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Coronavirus Status Updates

I own 4 retail locations with a payroll of $20,000 every two weeks. So not only do I have to worry about my own family, but about 30 other full and part timers and their families. Tough deal right now. The next time you consider going into business, think twice! :Rockon:
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Remember, despite what we are being told, its good to be outside, just by yourself or with someone like your wife/family that you know to be uninfected.

Without sports to help decompress from life's stresses, getting back to nature is an important element to use to deal with what's going on.

So NO:
Bowling alley
Barne and Noble
Other social event to "get out of the house" and decompress; but
Walk the dog
Horse back riding
Golfing No more than twosome (Play and go straight home; no locker room antics; no beer afterwards)
Tennis (Play and go straight home)

"Life is good' its other people that are lethal :)"

Hang in there everybody, this too shall pass, if you are from Nebraska like I am its just a really, really long thunderstorm...........
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Remember, despite what we are being told, its good to be outside, just by yourself or with someone like your wife/family that you know to be uninfected.

Without sports to help decompress from life's stresses, getting back to nature is an important element to use to deal with what's going on.

So NO:
Bowling alley
Barne and Noble
Other social event to "get out of the house" and decompress; but
Walk the dog
Horse back riding
Golfing No more than twosome (Play and go straight home; no locker room antics; no beer afterwards)
Tennis (Play and go straight home)

"Life is good' its other people that are lethal :)"

Hang in there everybody, this too shall pass, if you are from Nebraska like I am its just a really, really long thunderstorm...........

I’m all for going outside... just need the weather to cooperate!

I just got put on quarantine.

Faced with mounting coronavirus infections, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday issued sweeping new restrictions in California, calling for home isolation of everyone in the state over age 65 and people with chronic disease, both high-risk populations.


Schools in Wyoming are closed through the first week of April. Colleges are having spring break through the end of March and then the classes will be online through the end of the Semester. Sounds like after this week I'll be working from home and there will be emergency leave. I travel a lot for work and am scheduled to travel tomorrow. Not for sure how this will work out?
We are trying to plan how / how much / how long we can pay our wonderful employees if we are required to close for business. One thing that would be a most welcome relief is if we could get a temporary waiver on the payroll taxes. Employees too for that matter.

At least until we can re-open.
So the Hawkeyes can still have their Spring Game :).

I'm a bad boy, I will go to my room and practice counting:

One National Championship, Two National Championships, Three National Championships.........
Iowa claims to have just as many national title as us. :rolleyes::Rolf:


"Kroger" (King Soopers and City Market out here) announced last night that they were implementing new hours to help them better re-stock . . . and I would also guess to give their overstressed employees a bit of a break. They'll scale back to being open 7 am - 8 pm daily.

Went to the gym this morning (it's always dead on weekend early mornings--like 6 people in the whole place so I could sanitize like a madman) and drove past the store on the way back to see what it looked like. There was already a line of people with carts out front at 6:30. Probably 30 - 40 people lined up and cars streaming into the lot.
Went to the store last night. (Giant in MD) as I walked out 2 guys were clocking out looking absolutely exhausted. I joked to them "So how goes Armageddon?" They looked at me laughed and said, "You have no idea."
Went to the store last night. (Giant in MD) as I walked out 2 guys were clocking out looking absolutely exhausted. I joked to them "So how goes Armageddon?" They looked at me laughed and said, "You have no idea."

I really feel bad for those people. All this going on and they have to worry about all their own personal stuff related to it . . . and then they have to work and just be clobbered for endless hours.

I was at the "Kroger" a couple days ago and it was a looney bin. The checker I had just looked defeated. I told her she was doing a good job and that we appreciated all the hard work they were doing while I helped bag my stuff . . . I thought she was going to cry. She said she appreciated that and that a lot of people were being good--but that there were so many people just treating them like dirt that she wasn't sure how much more she could take.


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