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BTN Training Camp 2023" (8/4/23) Update: Will Be Shown (8/5/23)

Now that I've watched it... I'm impressed. For one thing, I've watched their practice reports for several years now, and in the past, they would say some positive things, but in retrospect those comments were more along the lines of the "all-bus team" stuff we heard from other coaches.

But now I hear:

- Unity of purpose

- No one standing around; multiple stations with everyone working and getting reps (and HCMR acknowledging the influence of TO on this). *{I'm also reading between the lines to assume that MR's time as a walk-on at PSU impressed on him the value of EVERYONE being included in drills -- based on his comment "powerless corrupts", i.e. you never feel more powerless than when you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else run drills, while you don't have the opportunity to improve}

- Impressed with lines (O and D). Says O line is as deep as it's been in years (with credit to FHCSF for recruiting to that).

- Impressed with power running game, as well as our stable of backs. Say this will be our bread and butter while passing game develops.

- Impressed with Sims. Especially as running threat. Say his passing game needs work, but that will come with practice.

- Receiving corps not a strong point (this is one of the negatives of the day).

- Coaching of "4 minute drill"; emphasis on FINISHING, effort, perseverance. Compared the "12 close games in last two years" and said staff is emphasizing the work ethic, conditioning, etc. to get over that hump.
Thing is, SF mismanaged his recruits in S&C, worked the athleticism out of them. Make no mistake, MR did his homework before he took the job.
DiNardo was singing Nebraska praises at these camp reports when the Huskers joined the BIG... for a few years. And Nebraska continued to disappoint. IMO, he has been burned repeatedly over time saying good things about Nebraska and he is now in a bit of prove it mode when it comes to the team (as fans should probably be too).
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I've grown to like what Di Nardo contributes over the years. On evaluation of NU, have to remember its their first camp. Just like judging diving or gymnastics, you have to hold back on glowing scores early on or there is no place to put teams that later look better.

I also think DiNardo has been burned by his comments on NU over the SF years - i.e., "they really look good," type stuff. I think he is in a show me mode with NU right now.

I paid more attention to stuff they said about the administrative side of practices, etc., and that was all positive.

Not a lot of recent “quality” wins to choose from

There are plenty of classic quality games to choose from. The games do not have to be from the last 10-15 years unless BTN does not have access to the games because of media rights.

There are plenty of classic quality games to choose from. The games do not have to be from the last 10-15 years unless BTN does not have access to the games because of media rights.
I just wish they’d play the entire game and not a 60 min cut up. The acc and sec networks play the whole game
Amazing B1G still saying 8 returning defensive starters even though the information has been out for a while that 2 are not technically returning (1 at least not by game 1). Then he said they were deeper at DL? What? Im guessing they just didnt do their homework because we have stunk for so long.
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Amazing B1G still saying 8 returning defensive starters even though the information has been out for a while that 2 are not technically returning (1 at least not by game 1). Then he said they were deeper at DL? What? Im guessing they just didnt do their homework because we have stunk for so long.
Ends we are in much better shape, and depth as in playable as for tackles, the same
Several posters beat me to it- Dinardo has been burned a lot, so he's probably in a 'wait-and-see' approach. I was burned by his glowing synopses in the past, so his 'meh' overall response this time doesn't faze me.

Several posters beat me to it- Dinardo has been burned a lot, so he's probably in a 'wait-and-see' approach. I was burned by his glowing synopses in the past, so his 'meh' overall response this time doesn't faze me.
He saw the focus MR has worked on, the lines, and he acknowledged that. Even after being burned.
Not sure where to place his WR comment. Compared to who, or what we should have? Or did our guys have a bad day? Or did he miss out starters, not that we're deep there.
Compared to our past, we are much deeper than we've been and more broadly talented there as well imo
He saw the focus MR has worked on, the lines, and he acknowledged that. Even after being burned.
Not sure where to place his WR comment. Compared to who, or what we should have? Or did our guys have a bad day? Or did he miss out starters, not that we're deep there.
Compared to our past, we are much deeper than we've been and more broadly talented there as well imo
On the wrs, I think the lack of returning starters. There are a lot of dudes in the line up. Most are unproven


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