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Official: USC/UCLA Joining B1G in 2024

RUMOR: Without reading 7 pages of this thread to see if this has been addressed, and with no linkable source, I am hearing that 2-4 more Pac teams will also try to join the Big 10.\ and an announcement will be made by end of next week.
That would make some sense. Stanford is a huge get for all Olympic sports and would make the BIG the forefront conference in almost every sport.

18 or 20 team conference could mean 8 or 9 games against your division and a CCG with the two division winners without the shot at repeat. Nobody could argue teams being deserving or not. Could argue that it gets a bit unbalanced to the West with Illinois, Rutgers, Indiana, and Northwerstern all to one side.

Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, USC, UCLA, Stanford, (Washington, Oregon) would be brutal.

Do not credit Warren in this.
The Cali schools see the writing on the wall and realize since they're already bleeding socal talent to else wheres which weakens the Pac through equity, chances of nattys and bigger bucks are nil.
Why do I picture Kevin Warren wiping drool from his lip after being woken from his afternoon slumber by his admin assistant telling him that that USC and UCLA are on the phone and want to talk about them joining the B1G?

That would make some sense. Stanford is a huge get for all Olympic sports and would make the BIG the forefront conference in almost every sport.

18 or 20 team conference could mean 8 or 9 games against your division and a CCG with the two division winners without the shot at repeat. Nobody could argue teams being deserving or not. Could argue that it gets a bit unbalanced to the West with Illinois, Rutgers, Indiana, and Northwerstern all to one side.

Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, USC, UCLA, Stanford, (Washington, Oregon) would be brutal.
What a great volleyball conference.
Can't imagine how they will schedule football games. Networks will want the big guys playing the big guys, year after year.

We may end up with unoffically a big guys section and a rest of us section. We will play Rutgers, Washington, Indiana, Minnesota, etc. and once every 10 years we will play an OSU or a Michigan or one of the others from the big guys section. I doubt LA wants Nebraska turning up at the Rose Bowl regularly.

Not clear to me that this is good for us, except that in every way other than athletics it probably is.

That changes if we ever start winning, but winning is going to become very difficult if we aren't already winning.
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