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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked hmmmm, wasn't it a couple weeks ago?

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Once again we have another thread trying to label anyone who had the audacity to point out some of this team's obvious deficiencies as a bunch of bad fans who wanted Bo fired, who root for the Huskers to lose just to further their hidden agendas, and lastly as being bad fans because they refused to put lipstick on a pig after some of the uglier moments of the season.

I could be wrong but I don't think many folks on here wanted Bo fired (I know there are a few, but it's a minority). Everyone on here wants the Huskers to be successful which in turn means you want Bo to be successful. That being said, you have to admit this team has not played good football at times this year. But through it all they have continued to fight and battle back, that's a credit to the players and to the coaching staff.

I will always maintain that criticizing/questioning the product on the field doesn't make you bad fan rooting for the demise of the head coach. It just makes you a fan who wants their team to play good consistent football which hasn't always been the case this year. That's frustrating for a lot of folks especially when it's obvious how good could this team could be if they could just get out of their own way on a consistent basis.

As always, good post Ref!

It was understandable why some had a problem with the two gap scheme and that constant theme of running quarterbacks having good days going against the defense. Bo learned to adapt and add some things after UCLA and OSU dismantled his baby. Still some just have to fume and point fingers on both sides. It was what it was. A young staff learning and adapting and a fan base that had developed short fuses after the past decade.

I had wrote a post months back calling this defense a blue-collar group. I mentioned back to some very good defenses from the past that were much like this collection of players. I mentioned how Bo's defensive backfield most always grew with every game due to the complexity of it's makeup. Bo added some sickum after those mobile quarterbacks made his defense look like a one trick pony. Martin became the hitman from the blindside. A variety of blitzes confused even veteran quarterbacks and the Henny Penny crowd had some hope, and tamed down their harse rants.

This season happened just as I had thought it would. This season was really about growth and taking that big step. Setting the stage for 2013. It could have went south very easily. The comebacks and the close games made the team and the staff realize just how good they really were and what they had to do to overcome a nasty schedule. I enjoyed the season and the growth. I'm nothing but fortunate that it turned out as it did. I could have easily been eating some crow if a couple of those close games went the other way. We should all come together and thank the football Gods for our blessings. For a young staff that learned much this year. For Martinez and his steps forward. For the leadership that kept this thing together. For guys like Rex who brought back the love of the game. Take a breath and look forward.
At this point, it makes for great signature material and a small step towards the ultimate goal.

I know, I will commit a little blasphemy, but even the '97 team was not perfect in every sense, and while it is nice to want to achieve perfection, it will never happen. However, in the other sense, this team was never bumbling idiots, or "keystone cops" either.
I think Bo has done a great job this year. He got the defense straightened out and playing rock solid ball when everyone, including myself, had written the defense off as an un-athletic, slow and a poorly schemed defense. He proved that he could make adjustments and mold them into a cohesive, dominant unit on the fly. Thats coaching.

This team still has a lot of problems... including special teams, but i think there are enough positives in place to grant Bo a lot of leeway for awhile.

That there was lotsa talk on here how Bo must Go? And gosh, how Bo's attitude was effecting recruiting and everything was just turrible, turrible.

THREE 10 win seasons in 5 yrs.....Legends Champion in 2nd season of B1G, that everyone said we'd be LUCKY to go 8-4 the first 2 seasons.

May the Bo-Haters now enjoy their nice Black Friday meal of Crow with extra stuffing.

'nuff said.

Nothing at all wrong with Bo, except his {New} Blackshirt tradition. :O")
Lol, funny how people feel completely at ease calling out players and coaches, and even other posters (how many here have seen the "I'm a realist, you drink kool aid" posts), but when they get called out, it suddenly isn't necessary.......this entire bard isn't necessary, but it sure is fun reading the differing opinions and cat fighting.
Do you think Bo and his coaches also don't look at those things and think, damn, this must get better?

Absolutely they do. Right along with tackling, blocking, kicking, punting, catching, running routes, pass coverage, run defense, and on and on and on. If you look closely enough, every team has weaknesses and every team has areas that need improvement. It's a constant balancing act how much time to spend on each skill area. I'm sure the coaches are saying they need to make changes in the punt return situation and improve in that area.

Don't know if you listened to the Husker radio broadcast along with the game (I did). Matt Davison was begging our punt returners to let the punts bounce - not to touch them at all. Such a cold day with swirling winds - and combined with our recent punt return history - it made the most sense to just let the punts go...and our guys did let most of them bounce, with one unfortunate exception.

Of course we want to improve in ball security, that is obvious and goes without saying, but to harp on that after a division victory (ugly as it was)???

If we are going to choose an area to complain about, why focus on turnovers alone? Why not complain that we don't score 50 points every game, or that we allowed the other team to score?

Lol, funny how people feel completely at ease calling out players and coaches, and even other posters (how many here have seen the "I'm a realist, you drink kool aid" posts), but when they get called out, it suddenly isn't necessary.......this entire bard isn't necessary, but it sure is fun reading the differing opinions and cat fighting.

I agree, it is hilarious. Makes the discussion board go 'round, huh? :Biggrin:
post #1 talks about those who felt the HC must go - yet you respond by wanting to discuss turnover margin and special teams? - that is the misdirection I allude to.

This thread is about more than debbie downers, it's about a few folks owning up to calling for Bo's head

we heard from a prime suspect in post #14, basically calling out fans & dismissing this season to shevin wiggins foot-esque luck... & he'll be back, neener neener neener :rolleyes:

I wasn't responding to the OP was I? I was responding to your post. I called your post, not the OP. So again, no misdirection.

I have never agreed with GFOA's stance, nice attempt at misdirection. :rolleyes:
Absolutely they do. Right along with tackling, blocking, kicking, punting, catching, running routes, pass coverage, run defense, and on and on and on. If you look closely enough, every team has weaknesses and every team has areas that need improvement. It's a constant balancing act how much time to spend on each skill area. I'm sure the coaches are saying they need to make changes in the punt return situation and improve in that area.

Don't know if you listened to the Husker radio broadcast along with the game (I did). Matt Davison was begging our punt returners to let the punts bounce - not to touch them at all. Such a cold day with swirling winds - and combined with our recent punt return history - it made the most sense to just let the punts go...and our guys did let most of them bounce, with one unfortunate exception.

Of course we want to improve in ball security, that is obvious and goes without saying, but to harp on that after a division victory (ugly as it was)???

If we are going to choose an area to complain about, why focus on turnovers alone? Why not complain that we don't score 50 points every game, or that we allowed the other team to score?

Because I don't think it's necessary to have to score 50 a game to win for one. Why concentrate on turnovers? Because they are huge momentum changing play than can easily cost teams games. That's why. Look, not trying to be a debbie down here, just pointing out the things that I hope this team and next years team can improve at, because if they do, this team will be VERY good.
Because I don't think it's necessary to have to score 50 a game to win for one. Why concentrate on turnovers? Because they are huge momentum changing play than can easily cost teams games. That's why. Look, not trying to be a debbie down here, just pointing out the things that I hope this team and next years team can improve at, because if they do, this team will be VERY good.

There's no doubt that turnovers can be momentum-changers, for sure. In a crazy way (and no - I don't hope for any more turnovers!!), I think having to come back from all of the shoot-ourselves-in-the-foot situations has actually contributed to a tougher mentality on this team. If we ever want better than a chance at a CCG, we do have to do better.

Today, my goal is for the Cheesepuffs to get bruised up pretty good (not injured). I'd like to see half their team still needing the ice-baths next Thursday or so. And then? How about we put an entire game together with ZERO turnovers on offense, and few penalties. I'd like my corn next Sunday with a little melted cheese on top!!

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I wasn't responding to the OP was I? I was responding to your post. I called your post, not the OP. So again, no misdirection.

I have never agreed with GFOA's stance, nice attempt at misdirection. :rolleyes:

I was.

you claim Nobody is asking perfection, I disagree, there are plenty of folks raised on 60-3 who are still bitter about that night in Tempe.

& yes, surprise, there is room for improvement

now back on track - I spent the afternoon raking leaves - did we hear from any more of the Bo must go crowd? didn't think so.:rolleyes:

they'll be back when it's their time to gloat.
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Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
It is starting to feel like Romper Room on this board, how many remember that show :stickouttongue:
We are talking about Maybe 2-3 posters and yet it is being made to appear that it is a lot more.... I don't get it, is there a full moon?

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