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Ohio State puts Urban Meyer on administrative leave

Who are you calling white?

Absolutely horrifying
The webcam and go-phone that's scary as hell if true.

I can't believe that the divorce file was sealed without her knowledge though. That's nearly impossible. Even if it was sealed initially without her knowledge, her attorney should/could have easily moved for it to be opened. I'll be curious if there is anything on this judge for sealing it and if he/she says why it was allowed to be sealed.

Just saw this and it is very disturbing.

Unless Courtney presented PROOF of all these things mentioned (I.e, the go-phone found in her car, the secret vid cam, affadsvidits from her boyfriends, etc...why would police believe it?). I can see why police would be skeptical. The major thing she has is the text from him that admits to him strangling her. Otherwise, this other stuff needs more proof that just her saying it happened.

I still can’t understand why she stayed with that piece of trash after the 2009 incident. She should have looked at his fat, ugly face and thought,”what the heck am I doing with this loser?” I mean, sure, she probably had a decent financial reason to stay, but geez, ZS is not someone she should have stuck with that long
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If I was tOSU, if Zack Smith filed for wrongful termination lawsuit, I’d ask for a right to file a counter lawsuit on ‘deceitful employment’ on ZS’s behalf-saying he would never had been hired if the allegations had been known to them in 2015. In fact, I wonder if the 2009 incident was mentioned to anyone at OSU, other than UM. Maybe OSU should ask for payback of all the salaries paid to ZS since at least 2015, based on his non disclosure of spousal abuse, that goes against their Employee Handbook.

I'm positive that some sports news media outlet will sort the whole thing out and everyone will be happy. Isn't that the way the world is run?


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