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Vomiting comment

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Yep, some just seem to exaggerate and take everything a coach says out of context. You want to see a bunch of pukers- watch a wrestling practice!

I wrestled on the high desert in CA in high school the coach would on occasion have us run the cross country course (which was hilly and still pretty high temps even later in the year) after practice

That was rough to say the least

He got a college job to boot ha ha

It's hyperbole anyone listening to what he said pretty much knows that

Coaches are guilty of that all the time

Nothing here in my opinion
It’s not nothing. I coach high school sports and every year we have to do training over heat illness and cardiac arrest. It’s a priority and it should be. The macho man days are over. After Kory Stringer, after Maryland, after numerous high school deaths you don’t brag about this kind of crap, hyperbole or not. If I have a kid vomiting after one of my workouts my first thought is: 1. Is the kid acclimated to the heat, 2. Are they properly hydrated or did they eat a good lunch. I certainly don’t go home and brag on Facebook or Twitter or to the local newspaper, when they interview me, that I made this many kids throw up and wear it like a badge of honor. It’s a stupid old school way of doing things. He needs to be more self aware.
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It’s not nothing. I coach high school sports and every year we have to do training over heat illness and cardiac arrest. It’s a priority and it should be. The macho man days are over. After Kory Stringer, after Maryland, after numerous high school deaths you don’t brag about this kind of crap, hyperbole or not. If I have a kid vomiting after one of my workouts my first thought is: 1. Is the kid acclimated to the heat, 2. Are they properly hydrated or did they eat a good lunch. I certainly don’t go home and brag on Facebook or Twitter that I made this many kids throw up and wear it like a badge of honor. It’s a stupid old school way of doing things. He needs to be more self aware.
The players are monitored pre, during, and post practice, in a multitude of ways, including their level of hydration. Trust me, what is going on is at a minimum 90% "water" puking. And with your stated credentials, I will not explain that as I know you are very aware of it.

Perhaps that’s the strategy! NW will be so nervous wondering if they are going to get puked on, we will just blast hikes through the defense.

Imagine a guard making noises just before the snap that he is going to blow chunks. That’s got to give the defense pause.

The players are monitored pre, during, and post practice, in a multitude of ways, including their level of hydration. Trust me, what is going on is at a minimum 90% "water" puking. And with your stated credentials, I will not explain that as I know you are very aware of it.
It’s not puking that’s the problem it’s the tone deafness of bragging about it. Right or wrong Frost has to be more aware of the age we live in. He goes up there without any context and says stuff like that, then people are going to run with their narrative. He creates more problems for himself and the university when he says, or doesn’t say(Big Ten media say) things. I know it seems like nitpicking but when you’re the face of the university, and basically the whole state, you need to be more polished or you get little brew ha has like this. Some of it is stupid and petty but as our athletic director tells us in every meeting, “be careful what you say and what you post because somebody somewhere is out to get you.”
It’s not puking that’s the problem it’s the tone deafness of bragging about it. Right or wrong Frost has to be more aware of the age we live in. He goes up there without any context and says stuff like that, then people are going to run with their narrative. He creates more problems for himself and the university when he says, or doesn’t say(Big Ten media say) things. I know it seems like nitpicking but when you’re the face of the university, and basically the whole state, you need to be more polished or you get little brew ha has like this. Some of it is stupid and petty but as our athletic director tells us in every meeting, “be careful what you say and what you post because somebody somewhere is out to get you.”
Yeah, it seems like nitpicking.

The reality, for me at least, is these petty criticisms are meaningless. He either starts winning or he doesn’t. If he does, I can get over comments about vomit.

I'm also curious about the kind of barf.

Not trying to be gross or overthink it, but there's like the dry heave that's more just spit and stomach fluid from working yourself too hard. And then there's the ravioli chunk, stink up your house for 2 days, extra girthy thickman barf.

If it's the first kind, I'm not too worried. If it's the latter, than have them checked for the flu or covid.

Yeah, it seems like nitpicking.

The reality, for me at least, is these petty criticisms are meaningless. He either starts winning or he doesn’t. If he does, I can get over comments about vomit.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with you somewhat. Bill Bellicheck gets away with being a turd because he wins. I don’t like it but it is what it is. If Frost has .750 winning percentage and has taken the team to a couple of B1G championship games a lot of this stuff is no biggie, especially locally. The problem is he hasn’t and so he has to compensate by being smarter when he’s in front of the mic or talking to people.
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