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Bo and Stafford

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You thought it was proper to end a conversation by winking because others were doing so. I throw them them out because some posts getting so emotional from my posts so the ;) is to let them know not to take it so seriously. You are simply winking at me because you seen me wink..........sounds like the locker room is your play ground, not mines.

YOu seem to like the winkeys, just sayin"
Yea, the world I come from we spell it "Memorial" Stadium......and I'll admit to my mistake as I was holding to different convos while typing.......but the fact is still true, the stadium was loud so that the offense (PSU) can't bark their calls of clearly. Had we been on the road, our defense would have been able to communicate easier because it would have been silent for the offense........you score won't point on my error........see how easy it is to admit you mistake. Had you done that, this thread would only have 4 pages to it.....:lol:

It was four pages long with just your mistakes what are you even talking about. Are we home or away this weekend? Never mind, look who I am askin'.
You are showing you are clearly unprepared for a battle of wits yet you try your damnedest to fit back. You, sir, remind me of an old team mate who not once got in the game but always had an issue with the game plan in the meetings.

Not sure what you are talking about but "fit back", do you have me confused with Redemption?

Not sure what you are talking about but "fit back", do you have me confused with Redemption?

These damn fat fingers.......put a "gh" in there for me......aww who am I asking, you'll probably have it as "fghit" back just so you aren't "onconsistent" with your other grammar errors.....:lol:.

This has been soooooo much fun. I thank you Skull Crusher for entertaining me with your ignorance for a day. I'm sure you need a little more time to write out some new jokes and hope they don't fail, so I'll be back tomorrow. Got to get to Lincoln and deal with some of those Players who are so hurt from Pelini yelling at them at practice today........:nod:

Big Red Redemption......keep the pictures coming. Hilarious. Don't forget an "Animal House" reference, maybe "40 Year Old Virgin" reference if you can..........

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