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2023 Fall Preseason Camp::Last Day Of Fall Camp: 24 August Practice No Media

I’ll answer that, YES. Coaching is communicating.

Coaching is 100% communicating to your players and the other coaches on staff.

A press conference does not equate to the same kind of communication.

Now you can see coaches struggle to communicate basic ideas in a press conference, and that should be a red flag, but everything I've seen from this group we have some really good communicators. They're not all at Rhule's level, and some look to be struggling to find the right filter to run their statements through to avoid giving up too much to opponents, but overall I'm happy with what I see.

Just want to make sure I understand your point. You believe that how good someone was in a press conference equates to proficiency as a coach?
I believe there is a correlation between competency and being able to articulate. The correlation ratio is not 1:1 but it is greater than 0. Satt is one of the worst coaches to listen to that I have heard in a while. On the flip side, Rhule is one of the best. Now, if you look at Satt's coaching history it would appear that the correlation is consistent.
Coaching is 100% communicating to your players and the other coaches on staff.

A press conference does not equate to the same kind of communication.

Now you can see coaches struggle to communicate basic ideas in a press conference, and that should be a red flag, but everything I've seen from this group we have some really good communicators. They're not all at Rhule's level, and some look to be struggling to find the right filter to run their statements through to avoid giving up too much to opponents, but overall I'm happy with what I see.
No offense intended, but if you cannot speak to a bunch of people that really want to hear about football, then it is highly unlikely you can communicate with players and other coaches.

Yeah. I always wonder what I DON'T see when a guy I think can play doesn't.

I've never heard anything about Johnson not doing the work, so it's always puzzled me. He's typically played well when he has been in games. Hopefully we'll get to see an expanded role for him this fall. Both he and Fleeks seem to be the perfect 3rd down guy out of the backfield, though Fleeks is spending most of his time in the WR room right now.

Most likely Johnson's problem is that he just doesn't stand out enough in practice if that makes any sense. He is not as big as the other RBs he is not any faster than any of the others so they love him, but he doesn't look quite as good in practice. Even though he usually shows up pretty big when he gets the chance in a game. He is also on his 3rd RB coach. Different guys like different things.
Most likely Johnson's problem is that he just doesn't stand out enough in practice if that makes any sense. He is not as big as the other RBs he is not any faster than any of the others so they love him, but he doesn't look quite as good in practice. Even though he usually shows up pretty big when he gets the chance in a game. He is also on his 3rd RB coach. Different guys like different things.


On the flip side, we had a few practice all stars who disappeared in real games.

I do think this staff will do more mixing and matching to see who can play when the bullets are live.

On the flip side, we had a few practice all stars who disappeared in real games.

I do think this staff will do more mixing and matching to see who can play when the bullets are live.

Coaches like guys that look good in practice. I was no different than anyone else. Its just a pecking order and their is only 1 ball. They may rate Grant or Ervin ever so slightly above him, but that still puts him at #3.
Coaches like guys that look good in practice. I was no different than anyone else. Its just a pecking order and their is only 1 ball. They may rate Grant or Ervin ever so slightly above him, but that still puts him at #3.

I think he's going to get his shots this fall.

I know how I'd use him and if we're really going to commit to running the ball, Ervin and Grant will either get nicked up or need a rest and Johnson can do his thing.

Sorry I probably misinterpreted your post. Nothing in Satt's interviews have indicated he did not know what he was doing, but he comes off as average and uninspiring.

Yeah, he's not the motivational public speaker that Rhule is, but honestly that's likely part of why he sticks out to you. Some of the best coaches in either college or professional football aren't exactly great press conference guys. Belichick is partially playing games, but his pressers are generally awful from an informational standpoint. He's also flat as a pancake. Dude knows football.


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