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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Possible B1G Divisions

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10 Year Member
So, after seeing the B1G expand again with adding Maryland & Rutgers, there is speculation as to how the divisions will be split. Here is what I came up with geographicly:


Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Michigan, Northwestern, Iowa, Penn State (or Nebraska)
Nebraska (or Penn State), Rutgers, Purdue, Illinois, Ohio State, Indiana, Maryland
(Nebraska & Penn State are almost on a straight line east/west)

Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Northwestern, Purdue
Indiana, Michigan State, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Maryland, Rutgers

Jim Delaney said he is not sure how the divisions will be split.

How do you distinguish geographics and competitive balance, or do you?

If it came down to one of these two models, the east/west works best, in my opinion, as far as travel is concerned.

The other thing I am curious about is, if you play an 8 game conference schedule, will we have 6 division games and 2 non-division games? And will they eliminate cross division "rivals".


Option 2 won't work - they'll keep the big four separate equally.

Do we think Maryland and Wisconsin are fairly equal historically?

Maybe they can put switch Wisconsin over to our side. That would reestablish the Wisconsin vs. Minnesota rivalry and give us a nice Wisconsin matchup.

Md and Rut in Leaders. Illinois to Legends. Go to a 9 game conference schedule with crossover ASAP. Until then, 8 game with crossover.
Division are already done. Illinois in the West (or Legends). DONE.

I think that's how it will turn out. Keeps it simple and follows the logic they used when we entered the conference. Also, not far off from maintaining an east/west divide which helps with travel costs, at least somewhat. Now if they go to 16, and I think they will, we'll have to start over from scratch.

Option 2 won't work - they'll keep the big four separate equally.

I know how that was the factor when the Legends and Leaders was formed. But how do you factor in Penn State now as one of the big 4. Do you think of them as they once were (were the divisions were formed), or how they are now. If you go by how they are now, you could easily swap them with Wisconsin in my opinion. That would put Nebraska with Wisconsin and Michigan and Ohio State in the same division.
There are six tier one programs in the Big Ten. Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, and Penn State. The most important thing is that those six programs have to be divided equally between the two divisions. Geography has to take a back seat to dividing up those programs. I would divvy the programs up as follows:


Michigan State


Ohio State
Penn State
There are six tier one programs in the Big Ten. Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, and Penn State. The most important thing is that those six programs have to be divided equally between the two divisions. Geography has to take a back seat to dividing up those programs. I would divvy the programs up as follows:


Michigan State


Ohio State
Penn State

I guess your East and West divisions would confuse more people than Legends and Leaders. :stickouttongue:

There are six tier one programs in the Big Ten. Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, and Penn State. The most important thing is that those six programs have to be divided equally between the two divisions. Geography has to take a back seat to dividing up those programs. I would divvy the programs up as follows:

That's a little different than the breakdown two years ago. Then it was:
B) UW, Iowa
C) MSU, NW, Ill., Ind., Purdue and Minn.

I like UW too, but there's no way they are on par with the big four. PSU may not recover, but there's no way to know as the situation is unprecedented. This year, I think they've exceeded everyone's expectations, so I'd have a hard time writing them off yet. MSU has had a few good years- maybe their best ever, but they are 5-6 right now. UW will likely end up 7-5. Those are hot hot-seat records at the big four. Iowa is down this year, but over the past 20 years have been about on par with Wisky in group B.

Everybody that keeps lobbying for UW to come West and a geographic split putting OSU, UM, and PSU in the East seems to have forgotten how well that went in the Big 12 North. If we're in a weak division like that, we can't win. Even if we win we don't get credit because we're in a weak division. No thank you. Keep the divisions balanced, and that means keeping UM in the Legends and UW in the Leaders. If UW is coming to the Legends, Iowa has to go to the Leaders.

Ultimately, I think Illinois will likely come to the Legends and Maryland and Rutgers will land in the Leaders. Rutgers is a good balancer against MSU and NW, which are both a little stronger than their Leaders counterparts.
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