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Bo and Stafford

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OH, you're still here........that's probably the only part of the post you understand. And just to point out, I've been stated this case the entire time, just because it wasn't stated "in this manner" doesn't mean it mean something different. As far as me loving to involve my genitalia, you do understand the meaning of the phrase, don't you. I know you aren't so simple minded that you stuck on the example rather than what it's referencing. I'll put it in dummy terms for you. It means, state your case without referencing me in every post. RDR, makes a point, and you make a reference about me. He makes another reference, comical, and you make a reference about me. He states a point, and you make another reference about me......and in these reference, you may claims that me and him should run off in the sunset like some gay couple.. But you are the one who can't get me out of your mind for the fact that you reference me with your responses to him.

And you can "contemplate an issue" all you want. That's not an issue, but you were campaigning it to be true and asking posters to prove it isn't by PROVIDING YOU WITH EXAMPLES OF OTHER COACHES DOING SO. Articles, pictures, and video was provided, you didn't except it. Yet every argument you stated was all opinion with no facts to it.

6 pages ago I said, we can just agree to disagree claiming it was a DEAD ISSUE. But you didn't want it to die out. You went two pages pathetically trying to rebuttal jokes made about you. Then just when others leave the thread as is, you come back in with the ignorance. After 2-3 days you pull the thread back up. I guess you still feel you have more to say on the subject even though you didn't say much in the first place.

Since you took 3 days to come up with some, please enlighten me on what it is that was soooooooo revolutionary to you that you chose to pull up this 3 day old conversation that was dead 6 pages prior to your last response.:popcorn::sarcastic:

Things to do, places to go, sorry i am not on HP 24/7. Go back and read the thread you didn't let anything die. And now you finally say nobody knows what is making them play inconsistent, exactly. So you can not say my assumption that Bo may be the cause and get this is a "CAUSE FOR CONCERN" IS A VALID ARGUMENT JUST AS ANY YOU HAVE MADE. Thank you and good night, Elvis has left the building. And show me where you agreed to disagree because I don't remember anything that civil and thought out from you.

And if you want me to stop referring to your private parts and stick to the main idea then I wouldn't be making those references. I never brought up teabagging and things hanging off your private parts. Why do you bring them up when discussing this issue?
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