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tim miles can recruit and tell jokes pretty well


Scout Team
10 Year Member
But he cant coach. Period.
Watched him for 3.5 seasons now and other than a month or so stretch of an amazing hot streak of shooting in 2014....hes done a very poor job
Poor substitutions..... poor game plans....
Poor management
Ive waited and kept calm but now feel he just sux. Period

We still have never recovered from Craig Smith leaving. That was TM's Xs & Os guy.

I wouldn't put this loss all on the coaches, either. We turned the ball over 17 times and shot 10 of 20 from the line. Take 5 turnovers away and hit 5 more free throws and we probably walk away with a win. Not saying that there weren't coaching issues, but quite a few people on that team didn't show up tonight. Before the game I made the comment that we shouldn't take these guys lightly. Not only can they play a little bit, their pressure and zone defense isn't a good matchup for us.
totally agree with the OP. TMiles doesn't deserve a coaching job like NU. He charmed and twittered his way into the bigtime and NU's Men's basketball team is no better for it. He is just not a great coach. the x's and o's displayed by this team are pitiful. there are so many things that can be pointed to as indicators of poor coaching....i'll give you 3.....if anyone actually cares enough to read them at this point.

1. standing around on offense. i hear people say this alot as if its the players fault. As if the players have been given an objective and instead choose to just stand. Standing around on offense is a symptom of NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO. This is a direct result of the rudderless offense Tmiles employs. he doesn't have a plan. there's no system or structure. no punch, punch, counter punch. its just all concepts and theories. you can look pretty good when the energy is up, TPetteway is scoring 30 a game and Walter pitchford is hitting tons of 3s. But when that doesn't happen, you get the garbage we had last year. Why would you run around aimlessly with no purpose when the alternative is to just stand and watch Shavon Shields do everything? Answer - you wouldn't. thus the reason everyone is standing and watching because the offense is nothing more then "be really awesome and just make plays". Thats why you see this black hole mentality. it happened with Tpetteway his entire career and its starting to happen with Shavon. Thankfully, Shavon isn't the Dbag to his teamates that TP was, but the same thing is happening. When the offense has no plan, 1 player takes it upon himself to do it all. That 1 player gets frustrated with his teammates upon realizing he can't do it all. the teammates get frustrated because they want to help but don't know how or where they fit. there aren't enough balls to go around in an offense that has no identity, so the whole thing just falls apart. thats NU in a nutshell on offense.

2. floor spacing. i mentioned in the CU game how many times i saw NU players guarding the same player. and it wasn't because they were employing a doubleteam, it was because 1 guy didn't know what he was doing. Did anyone happen to notice the post players movements tonight while NU was on offense against the 2/3 zone? its embarrassing. they have NO idea what to do, or where to go, or more importantly, WHEN to go there. i watched this over and over with my handy DVR. numerous times there are players just standing 2 ft from someone else....or flashing too late when the ball is swung to the opposite side. the poor timing and spacing is a direct result of not being TAUGHT what to do. this is coaching 101. NU looked absolutely clueless against the 2/3 zone. and thats against athletes of Samford caliber. Jeepers creepers....if any big10 team wants to hold NU to under 40 points, just employ a simple 2/3 zone. game over.

3. Press break. I remember in year one screaming at the TV because NU had no idea how to break a press. well here we are in year 4 and we still don't. it didn't look as bad because we were playing against Samford caliber athletes, but it was still effective enough to reek havoc. the players still don't know where to be or what the PLAN is to break the press. no one flashes to the middle of the floor. what really bothered me was that everyone in the gym knew the press was coming, yet Webster looks completely surprised that the press is here. During the inbounds, he nearly steps on the endline, balancing on his tiptoes, hoping benny can get open against 2 guys, while the rest of the team stands and watches. The result was a 5 second call.

so there it is again....guys standing around, cause thats what happens when players don't know what to do.
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Well hell...somewhere I saw the game was at 7....EASTERN. Tuned in around 7:30 and to say I was surprised NU was down 10+ is an understatement. NU got a total of 2 made shots and 5 points from the bench tonight. Need a lot more than that. Obviously. 2 starters (jacobson and parker) were a combined 0-4 for 2 points. Good teams can have 2 guys leading the way in scoring but you can't get 14 points from the rest of the team and expect to win. Just not gonna happen.
Sorry for the generalization. I should have said main contributors being newcomers.

White, Watson, Marrow, and McVeigh are the core of the team, with Shields being the leader. There is a nucleus there for the future and they will be understandably inconsistent while learning to play at this level.

Still, a loss to Samford is not good. Probably should have said that.

I've said it before but a stat that I like to pay attention to is assists. NU had 10 on 21 buckets tonight. NU is 256th in the nation at 12.3 assists per game. That's TERRIBLE. Granted, a better stat would be assists per made shot but I'm guessing NU would rank pretty low on that one too. It speak to what footballTim talks about when he's talking about standing around on offense waiting for Shields (or White) to do something.

For giggles I looked up a few teams:

NU assists on 48.5% of its made shots.
Creighton on 56%
Villanova 60%
Iowa 62%
Notre Dame 53%
Kansas State 56%
Oregon 53.6%
Xavier 61%

I could probably do this all night but I think you'll find that under 50% is pretty bad. For perspective NU was 47% last year, 42% the year before and 46% the year before that. That doesn't speak to well functioning, unselfish offenses.
I've said it before but a stat that I like to pay attention to is assists. NU had 10 on 21 buckets tonight. NU is 256th in the nation at 12.3 assists per game. That's TERRIBLE. Granted, a better stat would be assists per made shot but I'm guessing NU would rank pretty low on that one too. It speak to what footballTim talks about when he's talking about standing around on offense waiting for Shields (or White) to do something.

For giggles I looked up a few teams:

NU assists on 48.5% of its made shots.
Creighton on 56%
Villanova 60%
Iowa 62%
Notre Dame 53%
Kansas State 56%
Oregon 53.6%
Xavier 61%

I could probably do this all night but I think you'll find that under 50% is pretty bad. For perspective NU was 47% last year, 42% the year before and 46% the year before that. That doesn't speak to well functioning, unselfish offenses.

THANK YOU. I wish I was smart enough to use these statistics to help illustrate what I've been preaching for the past 3 years about Miles :)......Thanks for doing the work to look this up as it speaks to EXACTLY what I'm saying.

Its no coincidence that NU has been horrible with assists under Miles. His offensive philosophy, or for lack of a better term, what he allows to happen on offense isn't an offense, its a 1 man show. thats what he puts up with, thats what he allows,and thats what he gets. there are no sets being run, no players passing the ball around to find the guy with the mismatch.....nothing.

i was hard on TPetteway when he was here because of his ridiculously selfish play at time, and the absolute havoc it wreaked on the psyche of the team. you could see it on the floor, you could see it in the body language of the players.....that type of thing happens because of what Tim Miles allows to happen on offense. I swear the next time i hear Tim Miles say something about "we need to pass more" or "be unselfish" or whatever, i'm gonna put my head through a wall. YOU ARE THE FRIGGIN' COACH. run a set that attacks a defensive weakness. Run a designed play to get a certain guy open. Create an X and O environment that shows the players you have SOME sort of concept regarding the actual strategy of basketball. Formulate an actual gameplan that demonstrates an ability to diagnose weaknesses in the other team, and then execute that gameplan. Do SOMETHING besides just allowing the players to all stand there and watch Shavon do whatever humanly possible to score. Watching NU play for the past 3 years, honestly I would hate to play for Tim Miles. I've said that before and I'll say it again. I'd hate to be anyone of the number 2-11 players on the team, cause everything flows through 1 player. everyone else is just a bystander.
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Sorry for the generalization. I should have said main contributors being newcomers.

White, Watson, Marrow, and McVeigh are the core of the team, with Shields being the leader. There is a nucleus there for the future and they will be understandably inconsistent while learning to play at this level.

Still, a loss to Samford is not good. Probably should have said that.

White is a transfer Junior, who came from Kansas after sitting out last year. He's not "learning" to play at this level. Also, i doubt you'd find a single poster on this board who would attribute the struggles of the team this year to inconsistent play from Watson, Marrow, and/or McVeigh.
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Sorry for the generalization. I should have said main contributors being newcomers.

White, Watson, Marrow, and McVeigh are the core of the team, with Shields being the leader. There is a nucleus there for the future and they will be understandably inconsistent while learning to play at this level.

Still, a loss to Samford is not good. Probably should have said that.

Yea but
1 thats was good coaches do
They take a senior a junior andvsome talented youngvguys and makevthem good
2 what about last yr? What about year 1? What about the first half of 2013?
As i said....other than a month or so in 2014.....his teamschave been poorly coached
Last year spoke volumes about his coaching. This year we have seen sparks of what could be a very good team, or more likely a typical husker mens hoops year.

Men's athletics in general are mediocre to poor at this point at DONU. Except for the wrestling program, the remaining ones are poorly coached all around.
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