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2023 Fall Preseason Camp::Last Day Of Fall Camp: 24 August Practice No Media

Not to beat a dead horse but Satt continues to be unimpressive in interviews. I am hoping he is more impressive on game day. At the same time White crushes the interviews. I hope he crushes it on game day.
Just want to make sure I understand your point. You believe that how good someone was in a press conference equates to proficiency as a coach?

Being in Lincoln, one hears and sees thing that many don't. A year ago, I would have confidently said that Malachi lacked the mental discipline to make it in the fishbowl of Div-1A sports, much less Nebraska football...ever.

Today, witnessing the leaps in growth he has made in his maturity leaves me astonished and proud in what he has done in such little time. If not already, Malachi will be a leader in the locker room in no time.

I’ll answer that, YES. Coaching is communicating.
Many coaches speak so vaguely to the press that it appears they don’t communicate well. It could just be that he communicates what he wants to the press, and nothing more. As long as his communication to the players is proficient and well received I don’t much care what he says to the press or how he delivers it.
I’ll answer that, YES. Coaching is communicating.
2 different types of communication. TO was not a real Rah rah guy. He was monotone most of the time. Even in half time speeches. Most reporters thought he was bland in his delivery. Yet he managed to get teams hyped. There are many different styles of delivery. Trying to force what you are not worse than a boring delivery. That comes off as fake.

Additionally, most OC are fairly bland, cerebral guys. They talk and act calm. Getting a QB upset does not make him have better decisions. DC, now that is a different animal. Get a defensive guy hyped and he is more likely to make the next play. TO and FS mostly calm on the sideline. Charlie Mac...not so much.

Coaching and coaching decisions. :rolleyes:

Yeah. I always wonder what I DON'T see when a guy I think can play doesn't.

I've never heard anything about Johnson not doing the work, so it's always puzzled me. He's typically played well when he has been in games. Hopefully we'll get to see an expanded role for him this fall. Both he and Fleeks seem to be the perfect 3rd down guy out of the backfield, though Fleeks is spending most of his time in the WR room right now.


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