamber.
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