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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Does Taylor Martinez get his number and name in Memorial Stadium

Does #3 Taylor Martinez become a retired jersey

  • Yes it does

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • No it doesn't

    Votes: 14 19.7%
  • Wait until after next year to decide

    Votes: 42 59.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Everyone else on the stadium has at least one conference championship and/or bowl ring as well as a national award. Martinez has none. The system he runs and the fact that he has started more games than most players at his position for NU has given him the opportunity to bring the SCHOOL records. But I'm not sure how you can consider someone to be amongst the elite players of our history without him doing what the other elite players in our history have done, at least once. We can love his heart and his willingness to improve every season, but there are many players on this team and others whom share the same characteristics, even names we don't know because they aren't as physically gift as Martinez to be in the spot light consistently. But Martinez is 0-3 in the biggest games of his career (CCG, & 2 bowls), with no national awards. I would think that he would have to at least have some kind of hardware at the end of the season before we are looking to "retire his jersey" or something.

His stats are impressive. His errors a major bugaboo. But I have never seen a player, especially one with his talent to begin with, improve soooo much in the course of a college career. This guy is very interesting. I can see if GBR closes out winning and competes mightily next year -- he could be worthy of such accolades.
Lots of guys have improved FAR more than Tmart.
He will need to win a major award or at the very least, two conference championships. He will also have to be one of the top three QBs of all time at NU, and he's not there yet.

Lots of guys have improved FAR more than Tmart.
RP you always make me snicker. I'll agree ...... T-Magic improves so little next year they won't be able to give him the "Prettiest Girl At the Party" award, nor the less valuable Heisman. 13-0 will leave NU just below the worst team in the conference as well, and we'll have to settle for a Toilet Bowl spot. Maybe another time. Thanks for participating.
Why do you hate TM so much? The kid plays hard everyday and has put in the work in the off-season to get better. He plays through pain and has not quit on the team much like half our fanbase has quit on him. What more does he need to do to earn your respect

RP has a plan...he's just playing out the string. ;)

IIRC, you have to have won a Heisman, Lombardi, or Outland trophy to get your name up there (except Novak and Brown).

To get your JERSEY retired, you have to win one of those awards.

Only Novak has his NUMBER retired. With 125+ kids on the team, we need all the numbers we can get.

As for how history will remember TM, without the hardware to back him up, his stock doesn't rise to McCathorn Clayton, or Mike Grant. At least Steve Taylor has a Big 8 ring to show for his effort. And this fro a BIG TM fan. I've liked the kid since he came to campus, but now he has to earn the hardware. Now is the time.
Why do you hate TM so much? The kid plays hard everyday and has put in the work in the off-season to get better. He plays through pain and has not quit on the team much like half our fanbase has quit on him. What more does he need to do to earn your respect

RP has a plan...he's just playing out the string. ;)

Shhhhhh you'll ruin it RP is using the super double secret reverse psychology good luck charm on TMart and it has worked perfectly this year (except for the UCLA and the OSU games) great now if we lose to Iowa it's all your fault!!:
It's pretty impressive that Martinez is Nebraska's all-time leading passer and all-time leader in total yards when you consider the QB's that Nebraska has had...specifically Frazier, Frost (would have loved to see what he did with 4 years rather than just two) and Crouch. One won a Heisman, one should have, one had two national titles, one had one.

However, when you think about Martinez, do you believe you'll be thinking about him in the same thought as those three guys in 10-15-20 years? I don't think you will.

His first two years were pretty miserable. This year has seen a MASSIVE jump in ability in all areas of the position. I think we see an even more polished version next year...and, if so, he probably cements himself in the Nebraska record book for decades to come...and maybe we are talking about him 20 years from now when we discuss the best to ever QB Nebraska.

As for jersey retirement...I doubt it. He has to really do something special next year to get that honor.

There is a lot of unnecessary speculation and misinformation going on in this thread.

IF you win a national award it is automatic.

Conference and National titles, as well as statistical records and perceptions, are essentially meaningless...you don't don't see Scott Frost up there, do you? Turner Gill? Jerry Tagge?

Three RETIRED Numbers...Rodgers (20), Novak (60), Bob Brown (64)

14 retired JERSEYS

Novak was the first and is the only one with 4 All-conf as his 'criteria', and Brown both college and NFL HoF. It would be extremely unlikely that any player gets his jersey retired again without a major national award.



So, the only question really is:

does Taylor win a Heisman, Unitas, or Camp award next year as a SR?
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Shhhhhh you'll ruin it RP is using the super double secret reverse psychology good luck charm on TMart and it has worked perfectly this year (except for the UCLA and the OSU games) great now if we lose to Iowa it's all your fault!!:
I said we'd win those games.
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