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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Should Iowa consider letting Ferentz go? Or tell him it is time to retire?

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Ferentz has played Iowa like a fiddle over the years. Every time he had a decent season his agent would float NFL rumors. Rumors that didn't make much sense. And every time Iowa would jack him up in salary. This guy makes over $4M a year. He's easily the most over paid coach in the country by a longshot. They could get similar results for less than half that. But because he has played them like he has it's nearly impossible to get rid of him. Their only hope is that he quits...which he won't do. Iowa is stuck with him.
I also like the fact that he is living proof that just because you coached with Bill Belichek, you are not automatically successful.

His contract buyout is about 250K for every month remaining through its end in 2020.

There are 20 million reasons that Iowa is stuck with him.

wow! Case closed. Maybe they can do the Mike Leach thing and try to persuade him to quit

He won a BCS bowl (orange) in 09'? I guess that is really just a distant memory for the Hawks.

It seems like most Husker fans dismiss Pelini's 5 years of 9 wins but it is clearly harder to do than it seems. I think Nebraska fans feel like it is their god given right to have 9 wins every year.
If you follow the trends, Iowa is looking at another average/subpar season and then a string of 8-11 win seasons ...

I'm not sure Iowa could do better. It's that they pay SO much for what they get that blows my mind.

the fact is when you literally put a gun to your employers head every time there is a whisper of your name associated with another job then the expectations of what you bring to the table should increase equally. You want to be paid in the top 5 in the nation? Then you better bring results.

He's had good results ... has had seasons better than what Bo's done to date and he's doing it in Iowa. I'm not a huge fan of the guy, but he's had success and I don't understand why people are piling on him (with rumors on what he's done with his agent, etc, etc.) Obviously, Iowa's paying him a lot 'cause they didn't want to lose him to a bigger program. That's not his fault.
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