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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked hmmmm, wasn't it a couple weeks ago?

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the team has won a division championship. get over it. and they have won ten games. to say they have won nothing is ridiculous.

Love the success BO has had getting these guys to play in the second half. Begs the question for the coaches...what's up with the first half? If we're being honest here this team is about 14 points from being 6-6. I have to give credit to the coaches for the way the team fights to the end (tOSU is the only exception). And 13-6 over 4-8 Iowa? 4 point win over 5-6 MSU? A 3 point win over WI when they were pretty bad. Miracle 1 point win over NW? All the elements seem to be in place to be dominant, but what's missing? The penalties seem to have gotten much better lately which is encouraging, but the TO's are still a problem. Wisconsin is not the same team we played earlier (they we're minus Reggie Ball last time and their QB situation has improved). We are going to have our hands full in Indy.

Loved the win, love the record...just not giddy. Here's to a B1G Trophy for Bo and the boys...:thumbsup:

Very well stated post pilk.

I think next year is a big year. Bo has got to be able to build on the momentum the program has this year. That means closing out this season strong in recruiting for one. Also, he REALLY needs to get the to's and special teams figured out. Those are things that are just gonna kill at some point or another.
Love the success BO has had getting these guys to play in the second half. Begs the question for the coaches...what's up with the first half? If we're being honest here this team is about 14 points from being 6-6. I have to give credit to the coaches for the way the team fights to the end (tOSU is the only exception). And 13-6 over 4-8 Iowa? 4 point win over 5-6 MSU? A 3 point win over WI when they were pretty bad. Miracle 1 point win over NW? All the elements seem to be in place to be dominant, but what's missing? The penalties seem to have gotten much better lately which is encouraging, but the TO's are still a problem. Wisconsin is not the same team we played earlier (they we're minus Reggie Ball last time and their QB situation has improved). We are going to have our hands full in Indy.

Loved the win, love the record...just not giddy. Here's to a B1G Trophy for Bo and the boys...:thumbsup:

Uh oh....."Incoming!!!!!"
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Very well stated post pilk.

I think next year is a big year. Bo has got to be able to build on the momentum the program has this year. That means closing out this season strong in recruiting for one. Also, he REALLY needs to get the to's and special teams figured out. Those are things that are just gonna kill at some point or another.

When I see the skill players coming back (including TM) and the young ones who have been redshirting and those who transferred in and will be eligible...the future could be bright. Next year's schedule is an incredible opportunity to go undefeated into the B1G CCG. I really feel like TM is getting better and if he can take his game to the next level, we could watch some fun stuff.

The fact that they make this type of post after every win is what is funny. It shows their uncertainty of whether they will be able to gloat later. Bo has won NOTHING YET. This team is still on very shaky footing. They have done a terrific job of putting themselves in hole and finding a way out. We are about six plays and a few fortunate penalties, injuries, and coaching errors away from having 6 losses right now. I am very pleased that we have shown fortitude and been lucky so far this year. The clowns here that were disrespecting Iowa all week long, predicting a rout, got shown yesterday that they know nothing about this team. We are an OK team, with a really good record compared to what it probably should be. Bo has shown me NOTHING more than in any previous year as a coach. The team has shown fortitude and hopefully will continue to do so, but there is danger ahead...probably why the fools are gloating now.

PS--GBR, win the BIG and bowl

I'll have to go back and look, but I think that Bo has won 2 Big 12 North Division Championships and 1 Big Ten Legends Division Championship.

Bo deserved a lot of heat after the Ohio State game. They looked like the keystone cops and were going to the meat of the schedule.
Bo deserves a lot of the credit for getting his team to win these last few games and (at least) a share of the title.
Bo deserves to be questioned over areas that do not seem to get fixed or span multiple games (special teams-muffed punts, line up wrong which happened a lot on both sides of the ball, linemen standing around...).
He gets praise when the team does well and gets heat when they don't. Not real complicated. If everyone agreed on everything on this board, it would be pretty boring. I'm happy for this team and hope they play 4 quarters in Indy.
That there was lotsa talk on here how Bo must Go? And gosh, how Bo's attitude was effecting recruiting and everything was just turrible, turrible.

THREE 10 win seasons in 5 yrs.....Legends Champion in 2nd season of B1G, that everyone said we'd be LUCKY to go 8-4 the first 2 seasons.

May the Bo-Haters now enjoy their nice Black Friday meal of Crow with extra stuffing.

'nuff said.

48 days ago to be exact.

Only know that due to several players mentioning it during the post game.
Bo deserved a lot of heat after the Ohio State game. They looked like the keystone cops and were going to the meat of the schedule.
Bo deserves a lot of the credit for getting his team to win these last few games and (at least) a share of the title.
Bo deserves to be questioned over areas that do not seem to get fixed or span multiple games (special teams-muffed punts, line up wrong which happened a lot on both sides of the ball, linemen standing around...).
He gets praise when the team does well and gets heat when they don't. Not real complicated. If everyone agreed on everything on this board, it would be pretty boring. I'm happy for this team and hope they play 4 quarters in Indy.

You and your reasonable perspectives have no place here.


I like Bo, I love this team and it's resolve. Let's go out and win two more....then let the chips, and posts fall where they may.

Love the success BO has had getting these guys to play in the second half. Begs the question for the coaches...what's up with the first half? If we're being honest here this team is about 14 points from being 6-6. I have to give credit to the coaches for the way the team fights to the end (tOSU is the only exception). And 13-6 over 4-8 Iowa? 4 point win over 5-6 MSU? A 3 point win over WI when they were pretty bad. Miracle 1 point win over NW? All the elements seem to be in place to be dominant, but what's missing? The penalties seem to have gotten much better lately which is encouraging, but the TO's are still a problem. Wisconsin is not the same team we played earlier (they we're minus Reggie (edit)...Monte Ball last time and their QB situation has improved). We are going to have our hands full in Indy.

Loved the win, love the record...just not giddy. Here's to a B1G Trophy for Bo and the boys...:thumbsup:

Ball played in the game in Lincoln. He had 2 or maybe 3 TD runs. And Stave was the QB and was certainly playing better then than Phillips is now for UW.
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