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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Speculation: North Carolina and who is the 16th?

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UNC? with NCAA sanctions now and the likelihood of major, major penalties in the near future?The chancellor has resigned effective in May because of the growing investigation of the Afro-American Studies program that had classes without reading, writing or attendance requirements, courses never given but grades given, and basically a program for athletes. One NROTC course on naval ordinance given for 37 students, 30 of them athletes including most of the basketball team, without requirements. coach Roy said it sounded like an interesting course to him.---yeah, well, there were no attendance or reading or writing assignments, so who knows. The ACC commissioner Swofford is a UNC grad, former AD, etc. Why would the Big want them, and if they did I doubt they would leave.
Virginia Tech is a good fit in football and it would keep the conference contiguous, but they wouldn't add many eyeballs.

Maybe more than you might think. Living in Northern VA for the past six years, I don't see many Maryland caps/shirts/sweatshirts, but I do see LOTS of VT gear! If B1G is looking for Virginia eyeballs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University wouldn't be a bad choice.

Ok guys, hold your horses. I don't want to be rude, or arrogant, but I don't think folks here are thinking like Delaney. One of the unique things about the B1G is that it shares TV revenue equally, since this is the case, and since TV revenue is a huge part of the equation. We have to look at it as the primary factor with other important factors being secondary. As an example, if Texas were to come calling, would any of you think that any of the schools in the B1G would give two rats behinds that they aren't contiguous? The other schools could volunteer to foot the ENTIRE travel bill for UT-Austin and as long as revenue sharing remained in play, they would all come out WAY ahead. The thing is, this is exactly the same reason that UT-Autin would not be interested in the slightest in joining the B1G with the current revenue model. Also, the "conference poison" aspect of UT-Austin would increase associated risks with them.

Also, current sanctions don't matter in the long term, and when it comes to TV it doesn't matter in the near term.

I'm posting another thread to extend this conversation and to post a couple of links, but for reasons I will show in the next thread, I think that Kansas, Syracuse, Boston College, and Mizzou could all be perfectly viable candidates.
The B1G's rules for expansion were revealed when Nebraska was invited to join:

3. The schools have to bring something significant to the table.

Just my guess, others have thoughts on this?

Only one thing needs to be brought to the table.

Only one thing needs to be brought to the table.


Yep, but remember this is a great thing for our member universities. If you don't think that money increases competitiveness which increases money and so on then you don't understand much.

Great move if you ask me.
Yep, but remember this is a great thing for our member universities. If you don't think that money increases competitiveness which increases money and so on then you don't understand much.

Great move if you ask me.

Much like beer, money is the source of and the cure for societies evils.

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