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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Suh fined $30,000 for kick to the jewels

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and doesn't take in the fact that the NFL has GONE WAY TOO SOFT? This stuff was the norm in the 70s...THAT WAS REAL FOOTBALL. This stuff today is pink tutu ballerina stuff...get back to the real game!
Heck where is Alex Karras when you need him... I think there was this scene from the Movie (and Book) Paper Lion where the QB hits the onrushing DT with a pass to the you know where... or am I thinking about The Longest Yard... any way, I think the real origin of that scene was Paper Lion.

57, Paper Lion was before your time, but Author George Plimpton "played" QB in the Lions Training Camp to write about the experience... and of course he "played" QB because that is the only position where a marginal athlete can "play".

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He's earned every bit of that reputation. Stomping on offensive lineman, getting in a couple of sketchy car accidents, numerous fines for cheap shots on QBs, and finally kicking Matt Schaub in the family jewels will do that for you. I loved the guy at NU but something bad has happened to him since he left here and it's not good. Somebody needs to get his attention before he really does something over the top.

He was lucky this time but anybody who thinks that wasn't intentional is kidding themselves.

Give me a break, that was not intentional, not even close. Its called momentum, he was going one direction with his leg in the air, and Shaubs junk happened to be in the way. Did you notice he didnt even look at Shaub after it happened, meaning he didnt know what had happened. He instantly looks up to see where the ball went. My guess is he didnt even know his foot had hit anything. The guy has had one penalty this year called on him. Hes a terrible driver that has done some stupid stuff on the field in the past, and thats what this fine was all about.
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Give me a break, that was not intentional, not even close. Its called momentum, he was going one direction with his leg in the air, and Shaubs junk happened to be in the way. Did you notice he didnt even look at Shaub after it happened, meaning he didnt know what had happened. He instantly looks up to see where the ball went. My guess is he didnt even know his foot had hit anything. The guy has had one penalty this year called on him. Hes a terrible driver that has done some stupid stuff on the field in the past, and thats what this fine was all about.

intentional or unintentional? :Biggrin:
Give me a break, that was not intentional, not even close. Its called momentum, he was going one direction with his leg in the air, and Shaubs junk happened to be in the way. Did you notice he didnt even look at Shaub after it happened, meaning he didnt know what had happened. He instantly looks up to see where the ball went. My guess is he didnt even know his foot had hit anything. The guy has had one penalty this year called on him. Hes a terrible driver that has done some stupid stuff on the field in the past, and thats what this fine was all about.

The only way you can characterize this as "not even close" to intentional is if you view it through the lens of your Nebraska loyalties. It's not 100% certain either way, or we wouldn't even be discussing it.
The only way you can characterize this as "not even close" to intentional is if you view it through the lens of your Nebraska loyalties. It's not 100% certain either way, or we wouldn't even be discussing it.

so it was not good enough for a suspension but good enough for a fine? mind boggling.
so it was not good enough for a suspension but good enough for a fine? mind boggling.

I wouldn't say it's mind boggling. They fined him because the video evidence is strong enough to suggest a kick but not so strong as to warrant a suspension.
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I'll preface my reply on the fact that I very adamantly defended Suh on the Stomp last year..and I still do. He did stomp down in a mean manner, but so do pro wrestlers and BOTH stomps were exactly the same thing...all show/emotion and no damage done or meant. again...the dude he stomped dindt' even flinch and he said he'd have to watch the video to see what happened.

I've also defended Suh on other past fines, like the phantom hit to the back of a QBs head when in fact his was his shoulder pads. Everyone later admitted that was a blown call/fine, but yet they still upped his next fine as if that previous one was legit...another BS move.

NOW, w/ this current call it's hard to have Suh's back. I does look like he gave an extra extension/kick at the end towards the QB. There is no way to know if it's intentional and that's why here was no suspension. He got the fine because of his rep.

That all aside, I've heard a couple stories about Suh that aren't very good. My best friend knows a player that was in the Lions training camp this preseaons. Turns out the Lions players, or at least a significant number of them, don't like Suh even. Suh had some FB camp for kids and the some of the vets on the team told the rookies they better not help on it...because they can't stand Suh. I also heard a story about something he did off field while at NU that was very shady and I took it w/ a grain of salt...but now that I hear and see these other things (his own peers in the NFL voting him dirtiest player), I'm wondering if it is true.

I'm on my flight to Indianapolis so not sure when I'll reply again...so in advance I'll say...yes I know I have no evidence of these stories...so take them for what they are worth..and yes I know some will think that's amount is zero. :)
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ALSO....maybe his "dirty" play should be blamed on Jason Peter. Remember when he used to get on Suh for being too soft...and not being a bad ass, rude, take no prisoners, type of player/guy. Didn't he even tell him to even have it carry off the field...something like...when at a movie theatre don't even let the guy next to you have the arm rest you share? Does anyone else remember this...don't remember if I read it somewhere or just heard it on JP's radio show...

I don't really blame JP...since Suh is a grown man and is responsible for his actions regardless if someone pushes him in that direction.
I agree with you CB. A man does not change who he is, if he feels that he is correct in his actions just because people around him are clamoring for him to change. Suh plays a very physical style of football where he tackles with force. He is a rare combination of size, strength, and speed that makes those around him look bad. If he were to dial it back like a lot of you are asking him to do, he would not be the same player and probably get hurt. I appreciate the effort that he gives on every play and do not believe he does it with any malice.

I agree with you CB. A man does not change who he is, if he feels that he is correct in his actions just because people around him are clamoring for him to change. Suh plays a very physical style of football where he tackles with force. He is a rare combination of size, strength, and speed that makes those around him look bad. If he were to dial it back like a lot of you are asking him to do, he would not be the same player and probably get hurt. I appreciate the effort that he gives on every play and do not believe he does it with any malice.

I'm not sure people are asking him to stop playing hard and fast...just stop stomping on people and kicking them in the nuts. :thumbsup:
I'll preface my reply on the fact that I very adamantly defended Suh on the Stomp last year..and I still do. He did stomp down in a mean manner, but so do pro wrestlers and BOTH stomps were exactly the same thing...all show/emotion and no damage done or meant. again...the dude he stomped dindt' even flinch and he said he'd have to watch the video to see what happened.

I've also defended Suh on other past fines, like the phantom hit to the back of a QBs head when in fact his was his shoulder pads. Everyone later admitted that was a blown call/fine, but yet they still upped his next fine as if that previous one was legit...another BS move.

NOW, w/ this current call it's hard to have Suh's back. I does look like he gave an extra extension/kick at the end towards the QB. There is no way to know if it's intentional and that's why here was no suspension. He got the fine because of his rep.

You pretty much nailed what I was going to post. I have always defended his actions as I just saw a very physical player that on the occasional hit/take down would look devastating. The arm stomp was kinda hard to justify but emotions run hot in the games so I gave him the benefit of the doubt on that one. As to this event it is clear he extends his leg in a mule kick fashion. You do not have to be looking at someone to know their general location and throw a mule kick that way. The fact that it hit the tender spot was pure chance. As to the NFL, who knows what those clowns are thinking. Take Ed Reed for an example. Suspension dropped to a $50k fine.

Back in the Good Old Days before football tried to become PC, FATSO, who played for the Colts, kicked a Detroit Lion in the face on a kick off return.....he was flagged for a 15 yard penalty..........his rationale for doing such a thing .I never liked the guy anyway. If that had happened today the commissioner would have choked on his chewing gum, the media would be asking for his scalp and mothers in America would make their boys play soccer.

Boys it is a mean game played by mean men. Some can turn it off when they leave the field and others cannot but all of them, when they are on the field, are mean, ultra competitive and ultra aggressive Suh is one of the best at his position and he plays as hard as he can all the time and because he is all of the above he is not called a good player he is denigrated and accursed of being a dirty player. Remember when he chased McCoy all over the field and beat him to a pulp? In the NFL all of those hits would have been a penalty, a fine and a suspension and the TV people would have been showing them over and over again in slooooow motion.
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