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Wan'dale Robinson won't be charged with marijuana possession

I don't care about whether or not pot is going to be legal. I think it will be and should. But these kids should understand that pot is not a PED. If you really care about championships and the like why would you be doing it? Same is true for drinking. Both numb the senses, neither make you better at anything and if you overdo either........you're done. The legal question is secondary to me. First to me is do you give a damn about how good you are at what you do?

I don't care about whether or not pot is going to be legal. I think it will be and should. But these kids should understand that pot is not a PED. If you really care about championships and the like why would you be doing it? Same is true for drinking. Both numb the senses, neither make you better at anything and if you overdo either........you're done. The legal question is secondary to me. First to me is do you give a damn about how good you are at what you do?
It may not be a PED but it does help pain management.
huh... So hypothetically if someone in Nebraska were just lighting up on their front porch and a cop drove by... The police officer would ticket the offender and then in all likelihood the prosecutor would drop the case. Is that correct? I think I heard the Douglas county da is declining to prosecute cbd cases too. So it seems even less likely someone would get prosecuted in Douglas County.
most cities or states don’t have the test equipment to test THC levels in the plant itself All one has to do is claim it is Hemp and you would like a speedy trial and they can not get it proc seed in time
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This is a common misperception. If you want to be employable, marijuana is way more harmful to your career than beer.
But it shouldn’t be. That’s the hypocrisy of it all. People who drink think it’s ok but weed is bad. That’s the problem I’ve always had. I’m sure mr. Rickets drinks. He’s a hypocrite.


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