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Post #42 in Today's Practice Thread

Palmer might follow Mickey but even if not, following a coach happens all the time, so if Mickey was key in recruiting someone for the coming class it's very possible.

Frost brought 2 or 3 from Central Fl, iirc.
Was thinking of the newest ones that haven't signed yet.

Possibly a chess move by Mickey. Have your agent reach out to ASU search firm thereby initiating a conversation that gets published. Get fans worried they might lose you to another school.
Not that wouldn't do that, but he just strikes me as someone with a little more integrity to do something that like that.

I personally think Mickey would have to at least win a couple more games to be seriously considered by a Div 1 school, but if he goes 5-4 I think he would definitely get consideration, even at a Power 5 like ASU.
I think people have unreasonable expectations about what is possible as an interim coach that really doesn't have great assistants. Bilema only won 5 games last year and he had his staff and off season. He has shown me everything I need to see about leading a program except ability to attract and pick A level staff.
I think people have unreasonable expectations about what is possible as an interim coach that really doesn't have great assistants. Bilema only won 5 games last year and he had his staff and off season. He has shown me everything I need to see about leading a program except ability to attract and pick A level staff.
Could be.
Possibly a chess move by Mickey. Have your agent reach out to ASU search firm thereby initiating a conversation that gets published. Get fans worried they might lose you to another school.
I doubt that he was that calculating, but if ASU reached out to his agent, I could see making sure that leaked out to the world. I still think a significantly enhanced assistant offer from a new NU HC is the most likely outcome.

Well I think we could lose some of those set to sign late Dec. Not a lot though. And whoever we do hire could have some of their own.
So losing Malachi would be no big deal. Parents carry part of the vote cuz it's been repeatedly commented on how they trust the kind of care they will get under a coach. NE's present status by itself is no big draw for the best players.
Why does the conversation always devolve from the facts to calling out recruits and players. MJ is a candidate. There is nothing in the article about Trey or Coleman or anything else. Drives me crazy when the kitchen sink gets carried into everything.
but if he goes 5-4 I think he would definitely get consideration, even at a Power 5 like ASU.
He's a candidate. Doesn't that indicate they're not that concerned about record but like what they see? Guess I'm jumping the gun but see some interesting scenarios. We'll know soon enough.
Probably are pretty large number of dudes "under consideration" for the ASU gig. Doesn't mean they are realistically in the top X who will actually get the offer/job.

I doubt ASU would hire MJ for the same reasons that NU won't hire MJ as HC. Too little experience. They just canned Herm, who was a coach with no college HC or coordinator experience. You really think they're going to get right back in line to do the same thing again? I find that hard to believe.

MJ's best bet is sticking with NU in a recruiting role (and/or WR coach) under a new staff. He'll have several years of being loved by the fans and can collect a great paycheck to boot.

Wasn't it just a week or so ago that Frost was rumored st ASU?
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Who would have guessed that Arizona State would have hired Herman Edwards. Mickey would be a great hire for them he’d build a great staff, we know he can recruit and how difficult is the PAC 12 going to be without UCLA and USC?
The ASU AD would take MJ in a second. They are similar and the biggest complaint from AZ is that all the local kids leave the state and MJ will lock them down. You could build a heck of a team with just kids from AZ.
MJ doesn’t leave things unfinished very often which is why he doesn’t leave for the next big thing, That said, he may realize that he is not leaving anything unfinished here. He gave it his all and everyone agreed to move on. I wonder what his thoughts are about leaving things unfinished at NU. It isn’t the final product he wants to see at NU and he knows he can help build it back in whatever capacity.


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