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BTN Training Camp 2023" (8/4/23) Update: Will Be Shown (8/5/23)

I don’t know man. DiNardo didn’t seem super impressed IMO. I look forward to what he has to say once he’s seen them all. It’s got to be hard to try to evaluate where a team is at in practice week 1. There were some compliments there but they were pretty safe assertions. Much improved offensive line? Kind of hard to get any worse than last year. The area in which he was openly critical, passing game, I think was probably the most truthful statement he’s made.
Too early. We don't know how good we will be because essentially we are just playing ourselves. Wait until they have some comparisons

I don’t know man. DiNardo didn’t seem super impressed IMO. I look forward to what he has to say once he’s seen them all. It’s got to be hard to try to evaluate where a team is at in practice week 1. There were some compliments there but they were pretty safe assertions. Much improved offensive line? Kind of hard to get any worse than last year. The area in which he was openly critical, passing game, I think was probably the most truthful statement he’s made.
I haven't watched it yet... You have to read between the lines (no pun intended) on what the guys say, especially DiNardo. Usually if he praises a position group, it's the kiss of death.


It might say more, if we wait until after they've visited all the camps, and then see where we sit.

I don’t know man. DiNardo didn’t seem super impressed IMO. I look forward to what he has to say once he’s seen them all. It’s got to be hard to try to evaluate where a team is at in practice week 1. There were some compliments there but they were pretty safe assertions. Much improved offensive line? Kind of hard to get any worse than last year. The area in which he was openly critical, passing game, I think was probably the most truthful statement he’s made.
I agree Dinardo seemed very blase. I can't really blame him though. Hoping the huskers will be better has been a fool's errand lately. It's only right we need to stack some wins before anyone outside the program starts getting excited.
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Grateful for this. I recorded the what the Big Ten Network said was the Nebraska fall camp preview. Went to watch it tonight, and it was an hour on the Big Ten landing Washington and Oregon. Not sure what they're doing over at BTN, but thank you for this post.
I dialed in to watch it live the first time and they started playing a non scheduled Nebraska game instead. Only for it to be shortly interrupted by the “UO UW breaking news”.

I don’t know man. DiNardo didn’t seem super impressed IMO. I look forward to what he has to say once he’s seen them all. It’s got to be hard to try to evaluate where a team is at in practice week 1. There were some compliments there but they were pretty safe assertions. Much improved offensive line? Kind of hard to get any worse than last year. The area in which he was openly critical, passing game, I think was probably the most truthful statement he’s made.
Now that I've watched it... I'm impressed. For one thing, I've watched their practice reports for several years now, and in the past, they would say some positive things, but in retrospect those comments were more along the lines of the "all-bus team" stuff we heard from other coaches.

But now I hear:

- Unity of purpose

- No one standing around; multiple stations with everyone working and getting reps (and HCMR acknowledging the influence of TO on this). *{I'm also reading between the lines to assume that MR's time as a walk-on at PSU impressed on him the value of EVERYONE being included in drills -- based on his comment "powerless corrupts", i.e. you never feel more powerless than when you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else run drills, while you don't have the opportunity to improve}

- Impressed with lines (O and D). Says O line is as deep as it's been in years (with credit to FHCSF for recruiting to that).

- Impressed with power running game, as well as our stable of backs. Say this will be our bread and butter while passing game develops.

- Impressed with Sims. Especially as running threat. Say his passing game needs work, but that will come with practice.

- Receiving corps not a strong point (this is one of the negatives of the day).

- Coaching of "4 minute drill"; emphasis on FINISHING, effort, perseverance. Compared the "12 close games in last two years" and said staff is emphasizing the work ethic, conditioning, etc. to get over that hump.
Now that I've watched it... I'm impressed. For one thing, I've watched their practice reports for several years now, and in the past, they would say some positive things, but in retrospect those comments were more along the lines of the "all-bus team" stuff we heard from other coaches.

But now I hear:

- Unity of purpose

- No one standing around; multiple stations with everyone working and getting reps (and HCMR acknowledging the influence of TO on this). *{I'm also reading between the lines to assume that MR's time as a walk-on at PSU impressed on him the value of EVERYONE being included in drills -- based on his comment "powerless corrupts", i.e. you never feel more powerless than when you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else run drills, while you don't have the opportunity to improve}

- Impressed with lines (O and D). Says O line is as deep as it's been in years (with credit to FHCSF for recruiting to that).

- Impressed with power running game, as well as our stable of backs. Say this will be our bread and butter while passing game develops.

- Impressed with Sims. Especially as running threat. Say his passing game needs work, but that will come with practice.

- Receiving corps not a strong point (this is one of the negatives of the day).

- Coaching of "4 minute drill"; emphasis on FINISHING, effort, perseverance. Compared the "12 close games in last two years" and said staff is emphasizing the work ethic, conditioning, etc. to get over that hump.

I think another key point was made by Howard Griffith. He felt this current team under HCMR would be more disciplined than (recent) past teams. And that this team likely won’t make the mistakes that previous Husker teams did at critical points in a game.
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DiNardo coached at ScuM as a OL, DL and OC from 1982-1990.

He was indoctrinated as a Nebraska hater from way back.

Imo, he still is.

He's not one of my top ten commentators, but I think in general he was overly generous the last eight years. I've watched some of the other pieces he's done on Fall Camps over the years and he's generally pretty vanilla. Doesn't say much of anything that can get him in hot water with the fanbase of the team he's reviewing or other conference members who aren't under the spotlight at the time for overplaying his hand with the target team. He did do a good job of pointing out how we'd changed how we practice, the defensive change, the mobility at the QB position. Really the only other thing he could have compared it to was his stop in Lincoln last August.

Unless he's in Columbus or Ann Arbor, there likely isn't a whole lot to get really excited about right now.


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