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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Three & Out w/ Martinez @ the helm - 2013 so far

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I 100% believe that Beck calls a series different when he thinks Taylor is struggling either mentally, physically or both... I just don't get why we don't bring out two tights and FB and try and pound the ball a little more with Imani. He just tries to be too darn fancy.

UCLA was putting 7, 8 and 9 in the box and daring us to pass. Sadly, double tights and a FB might gain a yard or two more, but it doesnt march us down the field and put points on the board.
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Wow... some of you are just clueless... I worked my tail off to extrapolate that data for everyone to see and clearly said... I will let you all interpret this how you like...

I certainly have a Martinez slant but I have never said he was gods gift to QBing... I just think he receives a very unjust amount of criticism when so many other areas are at times more to blame...

my feelings on the UCLA game... very bad play calling the third quarter and Sam Foltz's inability to hit a good spiral into the tough wind on his 3 punts (I am a former collegiate punter and kicker, so I am qualified to judge that)...

Thank you. It's good to see the actual data. I was thinking of working it up myself, but was just too busy yesterday. Was at the UCLA game. The play-calling in the 3rd quarter was puzzling, to me. There were probably some execution issues as well (I'm not football-smart enough to know what). ​We seemed to regress to survival mode. No one on offense or defense stepped up to make a play. No one.
I guess Im indifferent on the 3 and outs because thats only part of it. Whats really the difference if we go 3 plays, get a first down, and then stall out on the next set of chains? 3 and outs are the 2nd ultimate failure on the offense (turnovers being the 1st) but it goes a little deeper than that. Weve had far too many drives over the years with TM at the helm that have stalled out, or didnt result in points when we needed points. That to me is the measuring stick of a QB. I would take a QB thats effecient, doesnt turn the ball over and finishes drives over one that can score on any play, but can just as easily turn it over. Im not saying TM is bad, not at all. Hes done some absolutley amazing things here. But hes also done some absolutely dumb things as well. At the end of the day, with all his upside, his downside is whats preventing him from honestly being the best QB's to sport a husker jersey.

Very well said.
I guess Im indifferent on the 3 and outs because thats only part of it. Whats really the difference if we go 3 plays, get a first down, and then stall out on the next set of chains? 3 and outs are the 2nd ultimate failure on the offense (turnovers being the 1st) but it goes a little deeper than that. Weve had far too many drives over the years with TM at the helm that have stalled out, or didnt result in points when we needed points. That to me is the measuring stick of a QB. I would take a QB thats effecient, doesnt turn the ball over and finishes drives over one that can score on any play, but can just as easily turn it over. Im not saying TM is bad, not at all. Hes done some absolutley amazing things here. But hes also done some absolutely dumb things as well. At the end of the day, with all his upside, his downside is whats preventing him from honestly being the best QB's to sport a husker jersey.

I agree, his dumb really outweighs his "take it to the house in one play" ability, which i'm not sure is even there anymore...

Gladly will from here on out. I have been impressed for the most part in all phases...save Sam's second and third Q against UCLA against that wind... young punters think that when going into the wind they have to try and power though it...precisely the opposite... a good tight spiral will cut right through even a 30mph wind and turn over. You won't get a 55 yard boomer but I and any coach will take the 40-42 yards and minimal return... the moment you don't hit a spiral (because you are trying to muscle up/ think of a golf swing) into any noticeable wind you will lose 15-20 yards easy...

His punts in the third Q were 30, 39 and 28 (just broke midfield)... then I think we faked after the 28 yarder because of fear of another bad punt.
Great! Thanks. I know this is off topic, but I'll ask anyway. The spiral thing makes sense. So why do you think they happened? Is it difficult for a young punter to fully control whether he gets a tight spiral or not? I haven't really been watching it that closely, but have you seen Foltz kick spirals frequently and/or apparently intentionally. Should we just look for hm to develop that skill? If he could have controlled it, it seems like the coaches would tell him what to go for.
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I agree, his dumb really outweighs his "take it to the house in one play" ability, which i'm not sure is even there anymore...

I remember watching that with a fellow friend of ours, initials SJ, and he literally got so red I thought his head was going to explode.
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I agree, his dumb really outweighs his "take it to the house in one play" ability, which i'm not sure is even there anymore...

Talk about a ****** moment. Throw to KB or out of bounds or cut inside AA's block and run for a few yds.
Great! Thanks. I know this is off topic, but I'll ask anyway. The spiral thing makes sense. So why do you think they happened? Is it difficult for a young punter to fully control whether he gets a tight spiral or not? I haven't really been watching that closely to it, but have you seen Foltz kick spirals frequently and/or apparently intentionally. Should we just look for hm to develop that skill? If he could have controlled it, it seems like the coaches would tell him what to go for.

I can tell you that nobody on the Husker staff is really qualified to teach kicking or punting technique... but they certainly would have talked to him in film session about both the 2nd and 3rd Qs and what happened... The funny thing is... when he did muscle up and caught a tight spiral he nailed a 55 yarder (2nd Q into the wind) but because he kept it lower to cut into the wind he out kicked the coverage and we gave up a 25+ yard return. He needed to angle punt if he was going to keep the ball lower... you simply can't kick the ball into the middle of the field on a line drive.

Sam hits a spiral that turns over of some sort on most but he did not against the wind because it was in the back of his mind that he felt that he had to muscle up and thus missed his drop and contact point (like said above, think about your golf swing, especially with the driver)

As he gets older his spiral frequency/ability will improve... It comes with drop confidence and making sure your contact point on the ball and the top of the laces remains consistent. He is going to be an all-american before he leaves Nebraska.
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Talk about a ****** moment. Throw to KB or out of bounds or cut inside AA's block and run for a few yds.

This is what i'm talking about when the playbook will open up more. Rollout passes were non-existent after this. That being said, every QB makes mistakes, you just can't make the ones that result in fumbles or interceptions.

Not trying to prove anything... trying to show the data and let people decide for themselves... and 33% for three & outs is not really that bad when you score on 38% of your drives.... just about any coach will tell you that.

33% 3 and out is awful. I don't know of anyone that would accept that, especially against a schedule that features teams that aren't world-beaters defensively.

I considered taking a look at Alabama so far this year, but I decided against it because that comparison wouldn't necessarily be fair. So what about LSU? Looking at their record the past three years, and looking at Husker expectations, this seems to be a fair school to look at.
2010: 11-2 and missed a conference championship game
2011: 13-1 and lost a BCS championship game
2012: 10-3, no conference championship game, lost bowl game

34-6 and one BCS game over three years is pretty reasonable, even though they failed to make a conference championship game in two of those years.

So let's look at what LSU has done on offense. Rather than just 3 and outs, I decided to include any drives that lasted 3 plays OR LESS that didn't end in a score.

Against TCU, LSU had three such drives out of 12.
Against UAB, LSU had four such drives out of 13.
Against Kent St., LSU had zero such drives out of 10.
Against Auburn, LSU had four such drives out of 15.
Against Georgia, LSU had one such drive out of 11.

In five games, LSU has gone three and out (or worse) in 12 of 61 drives, or just under 20%. In their two games against ranked opponents (TCU & Georgia), they combined to go 3 and out only 4 times in 23 drives (17%).

Guys, this is not a particularly special LSU offense. They are good, but not great. They rank 37th in total offense (Nebraska is 21st). They average 42.8 ppg (Nebraska averages 43.3). They average 281.8 ypg throwing and 192.0 ypg rushing (Nebraska is 215.5 passing and 280.8 rushing). Their quarterback is in his second year as a starter (compared to 4 years for Martinez).

They are much more efficient with their offense, much more fluid. They don't have the herky-jerky look that Nebraska has with Matinez at the helm. I'm sorry, it's just not good when you are almost as likely to go three-and-out as you are to score on any given drive.
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