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Ohio State puts Urban Meyer on administrative leave

All 200 Urban fans show up at rally.


I have a feeling that will be the result as well. But, I also think if tOSU keeps him around, it will come back to bite them later.
I think tOSU finds a way to keep him. But there is now blood in the water and a lot of journalists will be looking for stories and you know there's a ton of dirt out there on the guy. This comes back at a later date to burn tOSU even worse than it is now. They should cut bait immediately.

I think everyone needs to be real careful here vilifying Urban to the extent we are currently. Urban has clearly made major mistakes in this instance but he is not the one who was beating his wife.
I haven't seen a whole lot about this for the past few days. I suspect they hope it will fade away and die if they keep quiet about it while they do an "internal investigation". Suspension for 2 to 4 games and back by the Penn State game.
I think everyone needs to be real careful here vilifying Urban to the extent we are currently. Urban has clearly made major mistakes in this instance but he is not the one who was beating his wife.

Zach Smith has been arrested and is facing charges, so the discussion at this point isn't really about him any more.

Urban Meyer is the highest paid public employee in the 6th most populous state in the country and he is the face of the school. That is why the conversation has become about him. All of this investigation stuff is a PR move by OSU to determine whether they can get away with keeping him. They will review the optics of the situation and come back with a decision. Ultimately, guys like Saban, Harbaugh and Kelly will use this incident in living rooms around the country while steering recruits away from a guy who hired, rehired and extended a man he knew was abusing his wife 6 years before the incident in question.

I think everyone needs to be real careful here vilifying Urban to the extent we are currently. Urban has clearly made major mistakes in this instance but he is not the one who was beating his wife.

Be real careful or what? We are a bunch of anonymous middle aged white dudes throwing out useless opinions to break up the work day. What we are saying has zero impact on what OSU decides.

And oh yeah, eff Urban Meyer. He’s a douchebag with a god complex.
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UM can still be fired for cause.

A USA TODAY Sports review of Meyer's contract found there would be other grounds to fire him for cause even if he did what was required in terms of reporting – if Ohio State has the stomach for it. One provision allows him to be fired for “fraud or dishonesty … in the course of his duties or responsibilities.” When Meyer was asked at Big Ten media day about his knowledge of the 2015 allegations, he lied repeatedly.

Another clause allows for his firing if he behaves in a way that reflects “unfavorably upon Ohio State’s reputation and overall primary mission and objectives.” Still another says he can be fired for failing to “perform his duties and personally comport himself at all times in a manner consistent with good sportsmanship and with the high moral, ethical and academic standards of Ohio State and its Department of Athletics.”



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