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4* Dawson Merritt Has Committed To Alabama

You can probably think of a time when you were trying to do something new or bold and you could hear a voice trying to stop you saying, “You can’t do that!” It might even be demanding, “Who do you think you are?”

That voice in your head is what psychologists and therapists will tell you is your inner critic. The one that knows all our flaws and weaknesses. It already knows all the ways we feel inferior so it reminds us when we are stepping outside the safe lines we have drawn for ourselves.

There are articles and books that will tell you we develop this voice in our childhoods when we or someone we know has a painful experience. At its best, this voice in our head wants to protect us from failing our hurting. But at its worst, it shames us into living small lives, afraid to take on new challenges.

The real problem with the voice in our head is that it tends to shout over the voice in our heart—the one we should really be listening to. While the voice in our head tends to be negative, the voice in our heart is overwhelmingly positive. The voice in your heart will murmur, “Yes, this!” But it might be so soft a sound that you dismiss it for the loud, “No, you could fail!”

Learning to listen for the murmur above the shout is what is meant by trust the whisper.

That little voice encouraging you towards a person, place, job, or new experience, shimmering before you expectantly.

That said, it seems to me like Dawson's heart is whispering to him to choose Nebraska, and his father is encouraging him to trust the whisper.
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You can probably think of a time when you were trying to do something new or bold and you could hear a voice trying to stop you saying, “You can’t do that!” It might even be demanding, “Who do you think you are?”

That voice in your head is what psychologists and therapists will tell you is your inner critic. The one that knows all our flaws and weaknesses. It already knows all the ways we feel inferior so it reminds us when we are stepping outside the safe lines we have drawn for ourselves.

There are articles and books that will tell you we develop this voice in our childhoods when we or someone we know has a painful experience. At its best, this voice in our head wants to protect us from failing our hurting. But at its worst, it shames us into living small lives, afraid to take on new challenges.

The real problem with the voice in our head is that it tends to shout over the voice in our heart—the one we should really be listening to. While the voice in our head tends to be negative, the voice in our heart is overwhelmingly positive. The voice in your heart will murmur, “Yes, this!” But it might be so soft a sound that you dismiss it for the loud, “No, you could fail!”

Learning to listen for the murmur above the shout is what is meant by trust the whisper.

That little voice encouraging you towards a person, place, job, or new experience, shimmering before you expectantly.

That said, it seems to me like Dawson's heart is whispering to him to choose Nebraska, and his father is encouraging him to trust the whisper.
That funny, I look at it as just the opposite. His heart telling him bright lights big city vs down home.
That funny, I look at it as just the opposite. His heart telling him bright lights big city vs down home.
Be the ball, Danny.
You can probably think of a time when you were trying to do something new or bold and you could hear a voice trying to stop you saying, “You can’t do that!” It might even be demanding, “Who do you think you are?”

That voice in your head is what psychologists and therapists will tell you is your inner critic. The one that knows all our flaws and weaknesses. It already knows all the ways we feel inferior so it reminds us when we are stepping outside the safe lines we have drawn for ourselves.

There are articles and books that will tell you we develop this voice in our childhoods when we or someone we know has a painful experience. At its best, this voice in our head wants to protect us from failing our hurting. But at its worst, it shames us into living small lives, afraid to take on new challenges.

The real problem with the voice in our head is that it tends to shout over the voice in our heart—the one we should really be listening to. While the voice in our head tends to be negative, the voice in our heart is overwhelmingly positive. The voice in your heart will murmur, “Yes, this!” But it might be so soft a sound that you dismiss it for the loud, “No, you could fail!”

Learning to listen for the murmur above the shout is what is meant by trust the whisper.

That little voice encouraging you towards a person, place, job, or new experience, shimmering before you expectantly.

That said, it seems to me like Dawson's heart is whispering to him to choose Nebraska, and his father is encouraging him to trust the whisper.
Be the ball, Danny.

Sounds like the verdict has been decided.

If your basing that on 4 or 5 Alabama "experts" who placed CBs today perhaps

One national guy made a prediction and they all followed him which makes wonder how much they really know?

With that all being said I have no clue where he is leaning as they have kept it close to belt

Good luck to him whatever he decides
If your basing that on 4 or 5 Alabama "experts" who placed CBs today perhaps

One national guy made a prediction and they all followed him which makes wonder how much they really know?

With that all being said I have no clue where he is leaning as they have kept it close to belt

Good luck to him whatever he decides
Never heard of these guys


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