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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Will TM never get Heisman talk because writers make fun of the way he throws?

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Easy there Werewolf. Just because you say it doesn't make it true. Some people want to be right so bad that they refuse to look at another point of view. Sometimes they even root against something so they don't look foolish. I root against Martinez doing poorly because I want to Be the one that knew it all along that he was good. My worry is that his national perception has been tarnished by all of his negative press about his throwing motion.

Live by my moto. "Don't be a hater"

i dont hate him. I just dont like him very much

It's not the throwing motion (Klein was in the mix and we know that ain't much better). It's his ball security, maddening decisions and not-so tough running at times that keeps people from believing in him (Heisman aside).

He won't get heisman talk because he's not that good.

Although I can see him being "in the talk" he won't seriously be considered until he cuts down on turnovers. I get the feeling that because he's such a great athlete that he figures he can make up for whatever mistakes he makes with his God-given ability.
He'll get some mention if he leads the team to the CCG win and a win in the Rose Bowl this year. Beyond that, he's got to stand out next year with wins and stats cuz he aint pretty. What will turn the trick will be a return to his running success of his freshman year. I just don't think the team is built like that anymore. We have some great backs and an offense that can wear teams down and I see the coaches building on that. He'll get his carries but not sure the numbers will be there. If they consider the numbers over the entirety of his career (other than the TO's) he should be talked about. Honestly he'll be second to that fella from tOSU in the B1G in the eyes of the public unless he can win against them in the CCG.

By the time he's done, Martinez will have slashed just about every passing and rushing (QB) record to shreds.

Considering the only other guys to get that kid of production were either Heisman Winners or serious candidates (Crouch, Frazier, Gill), it's quite remarkable that the media dogs on him so much. He'll re-write the record books at DONU, which are just a wee-bit deeper than the record books at A&M or Oregon.
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I never root against him. I just don't think he's capable of winning the big games for us. Like the CCG. He will single handedly cost us the game.

You know comments like that are beneath contempt. Yes he might have turnovers in that game but lets wait and see how the game plays out. For all you know he may make a touchdown pass and win the game. I really do not care for calling a player out let alone place blame before a game is even played.
Will TM never get Heisman talk because writers make fun of the way he throws? Well, that is one reason.

Martinez received Heisman talk his freshman year, and I don't really see his throwing motion as being bad anymore it has improved greatly.

The schedule is favorable next year, tough games on the road are Penn State and Michigan, but Penn State loses McGloin and they will lack depth. Michigan loses Robinson and should be beatable as well. We'll have to be a tough UCLA team at home, but other than that it is shaping up to be a favorable season for Nebraska with a four year starter at Quarterback.

He does have to cut down on the fumbles, but I truly don't see him as being an interception machine (2.90% for his career), is lower than Zac Taylor, Joe Ganz, Turner Gill, Jerry Tagge, Vince Ferragamo, David Humm, Eric Crouch, Steve Taylor.. and Tommie Frazier (Bowl games stats included).

All Taylor needs to be recognized is put up some impressive games, minimize his turnovers, win.. he is capable of all those things. I could see him nearing 70% completions next season with even more improvement.

I think that TM has continued to improve but still isn't quite to the level of Heisman consideration, mostly because of the mental errors and miscues (fumbles, really ugly INT's, etc...those things Bo called "boneheaded" preseason). Even though he's reduced the volume of errors and significantly improved his game management and passing skills, it will be hard for many in the national media to recognize him for the Heisman even if he has the super season that seems possible next year. He's been around a long time and there may be as much video of his miscues as there is of his incredible plays. The national media and some fans are unforgiving...it would be hard to change their mindset.
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