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Eichorst Gone

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If Sean Eichorst informed a national title winning NU coach and program that they were being eliminated on the phone the night they won another national title you'd be on his front lawn, pitch-fork in hand. You demand "leadership". Hope you are consistent in that demand.

I'm not aware of this story.

Do you have a link?

And you could stand to dial it back a notch - no where have I said Alberts it he right guy, and if what you're saying is accurate, I'd have concerns.
Most likely, the die is cast for MR.
If he loses 7 or more this year, then probably so. Otherwise, I think a new AD may want to evaluate Riley and staff over a full 2018. In year four, we should be back to 9+ wins... And if so, there would likely be no off-field reason to replace a nine-win coach.

I tend to agree. I think a change was needed but maybe waiting until after the football season might have been better. Just my opinion.
Not at all if you are going to make the change make it now. The AD needs to be in place so a coach can be hired if needed. This is about much more than the loss last Sat
Wow . . . definitely a bold move to can him 3 games in. I have no idea where this is all going, but NU football has been a hot mess for far too long and it really needs to try and get back on track. Eichorst sure didn't seem like he was the guy to fix it and Riley isn't trending in the right direction right now. Maybe he turns this season around and makes some changes and surprises us. Not holding my breath.

Either way . . . GBR.
For those worried about recruits you do not make a decision on a $100,000,000 + business based on what an 18 year old may or may not do.

Only $1,000,000,000 business do that --- I'm looking at you facebook, snapchat and instagram conglomerate :Biggrin:

Not at all if you are going to make the change make it now. The AD needs to be in place so a coach can be hired if needed. This is about much more than the loss last Sat
If they have someone on deck to move right in I would agree. We will see at 2:30 news conference.
I'm not aware of this story.

Do you have a link?

And you could stand to dial it back a notch - no where have I said Alberts it he right guy, and if what you're saying is accurate, I'd have concerns.

I recall reading that in the World Herald as well. Pretty horrifying, but he evaluated the positives and negatives and decided to pull the trigger. The phone call was a pretty callous move, especially coming on the heels of a pretty fantastic season finish.

Any truth to the story that Eichorst gave Riley an extension in January without telling anyone? If so, that might make the bosses a little unhappy.
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