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Bo and Stafford

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Not sure what you are talking about but "fit back", do you have me confused with Redemption?


That's an excuse. You aren't winking because I like the winkeys. You're winking because you think I like you winking........either way, you're still flirting......:lol:.........Boy Stoppit....:lol

stop, you are starting to scare me. you and your buddy talk about teabaggin & winkin'. you sound like you are fishin'to me. I am not looking for any hairy backed mary.
Skull-do you still believe that no other coaches/players shout at each other?:Biggrin:
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Skull-do you still believe that no other coaches/players shout at each other?:Biggrin:

I know coaches hollar at players, and if a player hollars back at the coach, that could be tolerated once. My problem was that Bo is constantly not just hollaring but going ballsitic all the time. I think that is a cause for concern, I don't have a problem with anyone disagreeng with me. everyone has a right to their own opinion. Just don't tell me that his actions couldn't be a reason for why the team is playing so inconsistent when you don't have the answers either.

I do not believe players at divI schools like alabama or Oregon are having these problems. The ND coach is one I would be worried about.

Damn you.
We finally got him whipped into submission, and you have to go stirring the pot again?


Whipping, submission, You have me confused with your buddy Red. what you guys do with your own time is your business, jus t leave me out of it.:stickouttongue:

Damn you for your technological advantage, though!! You got me there, that is for sure, I can't do that crap!:banghead:
Whipping, submission, You have me confused with your buddy Red. what you guys do with your own time is your business, jus t leave me out of it.:stickouttongue:

Damn you for your technological advantage, though!! You got me there, that is for sure, I can't do that crap!:banghead:

"You got me confuse with Red" "Don't mistake me for your buddy HRD".....yadda yadda yadda........stop dangling around my sack hairs.(aka get off my......) Me and RDR have no personal connection. You keep suggesting that we are lovers because we both think your post are full of (digested lunch). He as well as others just think your posts/opinions/view on the subject sound just as dumb as the jokes you are firing back. And the fact that you keep trying so hard to make it valid, but ending in a complete fail is hilarious to everyone that's not yourself. For the fact you can't just agree to disagree or even accept that some of the crap you posted is completely unrealistic is beyond me. Especially for the fact that you have been giving examples by stories from my self who seen it first hand, articles, and even videos..

Anyone whom needs 4-5 pages of attention on arguing a subject they have no facts on makes me think they are the ultimate underachiever in life, IMO. What personally have you accomplished over the time by repeating the same ignorance over and over again, only to be made fun of and proven wrong. It's to the point where has you have been made fun of so much that you think you are actually in on the joke. I know you realized the silliness in your views because you have tried to sneakily direct the attention to something else and change the subject.

Some who personally chose a name like "Skull Crusher" crying for 4-5 pages in a thread about players and coaches yelling at each other is comedy.

Simple as put, your "CAUSE FOR CONCERN" argument is D.U.M.B.
-It has been pointed out that the team is still winning games.
-We have a top DB recruit who is thinking about switching his commitment from LSU to NU.
-We have 3 top defensive lineman recruits whom are strongly considering giving NU the nod and had each said they enjoy "Bo's character and fire" and they'll be visiting this game (well after all of the yelling has be dissected by the trolling media and supposed fans)

Your argument that his demeanor is the cause for the mistakes on the field
-Could be true, or it could be that the mistakes are the cause of his demeanor.
-Could be that he and the DC are both on the sideline unlike the OC who is able to give a "birds eye view" thus make correction according to everything he see.
-Could be that the players just happen to have to warm into the environment. Not every player can just hype themselves up by jumping up and down in the locker room. Sometimes a certain play/hit/etc....opens the eyes of an athlete.
-Could be that Bo doesn't call a game as good as he can when his gum still has the flavor in it at the beginning of the game. Maybe he needs for his gum to be stale and hard for him to be stern and aggressive and relaying that energy to him team.

In other words nobody knows exactly. But regardless of what it is, they are still getting it together before the game is finished. They are still out scoring the opposing team before the final whistle. They are still rallying around each other and the staff to finish the season. That's something that many program would love to have. Look at any of the teams whom have yet to qualify for a Bowl this year.

Coach Beck gave an explanation on why he believes the slow starts happen. Have you read that article? I know personally I prefer this slow starting team that finishes the game hard over the fast starting team that couldn't close out the game vs Oklahoma in the last Big XII CCG.

There's a game tomorrow. A win tomorrow brings us one step closer accomplishing something we have fallen short of for over a decade now. Winning the conference. These players have expressed that they don't care about the negative opinions that some fans have of their coach. They don't need that as it won't help them in any way on achieving their goal. What they do love is the support, cheers, love, and appreciation for the hard work they are displaying for the program every Saturday.

There's so many story lines that surround this game and the one you choose to occupy yourself with is players and coaches raising their voice at each other, and making the lamest of attempts in trying to argue that no other program has that "problem" like Pelini.

Reality......only way you don't get it is if you choose to ignore it............GO BIG RED

I know coaches hollar at players, and if a player hollars back at the coach, that could be tolerated once. My problem was that Bo is constantly not just hollaring but going ballsitic all the time. I think that is a cause for concern, I don't have a problem with anyone disagreeng with me. everyone has a right to their own opinion. Just don't tell me that his actions couldn't be a reason for why the team is playing so inconsistent when you don't have the answers either.

I do not believe players at divI schools like alabama or Oregon are having these problems. The ND coach is one I would be worried about.

Even though there's a video of Nick Saban yelling at a player a couple pages back:rolleyes:

And this is Oregon's coach

This is what happened under Oregon's coach

Pop the champagne and drop the confetti! You have achieved 10,000 views on basically back and forth insults!!


Some of those memes are amazing!
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