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The fact that they make this type of post after every win is what is funny. It shows their uncertainty of whether they will be able to gloat later. Bo has won NOTHING YET. This team is still on very shaky footing. They have done a terrific job of putting themselves in hole and finding a way out. We are about six plays and a few fortunate penalties, injuries, and coaching errors away from having 6 losses right now. I am very pleased that we have shown fortitude and been lucky so far this year. The clowns here that were disrespecting Iowa all week long, predicting a rout, got shown yesterday that they know nothing about this team. We are an OK team, with a really good record compared to what it probably should be. Bo has shown me NOTHING more than in any previous year as a coach. The team has shown fortitude and hopefully will continue to do so, but there is danger ahead...probably why the fools are gloating now.

PS--GBR, win the BIG and bowl

We were 3 plays, 3 plays over an entire season, from being one loss Big 12 championship team in '09. You go all woulda coulda shoulda on how our record could be worse and I'll go woulda coulda shoulda on how our record could be better, that game goes both ways. Get all defensive about not having chance to gloat about how much Bo sucks all you want, I would just say it's telling that GBR is nothing more than a PS for you.

You're all upset about clowns disrespecting IA yet have not problem disrespecting the accomplishments of the Husker staff and team all day long.

agree with your observations Jimminy - but alas the pessimax crowd doesn't accept anything less than perfection.

It's ok, let them squawk and wallow, this has been yet another terrific season - Go Big Red!
Once again we have another thread trying to label anyone who had the audacity to point out some of this team's obvious deficiencies as a bunch of bad fans who wanted Bo fired, who root for the Huskers to lose just to further their hidden agendas, and lastly as being bad fans because they refused to put lipstick on a pig after some of the uglier moments of the season.

I could be wrong but I don't think many folks on here wanted Bo fired (I know there are a few, but it's a minority). Everyone on here wants the Huskers to be successful which in turn means you want Bo to be successful. That being said, you have to admit this team has not played good football at times this year. But through it all they have continued to fight and battle back, that's a credit to the players and to the coaching staff.

I will always maintain that criticizing/questioning the product on the field doesn't make you bad fan rooting for the demise of the head coach. It just makes you a fan who wants their team to play good consistent football which hasn't always been the case this year. That's frustrating for a lot of folks especially when it's obvious how good could this team could be if they could just get out of their own way on a consistent basis.

agree with your observations Jimminy - but alas the pessimax crowd doesn't accept anything less than perfection.

It's ok, let them squawk and wallow, this has been yet another terrific season - Go Big Red!

Nobody is asking for perfection, just not to be last in the B1G in turnover margin and being able to field a punt would be great. It's not about being pessimistic, it's about looking at what this team needs to improve to reach the next level. Do you think Bo and his coaches also don't look at those things and think, damn, this must get better?
Nobody is asking for perfection, just not to be last in the B1G in turnover margin and being able to field a punt would be great. It's not about being pessimistic, it's about looking at what this team needs to improve to reach the next level. Do you think Bo and his coaches also don't look at those things and think, damn, this must get better?

We were 3 plays, 3 plays over an entire season, from being one loss Big 12 championship team in '09. You go all woulda coulda shoulda on how our record could be worse and I'll go woulda coulda shoulda on how our record could be better, that game goes both ways. Get all defensive about not having chance to gloat about how much Bo sucks all you want, I would just say it's telling that GBR is nothing more than a PS for you.

You're all upset about clowns disrespecting IA yet have not problem disrespecting the accomplishments of the Husker staff and team all day long.

Good stuff, BigMacH, but just as an fyi, there are fans of several different teams on this board - Sooner24, Formo, Cardinal to name a few. One in particular who claims the title Greatest Fan never does declare 'of which team?' I've a feeling that it's a non-Husker team and that individual is over here to throw darts and have his jollies with a fan base that he knows will take the bait. Lord knows I've taken it too more times than I'd like to admit....

Of course, your comment on woulda, shoulda, coulda being a two-way street is spot on. Who'da thunk the wind would blow an Iowa-punted ball 30 yards down the field to stop at the Husker 1? Therein lies the beauty - and the magic - of sport. Stuff happens. All the time. ;)


I would consider myself one of the 9-3 or 8 & 4 folks. Thought it would take awhile to get acclimated to B1G football. Still believe that to be the case. No slam against the team, or especially BO (whom I hope stays as long as he wants) just being a realist. Remember how we were gonna run rough shod over B1G in the 1st year? Oops. Next time try thinking with your head before your heart!
Nobody is asking for perfection, just not to be last in the B1G in turnover margin and being able to field a punt would be great. It's not about being pessimistic, it's about looking at what this team needs to improve to reach the next level. Do you think Bo and his coaches also don't look at those things and think, damn, this must get better?

nice attempt at misdirection, but this thread is all about the greatest naysayers & the haters.

I'll gladly discuss critiques - because I respect and probably share many of them, but this ain't the thread for dat.

This is for the bo must go crowd.... Go Big Red!
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Bo deserved a lot of heat after the Ohio State game. They looked like the keystone cops and were going to the meat of the schedule.
Bo deserves a lot of the credit for getting his team to win these last few games and (at least) a share of the title.
Bo deserves to be questioned over areas that do not seem to get fixed or span multiple games (special teams-muffed punts, line up wrong which happened a lot on both sides of the ball, linemen standing around...).
He gets praise when the team does well and gets heat when they don't. Not real complicated. If everyone agreed on everything on this board, it would be pretty boring. I'm happy for this team and hope they play 4 quarters in Indy.
nice attempt at misdirection, but this thread is all about the greatest naysayers & the haters.

I'll gladly discuss critiques - because I respect and probably share many of them, but this ain't the thread for dat.

This is for the bo must go crowd.... Go Big Red!

Really? Not really what you implied here is it?

agree with your observations Jimminy - but alas the pessimax crowd doesn't accept anything less than perfection.

It's ok, let them squawk and wallow, this has been yet another terrific season - Go Big Red!

I responded directly to your "demand perfection" comment and how it's false. Where's the misdirection? I can handle you not agreeing with me, that's fine. But don't make it sound like I'm trying misdirection, that's ridiculous.
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nice attempt at misdirection, but this thread is all about the greatest naysayers & the haters.

I'll gladly discuss critiques - because I respect and probably share many of them, but this ain't the thread for dat.

This is for the bo must go crowd.... Go Big Red!

So basically a thread for a witch hunt and the opportunity to shout "I am a better fan than you are...neener, neener, neener!!!" Nice :cool:
Really? Not really what you implied here is it?

I responded directly to your "demand perfection" comment and how it's false. Where's the misdirection? I can handle you not agreeing with me, that's fine. But don't make it sound like I'm trying misdirection, that's ridiculous.

post #1 talks about those who felt the HC must go - yet you respond by wanting to discuss turnover margin and special teams? - that is the misdirection I allude to.

This thread is about more than debbie downers, it's about a few folks owning up to calling for Bo's head

we heard from a prime suspect in post #14, basically calling out fans & dismissing this season to shevin wiggins foot-esque luck... & he'll be back, neener neener neener :rolleyes:

So basically a thread for a witch hunt and the opportunity to shout "I am a better fan than you are...neener, neener, neener!!!" Nice :cool:

No different than any derogatory Barney or Bo thread - who's claiming to be a better fan?
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