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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Speculation: North Carolina and who is the 16th?

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WHo do I want as 15 and 16, no one. But it will happen. The list they are likely to come from include: Kansas, Missouri, GaTech, Kentucky, Louisville, VaTech. None of these add much in tv or competition. But oh well. It's going to happen. I suppose North Carolina is an option, but don't see it. Wish they could draw a blank slate and come up with four 16 team conferences based on geography. Throw ALL traditions out the window at this point.
Agree. The B1G has enough good football programs already, so why not add a good basketball school with great academics? Especially one that's tied to the hip with UNC.

HAD good football. It will now be too watered down. A big 10 schedule will mean nothing. Look , OSU will have Rutgers, Indiana, Maryland, Purdue as half or almost half of their Big Ten schedule every year. Wow. Already saw that effect with SEC this year. Alabama played no one from the other division , basically. Just LSU , A&M and crap. So much for the vaunted SEC.

HAD good football. It will now be too watered down. A big 10 schedule will mean nothing. Look , OSU will have Rutgers, Indiana, Maryland, Purdue as half or almost half of their Big Ten schedule every year. Wow. Already saw that effect with SEC this year. Alabama played no one from the other division , basically. Just LSU , A&M and crap. So much for the vaunted SEC.
And....it could very likely win them another MNC.
University of Louisville...good football and basketball and from top to bottom their sports program is hard to top
I think BI6 needs to stay above mason-dixon line. Which would also disqualify MD.

The B1G's rules for expansion were revealed when Nebraska was invited to join:

1. The schools have to be AAU members. KS, UVA, UNC and GT are. VT isn't.
2. The proposeed invitee must be contiguous with the existing footprint of the B1G. KS, UVA and VT are. UNC and GT aren't. UNC could be if they and UVA were added at the same time or UNC after UVA. For GT to be a contiguous addition, expansion would have to go to 20 schools. Not likely at this time. Except for KS, the remaining schools are southern schools who would be joining up with a bunch of yankees. Don't underestimate this factor.
3. The schools have to bring something significant to the table.

KS has great BB, awful FB and not much population.
UVA has good BB, average FB, and a larger population. A bigger school than Northwestern and equally prestigeous.
VT has average BB, good FB and shares UVA's population base. This is a definate negative. A good land grant school.
GT has average BB, good FB and a large population base. Excellent engineering school Deep in the heart of Atlanta and the SEC.

Just as Oklahoma and Okie Lite are joined at the waist, UVA and VT are now, too. A lot of political wheeling/dealing went into getting VT into the ACC when they did their first large expansion. These two schools are now joined at the hip. Want UVA? You get VT, too.

There's no way we can tell what Jim Delaney is thinking, but I don't think GT will be around when the B1G expands next and it doesn't meet the "contiguous" test. It would break the SEC's unwritten rule about protecting turf, but I think they wind up in the SEC. I see us claiming UVA and VT, even though it would mean getting 2 schools with one footprint and one without AAU. I see UNC tied into the tobacco road ACC mentality to sign on with a bunch of yankees. While Virginia is a southern state, it has large areas with a cosmopolitan influence that to some degree balance the Johnny Reb mentality of rural Virginia; northern Virginia around Washington DC, Norfolk/Virginia Beach and Hampton/Newport News with the military influence. I think UVA and VT are our next two additions if expansion goes that far.

Just my guess, others have thoughts on this?
ND can wait this out, especially given this year's success. I do think that the departure of Maryland from the ACC even in spite of the $50,000,000 exit fee potential, tells me that the ACC is vulnerable. This has to make ND nervous. They positioned themselves well enough in the ACC and got what they wanted for their football program. If the dominoes start to fall and the SEC and the B1G start to poach...and they will, ND will have to make a decision to plant themselves in one of the major players.

Now, the Big 12-11-10-9-10 at tens teams could be a safe haven for ND but if the OU or Texas look west that conference is toast. The only way the Big XII survives is with ND and they are so far from 16 its a longshot. IMO the power players know how to push the right buttons to get what they want....and I think this move by Delaney is just the first move to force ND to reconsider the B1G.

ND can wait this out, especially given this year's success. I do think that the departure of Maryland from the ACC even in spite of the $50,000,000 exit fee potential, tells me that the ACC is vulnerable. This has to make ND nervous. They positioned themselves well enough in the ACC and got what they wanted for their football program. If the dominoes start to fall and the SEC and the B1G start to poach...and they will, ND will have to make a decision to plant themselves in one of the major players.

Now, the Big 12-11-10-9-10 at tens teams could be a safe haven for ND but if the OU or Texas look west that conference is toast. The only way the Big XII survives is with ND and they are so far from 16 its a longshot. IMO the power players know how to push the right buttons to get what they want....and I think this move by Delaney is just the first move to force ND to reconsider the B1G.

Delaney vs ND
in a bigger chess match than Bobby Fisher and um....that other guy! ;)

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