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Nebraska vs Michigan Game Thread

it's obvious to anyone with their head not buried in the sand that the officials(Kevin's minions) are out to see Nebraska keeps losing. Since the Big 1o was sued by the Nebraska players to be allowed to play, they have stacked the schedule, giving officials leverage to call game in favor of ranked. teams. Tonights game was sicking, call made up to go against NU, no call on Mich for holding, pushing off defenders any call to help Mich move down the field and stop Nebraska momentum.
Time for Kevin Warren to be gone
Did Nebraska get called for holding?

We are finally showing some progress, so let's start over again. Again, stupid.
I feel like we're a better team this year, but my feelings don't matter. The record does. I hope we win out and Scott stays here forever. Do you really seeing that happening, if this team, with all its potential, finishes 5-7? I await your "stupid" response.
Thank you.

Nebraska fans have adopted moral victories as a positive. A way of life. And it won't stop.

Let that sink in.
You and Nash can continue to be negative azzzholes. I expect a laughing emoji type response. This team fights to the very end, and although they keep coming up short, as a "fan" I will continue to support and hope they turn the corner and start winning these games. If you guys want to be miserable pricks and bag on the staff, players, etc. That's yor choice.

I feel like we're a better team this year, but my feelings don't matter. The record does. I hope we win out and Scott stays here forever. Do you really seeing that happening, if this team, with all its potential, finishes 5-7? I await your "stupid" response.
See that happening...
All week we heard this team was so overrated. So which is it Kenny?

This (our) team is talented. Very talented.

Ask yourself why after four years they can't close out games? I'll wait for an answer.
I assume you are referring to those who thought Michigan was over rated. I wasn’t among them. But opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one. The fact that some people told you that Michigan was overrated has no bearing on whether they were in fact overrated. Your reliance on people’s opinions to establish the truth of the matter asserted is foolish. What makes random posters on HuskerMax experts on the proper rating of any team on our schedule. I took Michigan’s national ranking at fave value.

Why can’t we close out games against top level talent? For the first three seasons it was due to a lack of experience and talent. This year, we have the talent. We lost the game against Illinois because it was the first game of the season coming off three straight years of failure. Confidence was low. In addition, we had more talent at WR at one time than we have had since Frost arrived. But they certainly weren’t a well oiled machine. If we played Illinois today, we probably put 60 on them.

We lost to OU, MSU, and Michigan because, despite vast improvement in most facets of the game, our O-line just isn’t quite there yet. The defense is doing very well. Our special teams started out the season as a nightmare, but have really tightened up the last few games. Coaching has likewise improved. This team could have easily given up after halftime. The last couple years they did crumble when things went South. This team fights to the end.

Once our o-line starts clicking, we will begin to control our own destiny. If you can’t see progress in the Michigan game because we lost by 3 in the closing minutes, I would suggest you don’t have the stomach for this fight. It isn’t going to get any easier as we work our way through the schedule. You might want to sit out the rest of the season.

We are finally showing some progress, so let's start over again. Again, stupid.
Hell I don’t know the answer but do yo see us doing anything more than fighting for a bowl game again next year? We are losing a good share of the D and potentially a four year starting QB.
Benching a player for a mistake like this is a double edged sword when your QB lost the game because he didn't fall down after getting a first down.

I firmly believe that one of the reasons the offensive guys who had a chance to come back didn't do so because they think Frost has a blind spot when it comes to Martinez.
Yes you should bench the guy for fighting to win the game. Totally agree...

You and Nash can continue to be negative azzzholes. I expect a laughing emoji type response. This team fights to the very end, and although they keep coming up short, as a "fan" I will continue to support and hope they turn the corner and start winning these games. If you guys want to be miserable pricks and bag on the staff, players, etc. That's yor choice.
If you want to call me out pick a post and do so. I like our progress but your record is what it says it is. Right now we are staring down four straight losing seasons and celebrating moral victories. Cheer on snowflake.
Thank you.

Nebraska fans have adopted moral victories as a positive. A way of life. And it won't stop.

Let that sink in.
No, its just that some of them have learned the art of objective reasoning. I haven’t heard a single person suggest they are going to be happy with close losses against Top 10 teams. They just recognize the growth that this team has achieved between last year and this. This team is slowly transforming into a B1G team. It’s taken longer than we had hoped. But the evidence is clearly there. We aren’t in the Big 8 anymore. Our schedule has top tier teams almost every week. Respect the game, the opposition, and our players.

I feel like we're a better team this year, but my feelings don't matter. The record does. I hope we win out and Scott stays here forever. Do you really seeing that happening, if this team, with all its potential, finishes 5-7? I await your "stupid" response.
We have a chance to win out, that alone is progress. This team isn't at a point to look at record, just progress. Frost wasn't ready for a big time program, but he is coming around, and so is the team. Now, that they are, you want to start over again. Yes, I think that is stupid. How many more coaches do you want to go thru before you find that one that can turn around a team in a year? Let's just keep starting over, we're bound to find one someday.


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